Weight No More - February 2021 Team Chat



  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx

    I've discovered BuiltBars recently, and they're surprisingly good, and usually running some kind of promotion. I had a referral link at one point, that would give people 25% off their first purchase, I'll have to go find that again and see if it's still valid. I've been eating a BuiltBar a day. High protein, low sugar, and actually tasty. (They should pay me for all the word-of-mouth marketing I've done for them)

    I wish I hadn't looked at that link - Built Bars look awesome. Can't find a trace of them in NZ however. 😆
  • kandi3570
    kandi3570 Posts: 238 Member
    Well ladies the gym went really well. We both pushed ourselves. My daughter said she felt really good when we left. I feel great. 3 days a week I should get pretty toned.
  • goingape
    goingape Posts: 429 Member
    @kandi3570 so nice you and your daughter have gym time together!

    @minstrelofsarcasm I will have to see if we have built bars in Canada. I have a quest bar in my locker at work in case I need something quick.
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 432 Member
    edited February 2021
    Good morning all, it just continues to rain here. I am keeping up with my walking inside. I am also eating a bit lighter this week. Larry has a physical Monday and wanted to drop a few pounds so we are eating healthier. I hope that we both can continue. I am doing well with the eat when hungry - stop when full plan. Last night we left enough grilled chicken breast and vegetables that I will heat that up today and just have to add a little to it to make a meal. I think I will fix some deviled eggs (protein).

    @ALL OF YOU- thanks for the protein bar advice. We are going to Sam's club this week. I will see what they have. I did see pure protein drink the last time I was there, anybody use that????

    @minstrilofsarcasm – congratulations on your NSV. No break shows your stamina is increasing.

    @sleepymom5 - love the one day at a time attitude – you go granny! Try eating from a salad plate, it seems to me a mind game to have a plate full.

    @tryingagain5 – slight gain, next week eat light before weighing - you can do this, I believe in you.

    @rachelrjh – I think MFP should be notified. I am getting a lot of friend request from people who don’t write anything and haven’t filled out anything on their page. I deny all of them.

    @ljdanny – preparing the night before is a great idea and yes housework can wait! With covid and nobody coming over I have been a bit slack lately.

    @kandi3570 – love that you can have some quality family tome at the gym. Also showing your daughter great lifetime habits. I miss the gym.

    KEEP ON KEEPING ON...............................
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 432 Member
  • mxlaw90
    mxlaw90 Posts: 75 Member
    PW 148.2 Lbs
    Cw 149.4 lbs

    This week was a little all over the place, I definitely didn't excercise as much as I wanted and logging went out the window, will do better this week
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    week 2
    pw: 161.0
    cw 159.8

    Finally dropped below 160 again, now to stay there!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,315 Member
    February Week Two

    Weigh In Day: Thursdays
    PW (Previous Weight): 168.0 (February 4th)
    CW (Current Weight): 166.4 (February 11th)
    LTD (Loss to Date): 67.6 lbs

    Yep, I'm happy with that. That was the burst of dopamine I needed before starting my meeting-riddled day.

    I'd like to say I've been on track this past week, for the most part. Have there been a few pretzel+jelly binges? Absolutely. Have I logged them? Pfft, no. But most of my meals have been balanced and satiating, which is the real goal here. My calories, by my estimation, would put me at a loss of 0.5 lb/week or so, which leads me to suspect that I'm finally losing some of that extra water I've been holding to repair my muscles. I definitely feel less bloated, so that's a plus as well.

    I am still trying to find my happy medium here. Over the past week, I have completed 3 resistance workout classes and 5 spin classes without feeling too burnt out. I think the current plan for this coming week is 3 resistance classes and 6 (?) spin classes, but I may be talked into doing a few more. As of this morning, I have completed 796 spin classes, and I'm debating which instructor I want to spend my 800th with. I suppose I don't really have much time to figure it out, but there are still plenty of options between now and Tuesday (the current expected date for my octocentennial) if I decide to move it.

    The past two weeks, I've been going back and forth with my pharmacy and my doctor to get a prescription filled for concentrated vitamin D (vitamin D helps my body process my MS medications better and is theorized to slow down the deterioration happening in my brain). It was finally filled yesterday, and I can feel the difference.

