Introduce yourself!

Savilamo Posts: 4 Member
Hello! I'm Serena, 33YO, pregnant with my first baby currently at about 31 weeks, due in April 2021 :] I was looking for a support group on here for healthy pregnancy weight management but couldn't find any recent ones so I decided to create a group. Feel free to post and share. Let's all be kind and supportive of each other - we are growing human beings during a global pandemic! Welcome and thanks for stopping by 💕


  • mommahfit
    mommahfit Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'm Torri and I'm 24. I'm currently pregnant with my second baby and due in May. I can't wait to meet her! I have a 2 year old little boy as well. With my first pregnancy I was on strict bedrest due to having multiple blood clots and I ended up delivering at 33 weeks, but this pregnancy has been completely normal thankfully! I had definitely intended on staying in the gym and being healthy throughout this pregnancy, and although I haven't eaten completely terrible, it's been extremely difficult to make it to the gym. Hopefully getting back on this app and being in a group like this will help me to get motivated and get back in the gym for at least my last trimester! So glad to have found a group like this! Also - congratulations to all you mama's. <3
  • danijolson
    danijolson Posts: 32 Member
    Hey ladies!! I’m so happy to find this group!! I’m 31 and pregnant with #4, a boy due in mid April!! Although this is #4, it’s my second pregnancy.

    I’m almost 33 weeks now and finally feeling myself, more energy and feeling healthy finally!! Feel free to add me as a friend on here! I’m on Instagram too (@danijhanson) if you want to follow! So excited to have found this group!!
  • rebeccapike14
    rebeccapike14 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I'm 32 weeks with my third and I'm thrilled to find a pregnancy group in this app. I think it has been sorely needed since staying fit and eating healthy does look different in pregnancy. Pregnancy can also present different health challenges that aren't even a problem otherwise. I have a blood clotting disorder that cost me my first baby at birth because it was undiagnosed so, I have to take blood thinner shots through all pregnancies. And this pregnancy has presented with diet related blood sugar spikes that had to be figured out. I'm so done with being pregnant and ready to meet my little man.
  • ransinlove
    ransinlove Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, ladies! I'm almost 31 weeks pregnant with my first baby, due in May. I've been using MyFitnessPal to track my calorie and mainly protein and sugar intake for a healthier diet. I'm afraid I eat way too much fruit (which means a lot of sugar even though whole fruits are healthy) every day, so trying to keep myself in check.

    I also use FitOn app to do prenatal workout almost every day! If you have any workout or recipe tips, please do share.:)

    I'm on Instagram if anybody wants to connect @ransinlove

    Hope everybody has a healthy pregnancy and smooth labor!
  • Savilamo
    Savilamo Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone for sharing! Love hearing all your stories, thanks for sharing this journey with me:]
  • jacqui1612
    jacqui1612 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm jacqui, pregnant with my first. Due early August. I have used MFP many times over the last 10 years or so. Wanting to track my food as I've been getting terrible heartburn and wanting to try and figure out if there is something in particular that is causing it.. looking forward to going through this with you all.
  • Size06Soon
    Size06Soon Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Everyone!! I'm pregnant with my first child. Today I made 5 months. I'm due at the end of August. I've been inconsistently using MFP forever. I'm making an effort to be more consistent because growing a baby is putting my body through changes. lol. You all can add me as a friend so we can keep each other on track. looking forward to going through this journey with you all.
  • bobdebob95
    bobdebob95 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been on my weight loss journey a few months now, and not lost any weight. Today I got a bfp and so that's put a stick in my gears! Hoping to manage weight loss healthily now I have no. 3 on the way 😱🙈
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    Hi I am newly pregnant ad well, due December 24 (oh boy).

    Looking to have a healthy pregnancy. I cut way down on unhealthy snacks the day I found out (2 days ago now) and hope to make veggies a bigger part of my diet.

    This will be my 3rd child.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    @bobdebob95 we must be due right around the same time then!? Only one day apart from our BFPs! And both on 3rd child.
  • bobdebob95
    bobdebob95 Posts: 5 Member
    Must be! I did a clearblue and I'm 5-6 weeks! It's crazy
  • missball
    missball Posts: 21 Member
    Hi. I'm a FTM due in November.
    It's been a long time since I've tracked and BMI is 29-30 so keen to avoid excessive weight gain during this pregnancy and hopefully avoid complications.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    @bobdebob95 have you found your due date yet? You might be a week or two ahead of me. What ages are your other two children? I have a 3 (almost 4) year old and a 2 year old. I think my 3 year old son will be the most excited when we tell him we are having another baby. He isnt the cuddles kid, but he keeps asking for more babies haha.

    @missball you'll do great! Glad to see you here! The pregnancy boards have been quiet (the ones I used for my previous pregnancies) and im feeling lonely lol.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    @jacqui1612 ah Heartburn, my nemesis. For me it was anything tomato based! Which better not be the case this time cuz all I'm craving is stewed tomatoes. Like... the idea of eating them out of the can... sounds pretty dang good.

    @Size06Soon I shall add you, if that's OK! Nice to have friends going though the same things.