Encourage Somebody Today!

678abc Posts: 6 Member
My story is I had a stroke in 2019 and lost 50 pounds, I am now 224 and struggling to lose my first 24 pounds. I am here to encourage others while I encourage myself. How do you motivate yourself daily? I use prayer and scripture.


  • Carmel_466
    Carmel_466 Posts: 302 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your stroke. Pray all is well now. I know you will reach your goals. I love to watch weight loss video's to keep myself motivated. There are so many success stories out there and I want to be one of them. Mostly for my health instead of weight, although that would be appreciated too. :smile: I am 70 and have over 150 lbs. to lose. One day at a time.
  • 678abc
    678abc Posts: 6 Member
    edited August 2021
    Thank you for your encouraging words Carmel_466,we got this! I am here to support you and learn from you also. Health is the priority and yes one day at a time.
  • Carmel_466
    Carmel_466 Posts: 302 Member
    Thank you 678abc. You can call me Mel if you want to shorten my nick. I'm glad to find your group. I came over from another site and was looking for a group I could join to help through my journey and to also help others in any way I can. Looking forward to this group growing and getting to know you all. Have a blessed Sunday.nk8ht8atn8bw.gif
  • Jillygirl0220
    Jillygirl0220 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi ladies, thank you for making this group available. I am a 10 year cancer survivor so get the health benefits of taking care of this precious jewel (our bodies) gifted to us by God. I could use some support and would LOVE to encourage and support others. Prayer definitely works for me -- I want to finish out my weight loss journey but am struggling with the last 20-25 lbs (120 down so far). Let me know if anyone is interested in a weekly accountability check-in (for weight loss, food commitment and/or exercise). Let's encourage and motivate each other my sisters! Jilly
  • Carmel_466
    Carmel_466 Posts: 302 Member
    Nice to meet you. I know you will be able to shed those lbs because you are a survivor! Hope to get know you better over the coming months here on this growing group. Wishing everyone a beautiful day.
  • 678abc
    678abc Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you both for joining. we can definitely help one another, we are all survivors. God has kept us for such a time as this. If you want my number, we can connect on Facebook under Carolyn Yancey.
  • Jillygirl0220
    Jillygirl0220 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I saw the message below and thought of you all - - be encouraged to not give up!

    "Don't you want to see what happens if you don't give up?"

    I truly want to just finish this thing already - no more stalling!

    Be Blessed and hang steady this week <3

  • rebekah2882
    rebekah2882 Posts: 50 Member
  • 678abc
    678abc Posts: 6 Member
    You ladies Rock! Love you all!
  • sweetepiexxluv
    sweetepiexxluv Posts: 2 Member
    I have the knowledge and potential to achieve everything I want. I am worthy of my own best self…and I’m eager to meet her!