New to MFP and wanting to get back into lifting

cherie8525 Posts: 109 Member
I found this group, I am hopeful some of you are still here and active.
I am looking to rebuild muscle after life had thrown many curve balls.
I stared keto in Jan and have reached a onderland and down to life goal being back in 150s
:D all these years I thought I had plenty of muscle under all the fluff, wellllllllllll now that the fat has melted off, not so much muscle as I had been telling myself.
upside, I have grown muscle since spring. NEED A LOT MORE
now that the fluff off my butt is gone, I am sitting on my tail bone/ spine, not a pleasant feeling at all
(hilarious aspect, Never would I ever have thought I would have a flat/no butt :D ) cracks me up often)
anyone eat keto and building muscle?


  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hello! I have been taking a bit of break lately (due to injury), but I am hoping to get back to it soon. I have a vacation at the beginning of October and another at the end of February and they are motivating me. I don't eat keto, though. I'm more of an IIFYM kind of gal. Welcome and good luck!
  • cherie8525
    cherie8525 Posts: 109 Member
    I hope your injury heals quickly. I use a cream called T-Relief, it works miracle on inflammation . what is IIFYM?
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks. I will know more about my injury next week. I have an MRI scheduled for Friday afternoon. I've been suffering from chronic golfer's elbow and physical therapy actually made it worse. Probably looking at surgery (elbow debridement) at this point. :disappointed:

    IIFYM stands for "if it fits your macros" meaning I eat whatever I want as long as I make certain macro nutrient goals. I try to get 90-100 grams of protein a day and 25-30 grams of fiber. I have a weakness for fatty foods, so that macro is never an issue. I let the rest fall where it may. I've been more or less maintaining for the last few years, gaining a few pounds with each holiday/vacation and then getting back on track afterward.
  • cherie8525
    cherie8525 Posts: 109 Member
    This will help your shoulder, It is amazing.. there are days I wish for a vat..

    My body love living on ketones, night day mentally and physically.. Fiber isn't my friend at this time

    are you able to work other body parts?
    My goal will be figuring out how to work limbs, body part with out pushing on core due having hernias
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,499 Member
    cherie8525 wrote: »
    This will help your shoulder, It is amazing.. there are days I wish for a vat..

    My body love living on ketones, night day mentally and physically.. Fiber isn't my friend at this time

    are you able to work other body parts?
    My goal will be figuring out how to work limbs, body part with out pushing on core due having hernias

    I will have to look for that stuff. Thanks. I'm not sure it will help much at this point, though. The issue appears to be more than inflammation. In addition to riding horses and lifting weights, I am a competitive pole fitness athlete and my doctor thinks I've just damaged it so many times without healing properly that there is a build-up of scar tissue.

    My sister is a big fan of the low-carb lifestyle. My body seems to change what it wants every few years. For example, when I first joined, I used to skip breakfast, eat a light lunch, and indulge at dinner. Now I seem to want more calories during the day and fewer at night.

    I can still do the majority of my workout. I've learned to modify moves to protect my elbow. I have taken the last several weeks off to give the PT a chance to work, but that's over now. I had the MRI yesterday and now I have a disk I need to bring to my doctor. I guess then I schedule a follow-up appointment to find out what they discovered.

    Can't say that I know much about hernias. Has your doctor been able to advise you?
  • cherie8525
    cherie8525 Posts: 109 Member
    I don't think the T-Relief is going to heal the damage, but It should help with the irritation of living with it. My body has loved the low carb.. the last few weeks have been a struggle.. I think bored with what I am eating I need to put more effort into making meals and Loss .. My sister passed away July 22.. no warning :( grief is a painful, mentally tough journey.

    My Dr won't touch the hernias due to the radiation damage. they feel it will not heal once cut to fix.. basically told suck it up butter cup the only way they will do surgery is if cancer comes back..
    so I have sucked up , LOL become very aware of what expands them and causes pain. Ironic really, even laughing hard, or a good yell, pops them out and becomes an irritant.