    The lack of sunshine and the cold were horrible contributors to my Seasonal Affective Disorder and I've felt as if I needed to throw myself into extreme organization mode just to keep my mind busy. The addition of an unfilled vitamin D prescription made all of it worse, so the past two weeks have been trudging through sludge. I'm grateful I was able to maintain a routine and stick to (mostly) healthy coping mechanisms. My heart goes out to those who hadn't established those things before the winter, before the pandemic... I hope everyone is doing their best to take care of themselves right now, and I want you to know you're not alone even if you're feeling lonely.

  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thanks! The friend I went for dinner with could only go on Tuesday. I actually did well with dinner. I had grilled chicken, broccoli and roasted potatoes. It also came with a side salad. I wasn't originally planning on dessert but ended up having it anyway. Normally I would have eaten all of the dinner and dessert but made myself eat half of the dinner so I count that as a win.😊
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    edited February 2021

    I understand about the caring but not caring. It happens to all of us. Also, you've been through a lot lately and that is probably not helping with the weight loss. You"ll get it back under control.

    I''m doing well, thanks. I haven't been posting lately, other than my weekly weigh-in.

    I'm on 1st shift now.😁 I started on 1st 2 weeks ago. It's different being awake during the day instead of sleeping but I like it much better. My hours are now 6:30am to 2:30pm. I'm sleeping great at night but my body still thinks it needs to be asleep during the day too. Hopefully another week or two and my body will get used to the change.
  • kandi3570
    kandi3570 Posts: 238 Member
    So as it turns out I’m the delayed reaction muscle soreness type of girl. I felt nothing day one. Today I feel it. Postponed the gym for tomorrow. Not because of the soreness but because I worked a 12 hour shift and I don’t have the energy today. I still have laundry to fold and I’m not doing it, it looks like I’m dressing out of the dryer in the morning for work. 🤷‍♀️ Some days that’s the way this working single mom gig goes. Tomorrow will be a better day.
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 432 Member
    mxlaw90 wrote: »
    PW 148.2 Lbs
    Cw 149.4 lbs

    This week was a little all over the place, I definitely didn't excercise as much as I wanted and logging went out the window, will do better this week

    Yep, we all have those weeks, "I will do better next week" good attitude!
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 432 Member
    pacsnc6 wrote: »
    week 2
    pw: 161.0
    cw 159.8

    Finally dropped below 160 again, now to stay there!

    congratulation! Seeing the 5 instead of the 6 is exciting. keep on keeping on.....
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 432 Member
    edited February 2021

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Good to hear that you have had a good week. Your workouts are amazing and your dedication to your goal and our team is very much appreciated. It has rained here almost every day and the forecast is for 10 more days. I am also ready to see the sun shine! I am trying to find ways of coping with the "staying in" too. My second shot will be Feb. 23 and I am ready to get out a bit more after that. I have never been depressed and I don't like the way this pandemic makes us feel. I am so glad that you finally got the vitamin D approved and that it is already helping you.

    saving half of the dinner is a great plan. I call that a win too. I hope you were able to take it home with you, it sounded amazing. :)
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 432 Member
    edited February 2021

    good to get a days rest between workouts. "tomorrow will be a better day" GREAT ATTITUDE <3 love it!
  • debbiewsharpe
    debbiewsharpe Posts: 432 Member
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    weekly weigh in

    this week: 213

    up I think a half pound from last week? BUT I am eating at maintenance due to a back injury and have been mostly immobile all week long. so weight is as expected.

    hoping to feel better soon... cause how immobile am I? under 1000 steps a day. I'm REALLY tired of being able to do NOTHING. bless my sweet husband who is doing all the livestock and farm stuff, dogs, laundry, etc.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Yes, I took the other half of my dinner home on Tuesday and had it last night. It was really good!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    Week 2
    Pw 189.8
    Cw 189.1
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    @callsitlikeiseeit I hope your back feels better.

    @rachelrjh I have been getting the same friend requests. I have had 4 this week.

    Well I would have liked a bigger loss on the scale but I didnt gain and it's a tom week so that's good. At pt for my feet yesterday she told me I have to give up walking for a bit. Only allowed to ride my bike. Good thing I didnt tell her about zumba she probably would have made me give that up too. It's only once a week so hoping it's ok. I told her I am not ok with this, she said it's not forever. But she said my feet should have started to feel somewhat better by now. I like to give her a hard time. I dont plan on doing much this weekend for Valentine's day. It's really cold here. I think its supposed to snow anyway.
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