Chat Room - this is place to have all those great discussions



  • candok1260
    candok1260 Posts: 421 Member
    debteveldahl86 - It going to be 90 today what is a heat wave in Cleveland,
    -Marilyn- t going to be 90 today what is a heat wave in Cleveland,. Good job doing
    your meal planning.
  • highalpine1
    highalpine1 Posts: 59 Member
    I am going for a MRI this morning and then back home here. Right now it is 82 out and it is only 7:50am. we are going to get to 107 today. I am only running my AC as little as possible as they are saying we may have to have rolling black out if too much power is used. I wish I had not sold my generator. We used it when we lived up North to run the freezer, ref and computer and a couple of lights. It sure was worth it as my freezer is full of meats, ans fish. I think it is a good investment even if only once a year used. May think about one again.
  • steffy1182
    steffy1182 Posts: 18 Member
    edited June 2021
    Newfie here!
    I just said goodbye to my one Spark Group I was involved in. Onward and upward.
    It's been pleasantly warm here for past few days. I burned to a crisp on Sunday. The wind made it feel cooler than it actually was.
    I have been lazy and eating garbage since I went on vacation June 18...time to smarten up, now and start eating healthy again.

    I hope the heat wave breaks for you all on the east coast and in OR and ID. I worries about you up there.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,494 Member
    June 29 2021

    We here in Canada (west coast) are under a horrendous heat wave and a heat warning. 3 days ago the city I live in broke a record for heat going back to 1896. It is now 9:10 a and it is 86 F (31 C) and they show that we will be hitting a high of 115 F by 12 noon - woke up this morning at 7 am to find that the inside of the house was at 29 C (pretty much 90 F) - to hot for first thing in the morning. Praying that our central air will hold up with all the heat of having to have it on - have ordered 2 more portable air conditioners and we do have 4 standing fans going but it is still very hot. the portable air conditioners are not due to arrive till July 19 - though we have been told they have now been shipped - praying that the will arrive sooner than the 19th

    Am prepared for July - lots of menus made up and saved here on the food tracker under the given meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) This is an option that I love - now rather than having to search each day I just click on the meal I am making for the day - cuts down time later though has taken a bit more time now to make them up.

    Am putting together a group for walking - when I have it ready I will make it public but if you are interested in walking and keeping a track of your daily miles showing city to city how far you have gone it might be a group for you - let me know if interested so that I can make sure you get an invite when it is ready. We will be walking across Canada.

    Well, time to get up and walk around the house using my pedometer. Do this now before it gets even hotter

  • candok1260
    candok1260 Posts: 421 Member
    highalpine -good luck on your MRI today I will pray for you.

    steffy118- you can do this. Just take it 1 day at time.

    Marilynsretired- I pray your heat go away
  • highalpine1
    highalpine1 Posts: 59 Member
    trying to get my walking in this morning. It is already 87 and it is only 8am.
  • highalpine1
    highalpine1 Posts: 59 Member
    Did get 24 min of walking in with 1.13 miles. Hope to do better tomorrow.
  • candok1260
    candok1260 Posts: 421 Member
    highalpine1-you did good on your walking.
    Hope everyone have a good day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,494 Member
    July 3 2021

    Just checking in - we have had such horrendously hot weather and on July 1 the worst storm ever. Fires broke out all around us - and one small town here in British Columbia Canada (west coast) has burn down completely killing some families - so upset that this town is now no longer. Then on at 10 pm on the 1st a storm hit our city. In 73 years have never lived through one like this. 15 fires were started all around the city. One subdivision which has about 500 homes was given 5 minutes to evacuate at 10 pm - our daughter and her family were one - they have been able to return but are on fire watch - we went for a ride last night and it is devastating to see all the damage - but there is still a lot of trees that could go up. So we are also living right now with a container packed and by the door holding important papers that we would want to take in case of an emergency.

