Introductions Please....

suzy0317 Posts: 67 Member
Hello All!
I have been dealing with Chron's Disease for 30 years now. I've had surgery, treatments and remissions and am currently back into an "active period" after a 98% blockage that had me hospitalized for 5 days. After all these years, I have realized that this is my life and have come to accept most of the issues that come along with the illness. I barely remember a time when I wasn't wondering where the bathroom as soon as I walk into a new location :) BUT, I do find that having support is key. So I am hoping that this will be someplace where we can support and motivate to keep us on this journey.
Weight loss wise - I have been on MFP since July and have lost 27 lbs. I have at least another 10-15 to go for my personal goal.
I'm looking forward to making new friends and have some fun!


  • duckykissy
    duckykissy Posts: 285 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi everyone!

    I've been dealing with hashi's symptoms since age 7, so 20 years now. I had an awful roller coaster of common hypo symptoms due to having a TSH that was "high but within normal range" until I was properly diagnosed at 23. I've had have my dose upped 2 times in the last 4 years and have had to fight most of that time to get noticed (no my hair falling out isn't good no matter what TSH says). Even though I'm currently at a good dose, if I miss one I get swollen, painful joints (hands, feet, and knees), constipation, and fatigue for several days. So not fun. I'm also extremely lactose intolerant and am trying to transition into a paleo diet (pretty lax, but no dairy or wheat atm) for myself and husband. My husband is a bit crippled (our family isn't very p/c ;) ) and is slowly losing muscles in his legs and hands so activities with walking are limited for us and that can be a bit hard. He also has chronic fatigue so lack of sleep, too much exercise, or just random bad days can make for pretty bad days for both of us.

    This is my first real go around with MFP (lasted 2 days 3 years ago), and so far I've been here for a week and a half. My personal weight loss goal is 47kg (101 lbs) and so far I'm down 2kg. I'm looking forward to meeting new people and making friends.
  • af_wife2004
    af_wife2004 Posts: 149 Member
    My name is Samantha, and I have Anklyosing Spondylitis. I was originally diagnosed with sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis, but they later changed it to AS.
  • dtierno
    dtierno Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I have had Hashimoto's for 25 years and it fluctuates with me needing to take synthroid and sometimes I do not need to. I have been working with my rheumatologist to get a proper diagnosis for another autoimmune illness. About 16 months ago I was ANA positive but sero-negative for RF and Sjogren's so he thought it was sero-negative RA and I was treated with methotrexate and when that did not work Humira. Last fall I had a horrible flare and developed a malar rash. I went back in to see the doc and he finally ran an anti-ds dna - guess what it was positive so now we are leaning toward a Lupus diagnosis. I go back to see the doctor tomorrow as we redid the labs last week and it will be interesting to see what the outcome is and if we can get a final diagnosis. Meanwhile I am on plaquenil.

    I really just want to be as proactive as possible - as there is no organ involvement to date. Since I am also pre-diabetic I have been really working on improving my overall health and eating habits. I follow a paleo diet most of the time ( once in a while I have a little treat) but have found that eliminating grains, dairy, sugar etc really has decreased my inflammation. I have lost almost 18lbs on MFP and really enjoy the community support. I look forward to making new friends.

  • agbmom556
    agbmom556 Posts: 694 Member
    Hi, I have psoriasis. It showed up about a month after my daughter was born (13 Yrs ago). I try to keep the flare ups under control but with a stressful job and busy family schedule, its a little tough.
    I am hopeful that loosing weight will help lessen the flare ups. :D
  • jeni_a
    jeni_a Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I have psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and autoimmune hepatitis. I have been on various meds for years but am currently on 50 mg of Imuran and 5 mg of prednisone, trying to wean down from 40 mg, but every time I go below 5 my liver enzymes jump back up. I am DYING to get off of the steriods but it seems impossible. I have gained weight around my midsection and have the classic moon face from them, which I hate. I am trying to manage my weight with MFP but at this point I feel like all I'm doing is staving off weight gain. I guess that's better than nothing but I still need to get about 20 more lbs off if possible.

    Looking forward to meeting you all and making some new friends who know what it's like to have autoimmune issues!
  • sally2303
    sally2303 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi ladies/gents

    I'm Sally, diagnosed with RA in 2012 at 27yrs. Currently taking Mtx, prednisone, plaquenil, folic acid and Actemra infusions.
    Currently on second round of 12wbt (Feb 2015) lost just over 6kg in first round lost 3kg in 3 weeks this round so far :smile:
    168cm tall hourglass.
    Heaviest weight 97kg
    Current weight 86.4kg
    Goal weight 65-68kg

    I'm aiming to be close to 70 kg by Christmas - I'm doing this on my own terms nice and slow and adding what exercise I can. I try to do aqua fit twice a week, 5pm walk Saturdays and walking and light weights during week... All depending on how bad my RA is flaring.

    Good luck to you all on your respective journeys feel free to add me x
  • canutillomom
    Hi, I'm new to myfitnesspal, but not autoimmune disorders! I have primary biliary cirrhosis, GERD and celiac disease. And I'm having my second colonoscopy in 6 months because my gastro is fairly certain that I have Crohn's as well.

    My only medications are Ursodiol and Nexium.

    I'm looking forward to getting to "know" you all!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Hello! I'm Britt. 28 years old who became a Momma last year in June to my first child!

    I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2012 and Hashi's just at the beginning of this month. I am on 25mcg of Levo and hoping to see some improvement. I haven't been able to lose weight for years. It's always been the struggle of losing the same couple pounds over and over again. After my DD was born I gained a couple lbs, and at Christmas I was up to my highest at 176.6.

    I've been doing intermittent fasting and have lost almost 8lbs since then!
  • sad_kitty
    sad_kitty Posts: 84 Member
    Hi folks, I'm Carrie. I'm 37, and have chronic pelvic pain syndrome and stage 3/4 endometriosis, which comes with a whack of immune symptoms. I'm on long term disability. I have the diet thing down pretty well most days, but I definitely need to move more, which can get tricky with the pain and fatigue. I seem to be having new and unsettling symptoms recently which have gotten in the way of being able to head to a gym or do much more than walk and stretch gently/light weights. I've only managed a 3 lb loss in the last month, but my weight fluctuates greatly because of swelling so I'm not recording my weight weekly. Only when I drop below the last weigh in. Otherwise, I take it a day at a time and try not to get too bummed when a bad day hits.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    Hi All. I'm Lucy, 51, and I was diagnosed with Hashi's last September but as with others it took a few years for my doctor to finally figure it out. I probably started having issues about 5-6 years ago. Last September I dropped all Gluten and loaded up on supplements and I started feeling so much better, but no weight loss. I'm hoping to lose the 50 pounds I've gained with this over the last several years. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • LaceyVskmp1980
    LaceyVskmp1980 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello Everyone! I was diagnosed in 2011 with Pernicious Anemia (autoimmune B12 deficiency). Years of not being diagnosed lead to more problems, such as chronic fatigue, ulcers and nerve damage. I also have degenerative disc disease, thoracic outlet syndrome, on and on… And I have a daughter with Hashimoto’s
    If you are looking for support from someone who understands what it’s like to struggle to get out of bed every day and find motivation, feel free to add me.
  • TraceyA1004
    TraceyA1004 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi, I'm new to My Fitness Pal. Not sure if this group is active...
    I have Reactive Arthritis and am a support group leader for the Spondylitis Association of America. I think ours is the only active group in Florida right now, but I live near Tampa. Look us up at if you are interested in joining our support group. You don't have to live in Tampa, (or Florida for that matter) we meet via Zoom