Welcome New Members

316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
edited August 2021 in Social Groups
Welcome to the Group!

I am so happy to have you join. Please introduce yourself with sharing your Name and your MFP name and the goals you are hoping to meet and anything else about yourself. Bottom line, we are here for you and look forward to getting to know you better.

My name is Judith. It is my desire to be here for you with coming along side you cheering you on your journey and to encourage you in any way I can.

Here at God’s Amazing Grace you will find a number of activities to join in. Each month we will have Monthly Team Challenges for you to work on which will include Nutrition and Fitness Goals.

I will post daily Devotions and my Bible Reading and thoughts shared.

Hope to see you join me in the many activities I have made available here for you.

You are welcome to share your Questions, Thoughts, Suggestions and Struggles you have.

God Bless you
Your Friend and Team Leader




  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    We have 2 New Members: welcome to Stevedavismfp and JC_Willow

    So happy to have you join the Team. I wish you God’s Best in your journey!

    God Bless
    Your Friend & Team Leader

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    We have 3 More New Members who have joined our Team...Let's give our new Friend's a Warm Welcome; Taisaac, Marilynsretired, and Fancyqtr, We are so happy to have you onboard and will stand with you and cheer you on your journey.

    Your Friend and Team Leader

  • ToriaStitch
    ToriaStitch Posts: 62 Member

    My name is Victoria and my MFP name is ToriaStitch
    I am from the UK and have been a Methodist all my life and struggled with my weight for over 30 years
    I post daily prayers on my church page every day and a weekly service since March 2020
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Welcome Victoria, we are happy to have you on the Team, we are standing with you on your journey, may we encourage you to participate in the Team's Monthly Goals and Activities...

    God Bless
    Your Friend and Team Leader
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Today we have Welcomed 4 New Members; RAPTUROUSRITA, ruthmishler, iolaanne05, and ToriaStitch. We are happy to have you onboard and stand with you on your journey. May we encourage you to Participate in our Team Monthly Goals and Activities here.

    God Bless
    Your Friend and Team Leader
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    edited September 2021
    We have 3 new Team Members; welcome to the Team misslorij3440, Asobfalls and rorylyon1

    We are happy to have you onboard and stand with you on your journey. May we encourage you to participate in the Monthly Team Goals and Activities that are here.

    God Bless
    Your Friend and Team Leader
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Today we welcomed another team member, Ladybugloveremily to the Team.

    We are happy to have you onboard and stand with you on your journey. May we encourage you to participate in the Monthly Team Goals and Activities that are here.

    God Bless
    Your Friend and Team Leader
  • keys35
    keys35 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Rose, keys35.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    edited September 2021
    We have Welcomed Two New Team Members keys35 "Rose" and delplatodaniel to the Team.

    We are happy to have you onboard and stand with you on your journey. May we encourage you to participate in the Monthly Team Goals and Activities that are here.

    God Bless
    Your Friend and Team Leader
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    We have another new member and have welcomed Healthyme7410, to our Team tonight.

    We are happy to have you onboard and will stand with you on your journey. May we encourage you to participate in the Monthly Team Goals and Activities that are here.

    God Bless
    Your Friend and Team Leader

  • Asobfalls
    Asobfalls Posts: 458 Member
    Looking forward to exploring this group! My name is Joyce, Asob Falls was a place where we frequently stopped to picnic on childhood trips in Nigeria, where my parents worked as missionaries for 25 years.
    Live with hubby in the Missouri Ozarks (Springfield) also take care of 96 year old father in Assisted Living. Still working 2+ days a week in hospital drowning in Covid cases. (I work in psych not Covid thankfully).
    WaterAerobics, Bike, Walk...quilt. Relax in God's Word
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    edited September 2021
    Thank you for sharing Joyce, it’s a pleasure having you on the Team, thank you for joining and thank you for exploring what the Group has to offer and thank you for participating in all our Groups activities.

    God’s Blessings
    Your Friend and Team Leader
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,732 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Susan Luke on Facebook, Urbanlotus from SparkPeople and LosinSusin here 😊 I live in Queensland, Australia. My goal is maintaining my weight loss or losing a little more. Nice to be here!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    edited September 2021
    Welcome LosinSusin thank you for joining.

    We are happy to have you onboard and stand with you on your journey.

    May we encourage you to participate in the Monthly Team Goals and Activities that are here.

    God Bless
    Your Friend and Team Leader

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Welcome to Twigbiskit15 to the Group, thank you for joining..

    We are happy to have you onboard and stand with you on your journey.

    May we encourage you to participate in the Monthly Team Goals and Activities that are here.

    God Bless
    Your Friend and Team Leader
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 762 Member
    I finally found this team!! Yeah! I believe I found how to join! So glad to be here and look forward to meeting everyone. I was on Spark People since 2009 and so thankful to find so many members here on MFP.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Good Morning, welcome to the Team Sandi, so happy you have joined.We are happy to have you onboard and stand with you on your journey...

    May I encourage you to join our activities, may we encoueage you to join our monthly team goals that are here.

    God Bless
    Your Friend and Team Leader

  • dee107107
    dee107107 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello I am Dee was on Sparks and follow you because of your bubbly wisdom and love it thanks for the invite
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    Good Morning,

    Welcome to the Team Dee, its great to have you onboard and stand with you on your journey.

    May I encourage you to join our group activities and join our monthly team goals that are here.

    God Bless
    Your Friend and Team Leader
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,650 Member
    edited September 2021
    Good Morning,

    Welcome to the Team Fancyqtr and Tess77h we are happy to have you both onboard, thank you for joining and introducing yourself in Chat Cafe...We are here for you and stand with you on your journey.

    May I encourage you both to join our group activities and join our monthly team goals that are here.

    God Bless
    Your Friend and Team Leader