IF and medications


I'm just starting out trying IF and I have questions about meds. I have a lot of meds. There are some that I am not sure wouldn't count as calories. I have to take them all and I can't fit them all in my fasting window. I'm curious how others have dealt with their meds and if anyone has seen any positive or negative results in their fasting because of having to take meds during their fasting times.
Just curious, I'd love to hear any feedback.

Thanks! :)


  • Valeena
    Valeena Posts: 2 Member
    I take supplements and sometimes totally forget to take them with meals. In that case if I am fasting, I will take them with some milk. I'm not a stickler for being SO strict with my fasting and eating window. I think milk or even soy or almond milk can coat my stomach when it's almost empty so that I don't get an upset stomach. That's what works for me anyway. <3
  • PaulyJoMomma
    PaulyJoMomma Posts: 105 Member
    I do not take ANY of my medications, supplements, or vitamins during my fasting window. I have seen excellent results in my weight loss. I lost 12 pounds just in March. Those results are typical for me. I do a 16:8 schedule.
  • JustyLinn
    JustyLinn Posts: 1 Member
    I take all my medications on schedule regardless of my fasting/eating window and it's been fine. I just make sure not to take any "gummy" type vitamins when fasting, as they can have sweeteners as an ingredient, and I try to take my multivitamin during my eating window to be easier on my stomach.