WEEK THREE - “I Will” March 15-March 21, 2021 🌺🌺



  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,951 Member
    edited March 2021
    @PKM0515 that's a great idea for a habit. Did you know that the state vegetable for Oklahoma is ..... the watermelon?

    I have lived over 60 yrs with the false impression watermelon was a fruit! Now I know that tomatoes are debated but seriously the watermelon???

    I had no idea about watermelon being a vegetable!!!

    I've definitely been eating more fruits and vegetables. I'm so sorry I haven't been keeping up with this thread though. 😔


    Beautiful photo of Bandit earlier in the thread!


    I'm so sorry to read of your sad news. Hugs...
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,865 Member
    Week 3 and 4 seem a bust. I think it's better to do the monthly ones personally. More time to work on a specific tiny habit. With only a week if you mess up a day or two you can throw in the towel and say "next week" vs trying to salvage things. At least that's my unhabited opinion. @PKM0515 nice to see you here.
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,951 Member

    Thank you!

    I'm trying to figure out why I'm having so much trouble posting here. When the thread is active, I do get intimidated, a bit, by the number of posts and feeling that I need to respond to everything even though I know that's not true.

    I do have to say that I'm doing really well with taking my medicine on a daily basis. I credit "this thread" to getting me back on track with that, so thank you, everyone.

    I have to admit, I prefer when this thread sticks to habit tracking. I liked having the social aspects on a different thread. However, I understand perfectly that not everyone feels that way, and we should definitely go with "majority opinion."

    I hope everyone is having an enjoyable, relaxing, fun, or "whatever sort of weekend you need" weekend!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hi! I apologize for being absent the !WHOLE! week. Lots of excuses. I didn't work on any specific habit and I also didn't spend any time up in my reflection, sewing, workout, computer, planning and dreaming space. It's been a rough week medically for many of my family members in 4 different families and I feel that heaviness.

    I like the month-long challenges better than the week. @SummerSkier I agree with your unhabited opinion. Seems like I need time to ease into it and then it takes a few more weeks to get into the rhythm of doing it. And I'm a person who enjoys the chit-chat along with the tracking.

    @PKM0515 I'm glad you are able to keep going with your habit. It's an important one!

  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,951 Member

    Thank you! I'm sorry for all the health concerns your family members are facing. Hugs...
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,865 Member
    @nebslp WOW you and Maddie are having quite the awful March this year. I hope that all the health concerns for you family resolve themselves.

    @PKM0515 its really wonderful to hear that the habit which started you here is sticking!!! I feel like some of mine have stuck as welll and the others I am learning that just because I don't do them religiously 100% is no reason to abandon them completely. 97% is still a win! This one is a tough lesson for me because I tend to either be all in or throw it all out with the bathwater.... My personality tho.

    Today the wind is roaring from the North after several hot humid days. It makes me want to hibernate but it's really not that cold. LOL. Just cloudy drizzly and 60 with a wind of 30 wailing.

    Yesterday I completed my March challenge on my Apple watch. it was REALLY a tough one for me as they often are because I am so active normally that they think they are helping to stretch me. Sometimes I just refuse because there is no way. But this one was within reach and matched up with my running goals so... Anyway that is really what I am focusing on this year. Trying to:

    A: stay off the rollercoaster (March was bad with 2 pretty ugly days of uncontrollable after dinner stuff) and

    B: improve my running pace and keep up with my Run the Year challenge. The running went well and I managed to catch back up to where I was before the Icecolypse struck mid Feb and my pace seems to be improving with doing a speed workout at lunchtime to try to push things.

    Who knows what the April challenge till be tho. LOL. March was not perfect but I think if I tally up all the pluses and minuses that it is heavily weighted toward the WIN section. ANd even the bad parts were something more to learn or relearn. (like when a well intentioned friend sends you a HUGE box of specialty foods probably not the best idea to keep them around....)


  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,951 Member
    edited March 2021

    Thank you! I like what you said about 97% still being a "win." That's an "A" grade, isn't it? I have the same "all or nothing" personality, but I'm trying to challenge that with various things.

    Sorry to hear about your "cold front." I really wanted to walk today, partially because I lost a scrunchie I like on yesterday's walk and was hoping I might find it. However, it's pouring here today.

    You do such an amazing job with your running! I don't understand all the terminology, but I'm so impressed with what you do.

    I've thought of my goals for next week, but they are very simple. I want to ride my stationary bike for a minimum of ten minutes three times a week, and I want to throw out (recycle) one piece of junk mail every day.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, everyone! <3

    (Oops, just realized the "week" is not starting tomorrow here. 😕)

  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,951 Member
    Follow-up to previous post (not that anyone's interested, but I thought I'd "finish the story" anyway 😉): I grabbed my umbrella, went for a walk in the rain, and found my purple print scrunchie! It's the little things. 😁

    Have a great week, everyone! 🌼 💕
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,865 Member
    Oh WELL DONE!! Glad you found it @PKM0515
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @PKM0515 of course there are those that are interested in our stories!! Good for you that you were inspired to go out for a walk in the rain ☔, and was able to find your purple scrunchie! Yes indeed, it is often the little things that can make a difference in our lives at the moment... 💗💐

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @SummerSkier I am absolutely inspired by your running and meeting those incredible miles goals!! 317.4 and still counting in March 🎉 I am always impressed with people who are consistent and persistent in meeting their goals and you are one of them🥳 Thanks for sharing your accomplishments with us. While you’re a 97% achiever, I’m more of a 70% and OK with it kind of gal😂. Obviously why I am where I am😏

    @PKM0515 I’m glad there was a happy ending to your story🙂 There are some things that are special to us for one reason or another that are hard to replace. I had to retire one of my 2 favorite coffee mugs today😩 but I have another one I love just as well. Each thing has its own memories attached to it.