    28 Day of logging on here at mfp and am so enjoying this website - each day I am loving it more and all the features it has - especially the food tracker - finding it so much better than SP though I thought that one good but this one has so things that are much better such as being able to put meals into the categories of breakfast lunch or dinner and also when you click onto breakfast, add a food it brings up all the food you have recorded for previous breakfasts so easy to just click rather than having to re search for them.

    Anyway, though it is still early am tired - lots of back pain right now so need to take some time to do my oils and to take a nap to see if the pain will subside some.

    - Marilyn
    leader of Walk Across Canada
  • highalpine1
    highalpine1 Posts: 59 Member
    Marilyn sorry to hear about the fires. Will be praying. We are still in our heat wave of over 100 degrees.
    Had a good day today even though I am not feeling good. Got out real early and got 1/2 my back yard mowed, did manage to walk 1.20 miles total 77 min. Got the MRI results on my web site today. not good by no means. I see the DR on Tuesday and he will go over them with me. I am not going to worrie about them. Have a good 4th everyone
  • highalpine1
    highalpine1 Posts: 59 Member
    Did church on line this morning. Thank God that we stream. My neck, part of my back and arm is hurting and the cluster is still there. Had lunch and going to try to rest on the couch for a while and then get some walking in. Will post later again
  • highalpine1
    highalpine1 Posts: 59 Member
    did get my walking in Did 52 min 4.9 miles still hurting. most likely going to bed early before the noise starts.
  • candok1260
    candok1260 Posts: 421 Member
    Marilynsretired- sorry about all the fires. I hope the town recover quickly. 28 days of being on mfp that great. I am srating to really love the site too.
    But I mss the community on spark.

    highalpine1- Sorry about your mri. I will ray for you.

    Everyone have a good day.
  • highalpine1
    highalpine1 Posts: 59 Member
    loved the fireworks all around last night, but I did not like the ones that landed in my back yard that is drier then a bone and started 3 small fires. Thank God I could smell dry grass burning and went out and used my hose to put them out.
    Will post later again my walking. Have a great day everyone
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,494 Member
    July 5 2021

    All is well here. Had my 2nd jab for the covid vaccine yesterday - arm is a bit stiff but otherwise good. Was smart this time as I took an allergy med before having it and then took another one when I got home - just made it go better as my anxiety brings on strange sensations in my body.

    Day 30 of logging onto MFP - 1 month already - time has gone by quickly. Am enjoying things here a lot, though I do miss SP am working on not thinking about it now being no more - no point in that - this is where I have landed and am enjoying it here.

    Going to work on getting in some walking today - the smoke from all the fires is not good but really like to go out for a small walk - will see when hubby comes back from coffee with his buddy otherwise will have to use my pedometer and walk around the house.

    Well it is time to get up and move and get a couple of chores done - my china cabinet needs to be cleaned - we took the doors off the top where you put dishes and have many of my cermanic pigs in place (have about 300 pigs) and they all need to be taken down cleaned, shelves cleaned and then put back. Takes a bit of time and because there are so many I don't get them all done as often as I would like but it is now time for it to be done - actually all the livingroom really needs a good dusting - with the smoke, dust and having a small dog it shows up faster than I can keep it down it seems.

    Anyway have a great day everyone

    leader of Walking Across Canada
  • highalpine1
    highalpine1 Posts: 59 Member
    got 13 min walking in .63 miles 100 cal. not a good day exercise wise. Tomorrow is PT in the morning.
  • highalpine1
    highalpine1 Posts: 59 Member
    Did get 14 min .73 miles 114 cal today. Doing what I can with my medical problems and temps over 107
  • highalpine1
    highalpine1 Posts: 59 Member
    not feeling good, but did get 11 min walking in
  • highalpine1
    highalpine1 Posts: 59 Member
    Did get 13 min in yesterday even though I was having a lot of medical problems.
  • highalpine1
    highalpine1 Posts: 59 Member
    got 11 min walking in. still having trouble with pain in my neck and spine and headaches