Introduction Thread (please tell us who you are:)



  • ElfBodGoals
    ElfBodGoals Posts: 45 Member
    Hello! I'm from KCMO. Losing weight and trying to find physical activity I like. Hoping that gyms don't close again because I really want to try climbing more. My gf and I like to hike when the humidity isn't a nightmare.
  • Nepenthaceae
    Nepenthaceae Posts: 4 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm Kat and I'm bi :) I'm not new to MFP but I only just discovered this group and I would love to build my friend group here, so please feel free to add me!

    This is my second go at losing weight, I've been overweight/obese since I was a little kid and I got really close to getting back in the overweight BMI category and then I fell off the wagon. I'm at my highest weight ever but I've come to terms with doing this all much more slowly in order to try and make a real lifestyle change.
  • supercpa999
    supercpa999 Posts: 403 Member
    Welcome to all the new members. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I have been lax on here recently but am hoping to rededicate myself.
  • hydrolady
    hydrolady Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm Shannon (she/her). I'm a couple years into HRT/GAHT. I joined MFP to help me keep track of food and exercise. I would love to lose about 20 lbs that I gained after a knee injury so I can get back to backpacking without worrying about my blasted knee😊.

    I'm new to MFP and still trying to figure it out. I think I've got the food and exercise logging down. I hope to learn about strengthening ligaments and tendons (if possible) through diet and exercise and strengthening by bottom half. I'm also interested in how nutrution and exercise can benefit and work in tandem with HRT/GAHT, and of course meeting new friends😃.
  • Tito_Tim
    Tito_Tim Posts: 72 Member
    Hi. I am Tim (he/him). I am from Texas but retired to the Philippines back in 2013 (at 48). Love it here, but put on some weight by no longer working (did HVAC work in the old country). I was overweight in the US, but got bigger when I retired.

    I lost 22 kilos back in 2016 and my wife complained about it?! I maintained the weight loss (for the most part) until the covid lockdown wiped me out. My highest weight before was 115 kilos, since covid - I got to 119... so here I go again.

    I spent 6 months living at Boracay beach last year, that helped me walk a lot (but there was a LOT of 2 for 1 rum). Most of the weight I put on has been in the 6 months since I got back to the city. Our lockdowns have been very restrictive.

    I am trying to get back to the 90 kilos I went to in 2016/2017. I am not a fan of exercise (obviously) so mostly I lose weight by portion control. Snacks are my downfall. And rum. I did a lot of walking before and need to get back into the habit. I live right next to the Iloilo river, and the big esplanade walkway. There is no excuse except laziness, and I like my aircon in the office, and rum ha ha. B)


  • Willbur_Martin
    Willbur_Martin Posts: 14 Member
    Hey! I'm Willbur. I live in texas, and i'm transmasc and bi. I'm trying to lose as much weight as I can (my goal is 45 kg or so), but my mom and I both have lipedema. I'm not that far into it stage-wise, so i should be able to fight some of the effects and lose some of my weight, but it kinda hurts to know i probably won't reach my goal without surgery. maybe one day I'll be able to afford it, but not rn
  • JBA123
    JBA123 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I’m John. Gay man here looking to reach my fitness goals and be more conscious about what eat. I would love more friends on here! Feel free to add me!
  • KayEmDeeDee
    KayEmDeeDee Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m Kay and am from California. I’ve used this app on and off for 2 years and am really trying to make it stick this time. I’m hoping to lose 60lbs at a reasonable rate.
    I’d love to have more friends on here to make it fun!
  • BrackenFae
    BrackenFae Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm a non binary trans guy, neuroqueer, parent, writer and facilitator in Yorkshire. I'd love some query friends for accountability and support, feel free to add me!
  • spiceinvaders
    spiceinvaders Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I'm Spencer (they/them), I'm just starting exercising properly and eating better and watching my kilojoules. I am swimming laps every second day at the moment and doing squats, pushups and situps on the off days. Ideally I want to lose 27kg (2 already gone!). I'm 29yo and live in NSW Australia. Would be great to have some friends on here!
  • GrendelGreg
    GrendelGreg Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm Greg! I'm a queer trans man living in the NYC metropolitan area, looking for more queer networking and support on this site. I've been through the weight loss routine before, but balancing a full-time job, full-time grad school, and part-time work on top of it led to me falling back into old habits for several years. I've gotten myself back onto the right path this June, and since then I've lost 35 lbs but I have a lot more to go before I get to my pre-grad-school weight, and then further still to reach my ever-elusive goal weight. I'm taking it slow and trying to do things right by setting realistic goals one at a time.
  • mauz1997
    mauz1997 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Mauricio. I'm a graduate student living in Buffalo, NY. After gaining weight from the pandemic, I've started getting into exercise and eating right this year. So far, I enjoy boxing, weight-lifting, and the occasional yoga. Hope to get down to a healthy body fat percentage soon.
  • Hello, my name is Dana. I am 36 and from Northern Kentucky. I am here to make friends and learn about fitness, so feel free to message me if you like. I am a huge nerd when it comes to games like World of Warcraft. I love to read, play piano, and guitar, and bake. I really enjoy podcasts such as true crime and horror stories. As much as I love these things I need to make more time to be healthy and do things such as going to the gym, walking or hiking outdoors, and eating healthier. I am a Biggby/Starbucks coffee addict haha so honestly that is my vice when it comes to food/drink. Hope everyone is having a great week, looking forward to meeting everyone.
  • canadian_vegan
    canadian_vegan Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! I'm Jen, 47, from BC, gay and cis, was super successful here until covid hit and now I've got 20lbs to lose again. Pretty determined to do it by summer!
  • HylesGallii
    HylesGallii Posts: 41 Member
    edited February 2022
    You can call me Hyles. I do not identify as my gender fitting to any particular label. I am ace-spectrum, aro-spectrum, and pan- in addition to these. I enjoy a vast variety of hobbies, including exercise, but am currently having to experiment with new forms of exercise due to a breathing disorder.

    I am currently losing weight with the goal of 130lbs as a waypoint to see where in the normal range for my height may be best for me to aim for. Once I have reached this, I would like to build up some moderate amount of strength through exercise, though I am still figuring this out in terms of what it means for my tangible goals in weightlifting and such.
  • AliceK813
    AliceK813 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello! My name is Alice. I’m a lesbian, happily married for 6 1/2 years. I live in Florida with my wife and 2 fur babies.

    I was on MFP a couple of years ago and lost about 30 lbs. I then switched to WW for a year and lost another 60 lbs. Since WW changed their program in November I have steadily regained some weight, so I’m back to MFP.

    My goal is to lose another 51 lbs.
  • philippejdaniel
    philippejdaniel Posts: 4 Member

    My name is Daniel. I’m 30 years old, my pronouns are he/him, and I am gay. I am looking to get my weight down to 190.
    I’ve joined this wonderful group to make new friends, chat, gain accountability partners, and to get/give support to others who might be struggling with their health goals.

    Thank you for your time!