Scare the fat away in October - Accountability thread

Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
edited October 2021 in Social Groups
Didn't see one for October to I added one :)



  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    It's spooky season guys!! Let's make this the best month yet and maybe ruin it with Halloween candy at the end LOL :p

    5'4" 35

    GW: 141

    10/4: 146.0
  • tracimckinney
    tracimckinney Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks for starting the thread, @Go_Deskercise I will definitely be ruining the end of Oct with Halloween candy! Ha!

    5'4" 54

    Oct goal weight: 132

    10/3: 134.4
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48
    CW: 129
    GW: 128

    I love it! Thanks for starting the thread! I'm usually ok for Halloween itself. My problem is the extra candy that I seize from my children and then it lingers forever in places that only I know about and I chip away at it slowly. Therefore...

    I resolve to NOT keep any Halloween candy this year!!!
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    edited October 2021
    5'5", 44
    CW: 130 (average while clothed)
    GW: I dunno, 128. 130.

    My big resolution is just staying somewhere under 130 and not dropping below 125. I'm not feeling all that driven right now. The 1/2 a crap I have scrounged up for anything but dog events is going to getting enough protein and not gaining.
  • dz9412
    dz9412 Posts: 19 Member
    5'3" 53
    CW: 138.5
    Oct GW: 135
    GW: 125

    Thanks and stay with it, all!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    5'7" 43
    CW 10/4: 152.6
    GW: ~130ish

    Mostly making small changes right now as I am mentally a bit stretched with the uncertainty of life lately. I'd like to be solidly holding in the sub 150 category by the end of October though.
  • kateleynes3184
    kateleynes3184 Posts: 3 Member
    5'5" 48
    CW 10/5: 129
    OGW 135
    GW 124
    Just started with a nutritionist and coach because I am really struggling with fitting time into my day figuring out what I need to do to accomplish my goals. Also, would like to be able to have my figure and my wine :).
  • WavesOfHappiness
    WavesOfHappiness Posts: 4 Member
    SW: 147 lbs
    CW: 143 lbs
    October GW: 139 lbs
    GW: 130 lbs
    So I started this 21 days ago apparently (I didn’t even notice lol) I’ve lost 4 pounds by consuming 1200 calories or less (sometimes I go over 1200 but that’s okay because not everyday has to be perfect) I’m really happy with my progress and really proud of myself ☺️ My goal for this month is to lose another 4 pounds 😁
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48
    Oct GW: 128

    Oct 1 - 129
    Oct 9 - 129

    Definitely in maintenance mode but as long as I'm under 130 and feeling strong, I'm super happy.

    Heading into a holiday weekend of big meals - turkey, mashed potatoes, apple pie and don't forget the gravy. 🤞 wish me luck! If I keep my wits about me, keep portions moderate and avoid alcohol, I will be fine. And I will run in the mornings if this gorgeous fall weather holds.
  • f1tafter40
    f1tafter40 Posts: 19 Member
    44yo, 6'0"
    CW 149
    BMI 20.2

    1. Love the part of myself that does not love her body until she learns to love the body again. This is a work in progress.
    2. Report back to this group in October. Yes.

    1. Practice self loving kindness prior to eating anything (minimum 80% of the time).
    2. Move my body in a way that gives me joy (minimum 5 days/week).
    3. Report back to this group in November.
  • Johannasyourney
    Johannasyourney Posts: 1 Member
    My height; 1.66
    My current weigt; 70 kg
    BMI; 25.4
    Hi! Perhaps a bit late, but I would like to join this group too.
    I just started, after I was shocked by the number on the scale this morning.
    So, I realy do want to lose some first kilo's this month. Scare them away
    How? By eating healthy, +/- 1200-1500 kcal, and by doing some running a few times a week.
    For now; Keep up the good work and good luck!
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    5'4" 35

    GW: 141

    10/4: 146.0
    10/10: 147.0
  • tracimckinney
    tracimckinney Posts: 79 Member
    5'4" 54

    Oct goal weight: 132

    10/3: 134.4
    10/11: 134.2
  • dawleymama
    dawleymama Posts: 20 Member
    5'5" 55

    CW: 141
    GW: 135

    Recommitting to the process! Enough is enough. I've put on at least 10 lbs since April--cross country move, retirement from the military, adult kid at home, vacay mode that has overstayed it's welcome! Will be checking in here.
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    9-30: 130ish
    10-12: 127.3

    (Period happened, and I'm not weighing all that often, anyway.)

    Fun fact: I really don't care anymore, at all. The realization that 2-5lbs is going to make no appreciable difference makes my only motivation to hit that 125 that going into the holidays at the low end of the range I'd prefer to maintain just means even more 'whatever' at a time tracking will be effectively impossible for a few periods of time.

    that said I think I've been sliding toward a maintenance mindset for months. My weight loss is way slower than the weekly weigh ins makes it look. in 30 days I've lost 3lbs, going on my new lows and that's fine.
  • kateleynes3184
    kateleynes3184 Posts: 3 Member
    CW - 135.5
    GW - 124

    lol I posted above and when I checked I had written CW as 129. I meant 139. I am on the right track that's for sure, even with the indulgences I did over the weekend. Now I am on full accountability mode with my sister as we want to definitely look our best come Christmas.

    @wunderkindking Way to go about the 2-5lbs mindset! It is soooo hard to break that feeling. I am hoping to get there one day.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    5'7" 43
    CW 10/4: 152.6
    GW: ~130ish

    10/4: 152.6
    10/14: 153.6

    Has not been a particularly good month - most of it stress and/or relationship related. It's definitely affecting me physically, mentally, and I've let it control me to the point it is causing very real issues (in my case, I found out that my BP is unstable and was spiking to extremely high levels on occasion). 90% of it I know is stress related, so knowing is half the battle right?

    Implementing some strategies to help resolve this - some of it physical (adding more intensity to the active times I have; reducing alcohol; reducing sodium), some of it will be mental (looking into therapy; breathing exercises; breath control when my mind starts to dwell on the items I can't control; etc).
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" 48
    Oct GW: 128

    Oct 1 - 129
    Oct 9 - 129
    Oct 17 - 128.6

    I'm unsure how I managed to not gain weight in the past week as I've made some poor food choices and haven't been as active as usual. Maybe I've lost muscle? Or maybe it just shows there are so many factors at play. We clearly control two (energy input and output) but then there are lots of other important factors that we only kind of control - like @HoneyBadger302 and others are tackling! Stress, life changes, etc - we just need to navigate them with a bit of self-love and we'll get through!

    Have a great week all. My goal is to keep busy and fit while eating mindfully and well.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    5'4" 35

    GW: 141

    10/4: 146.0
    10/10: 147.0
    10/16: 145.0
    10/17: 144.8

    So excited that I'm seeing progress!