70 days!

3greyhorses Posts: 529 Member
Ladies! We only have 10 weeks left! 2.5 months! How's everyone doing? How are ya feeling about May 1st?!

I think I can do at least 1 lb per week. That would put me at a 20lb loss since the start of this group. Not even close to the 35 I had hoped for, but I've learned a lot about realistic expectations through this (especially during the frigid winter months!). I'd be thrilled with 1.5lb/week (15lbs), but won't beat myself up if I don't get to that.

Today is my first "long run" at 4 miles. It's been a long time since I've run that far. I've been running splits of 5.5 minutes, walk for 30 seconds, repeat. Knowing that it's only 5.5 minutes of running makes it tolerable. I can do anything for 5.5 minutes, right? I'll make sure to do some serious stretching/yoga afterwards and log everything so I don't eat all of the calories back. I need to be better at staying hydrated.

Have a great day everyone!


  • Katebook309yahoocom940
    Its been a great challenge. 😁 I've lost 30 but want to get down to 200 by June, so a little longer time frame. Got a vacation coming up in a couple of weeks so it will be difficult to maintain during that.

    I skipped strength training last night because I was super tired and went to bed early. Also skipped my meditation group for the 2nd week for this reason. 🙄 Unfortunately life happens. It will throw me off because I only have so many nights available and don't want to do 2 strength activities back to back. Will do my best with that today plus the other goals. Also a ridiculous amount of cleaning needs to get done. 😅
  • GabiV125
    GabiV125 Posts: 3,116 Member
    You are right @3greyhorses , things are not exactly as I thought when we started here but definitely i improved plenty.
    I lost very little on the scale but being on my last 15 I knew they’d go off very slow and it didn’t help that I didn’t exercise with all the gyms being closed here. So I shelved that aspect and I focused exclusively on eating since that’s the ball I drop most frequently.
    Among other things I worked on some tiny habits change: like eliminate most of the non-intentional eating: grazing in front of tv, or fridge, at the counter, when passing snack bowls etc. For 2 weeks now if I’m hungry I fill a plate and eat at the table with no tv or phone. I’m also trying to slow down eating and even pause between bites.
    Since I got my head in a better spot, I’m hopeful and excited for the next 10 weeks that I’ll drop some. My maximum is 0.5/week so let’s see if I can do it.
    Good luck all!
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    Woah woah woah now.... Only 10 weeks left?! I've still got 13 pounds til I reach my May goal. I've definitely gotta step up my game 😬 i think it's still reasonable.. i know the weight will (and should!) come off slower now, but given my current weight i think 1.3 pounds a week is a little aggressive but still reasonable... I will be happy with whatever outcome, but damn i really wanna reach that birthday goal! Then I'll have the whole rest of the year for those last 15-20 lbs...

    Hope your long run goes well @3greyhorses ! That's a really impressive distance!! 😻 I have the 5k in one week but I'm still taking care of my foot, so no running today :(

    Congrats on your loss thus far @Katebook309yahoocom940 !! I feel you in the sleep factor! Ugh.. fortunately for me I won't be working so many nights next month.. the night AND morning thing has got me drained. Wish there were more hours in the day to fit in work and fun and exercise! 💫💫

    @GabiV125 those final pounds can be so tough! It seems like it's as much about forming new life habits as it is losing those pounds. Way to stick it through! 💙💚

    Goals today: under on cals, sunset walk

    Enjoy your weekend amigas 🌈🌈✨