September 11



  • slimtastesbetter
    slimtastesbetter Posts: 8,027 Member
    Tracked - Yes
    Within calorie budget - Yes
    Exercise - Yes - treadmill today, 30 minutes of walking and 1 mile running in 10:17.

    2 out of 3 Pass Days used
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,028 Member
  • oh_jackie
    oh_jackie Posts: 429 Member
    SEP 11
    Exercise ✅ [20 min walk]
  • znaoiec
    znaoiec Posts: 1,986 Member
    Yes, yes and yes
    7 mile training walk and a lot of extra calories burned working on reorganizing the house

    @biketheworld Sorry to hear about your son in law's family. Sending positive thoughts.
  • Caroline_slowandsteady
    @biketheworld good job being a heroic grandparent. My mom was just doing the same for my sister, and I can see how it really messes up her life, but is so needed. As the kid/parent in the middle, it is life changing to know such support is a phone call away.

    Sept 11
    Tracked - yes - planned and stuck to the plan for the most part, tracked when I deviated
    Within Calories - yes
    Exercise - 20 minutes stretching, 20 minutes walking - really had to squeak in that walking while watching kids who were not walking (lots of big circles around my house)

    I think I have done fairly well with self talk throughout my life. I have always been pretty strict with myself - holding myself to a high standard of productivity/behavior but able to maintain it. In recent years I have had more trouble as due to the stress of parenting during COVID times and due to an autoimmune disease, I am often not able to meet my standards - learning to be nice to myself when I can't do a thing is a new journey. I don't think it's been an issue so much for weight loss, though.
  • bradkcrew
    bradkcrew Posts: 1,547 Member
    @bradkcrew there is nothing wrong with being a fair weather runner. If you're training regularly though then you will eventually need a plan because eventually there will be extended periods of unfavorable weather in some form. Never run during an electrical storm, best advice is if there's lightning stay inside and run later or not at all (or find an indoor option). Use your best judgment otherwise, and ensure you have the right gear to run in inclement weather. Never wear cotton anything. A good pair of moisture wicking socks can help avoid blisters (I swear by Injinji toe socks, so hard to get blisters with those as not even the toes can rub together). Also ensure your thighs are protected from rubbing against each other using whatever means you find best to avoid a rash. Tight fitting clothes are best for wet running to avoid wet fabric repeatedly rubbing against skin. A running hat with a visor can be nice to keep rain off your face.

    What I am hearing is stop with the weather excuse and get out there? LOL. Thanks.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited September 2021
    September 11

    UAC goals
    ✅ Exercise 20+ minutes
    ✅ Calories within budget
    ✅ Tracked every detail I consumed
    Pass days used: 0/3

    Additional challenges
    ✅ 3+ strength sessions in last 7 days (9/9, 9/7) * I doubled up my 9/9 workout doing both Upper Body A and B together, so I did all 3 workouts for the week in only 2 days
    ✅ 17k+ steps (20,291 steps)
    ✅ 7 day avg. 7.5+ walking miles (8.5 miles)
    Additional challenges met: 11/11 days

    Today's Activities
    🚶‍♂️ 130 min Morning Walk (6.93 miles)