August 8



  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    @MaltedTea very cool and interesting info about eating in other countries! Thanks! And you're doing so well! 36% protein is pretty darn good! I'm loving seeing your calendar updates every day. :)
  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 951 Member
    1st pass day
  • bradkcrew
    bradkcrew Posts: 1,548 Member
    Tracking: :)
    Calories: :)
    Exercise: :):s
  • clutterqueen
    clutterqueen Posts: 1,652 Member
    Pass day #2
  • victorious55
    victorious55 Posts: 3,320 Member
    August 8, 2021

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    Kitchen Closed? Yes
    Going "nuts" with nuts today? No (7 days-free )
    (I go "nuts" with nuts most times, trying to continue a good habit this month. Counting the number of "nuts" free days.) I am still learning a lot about myself in this area!

    Lots of freggies today? Just 3 :(

    Pass day 1/3 (this is for accountability to myself and my records).
  • crusherbrickman
    crusherbrickman Posts: 46 Member
    Exercise - yes. 6 mile walk through National Battlefield.
    Tracked - yes
    Calories - yes. Intermittent fasting not sure how i feel about this. Its hard to eat 1200 kal in the 6 -8 hrs. So I start to feel desperate to get cals and that can't be good
  • readyornot1234
    readyornot1234 Posts: 1,027 Member
    Vacations - my husband and I share desserts. If the meals are big we will split one. I try to limit cocktails. We tend to go on active vacations - hiking etc so it usually works out. There are really cool state parks everywhere. Neither one of us likes to sit by a pool or at the beach.

    Sunday, August 8

    Tracking: Yes
    Calories: under, way too low on protein again
    Exercise: Yes, full body warm up 10 min, indoor cycle 45 min, cool down ride, post ride stretch 10 min

    Pass days to date - 2
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    Yes x 3
  • Healthymumlife
    Healthymumlife Posts: 130 Member
    Sunday 8th August;
    Exercise: 1 hour cycling & 30 minutes beach walk ✅
    Tracked calories: yes ✅
    Stayed under calorie goal: ✅
    It was a beautiful sunny day so my exercise was a joy to do 🥰
    Day 6
    2/3 pass days used
  • tdrjustus3
    tdrjustus3 Posts: 542 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? ✅
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? ✅
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? ✅
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,105 Member
    Mrs_Hoffer wrote: »

    Cholesterol tests: Normal to Optimal
    Off Avorstatin

    Blood pressure: low normal
    Off lisinopril

    Crohn’s in remission

    Excellent blood glucose

    Great kidney labs.

    Form unhealthy to healthy.❤️

    NICE!! You've done such an amazing job Maddie! You are such an inspiration! ❤️

    Thank you @Mrs_Hoffer !
    I only post it to inspire. 😁
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,105 Member
    8th Aug
    Yes 20 min walk i always get very proud of myself wen i do intentional exercise on the w/e lol. Yes under but i had to reluctantly forfeit desert as i found myself picking at lasagne after dinner. Dam!!! Yes tracked had to estimate the picking lasange. @MadisonMolly2017 i must say ur post on freggies def helped i had to buy double the amount of freggies this fortnight! Xo

    Thank you @donna25trinity !! Great news!!!
    I just ate a big bowl of baby carrots & im
    About to go get my bowl of watermelon!! Such a good season for freggies!! Cheers!
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    Did I exercise at least 20 minutes? No. Just under and it was just walking Sienna first thing this morning and for her last walk tonight. Oh, and trying to keep up with her and our neighbor's Shiba Inu as they wrestled and ran zoomies around Kutsu's human and I. We had to keep untangling the leashes. But it was good for the puppies. I didn't get my bike ride in this morning, my hand turned off my alarm, my body rolled over and I slept for another 3 hours. Ah well. ;)

    Did I track everything? I did.

    Did I stay within calories? I did not. Tracking things can be really depressing, but it just shows how little it takes to rack up the calories and carbs in a day.

    I haven't had a real "vacation" since about 2013.
    At that time, I was in the throes of exercising almost daily and watching/tracking what I was eating. I was about in the middle of the C25k program. So, while I was in Whittier for my friend's 25th wedding anniversary vow renewal and formal party, I didn't run, but the friend I was sharing a hotel room with joined me on a walk around the area we were in and around Whittier College. There was a great deal of dancing at the reception. And, even though everything was buffet style and I didn't track that weekend, I kept my platefuls, if not completely healthy, at least limited in volume. :) Later in the week, I was in Encinitas and one day I ran on the beach (something I never thought I'd do!) and the next my cousin's wife and I walked around Balboa Park and the Art Museum there. Again, I kept my meals to whatever I wanted to eat, but just limited the amount. I didn't lose any weight, but then, I didn't gain any either.

    Since that time, all of my "vacations" have been spent in my apartment. And I was constantly grazing. And not healthily. I might go out and walk or run on the weekend, but the rest of the time I was usually sitting on my @$$ with a book, or watching something, or sleeping.
    I put on more and more poundage. I would like to think that nowadays I'd get up in the morning (most of them anyways) and go for a ride and/or take the dog for a walk and I'd like to think I'll have gotten my head out of it's current stupid place and I'd eat as I know I need to to stay healthy. Sigh. Hard to say... I can't even do that for a full weekend these days.
    But I'll keep on trying.

    @MaltedTea, somehow I missed the link everybody was commenting on so I went back to look at it. OMG, woman, you are gorgeous! Congratulations on all that you've accomplished in your journey so far. I aspire to do a fraction as well.

    Also, to everybody, thank you for all your kind words and encouragements. I take it all in and hold it close. I appreciate each and every one of you.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,105 Member
    Aug 8