No Nonsense November 2021 Challenge



  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,588 Member

    Yeah, they kinda ruined it. Now when you're in community and you want to get back to your home page or food log, it opens in a new window. Not cool.

  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member


    Remind him that muscle takes up less space!

  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    I’ve seemed to have an uptick in hunger late this week and have done some snacking the last few nights so I’ve seen a slight swing up on the scale from water retention. I’m sick of this damned plateau but am trying to remain positive. I decided to take a break today so had drinks and a tailgate lunch with family for some football viewing. While I enjoy going off plan on occasion, boy do I regret it afterwards. Granted, I ate too much but my body just can’t handle it. I’ve been eating tums all night to manage the stomach pains. So much for the break! All I can do is make tomorrow a good day back to plan and under calories.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    swimmom_1 wrote: »
    64 yo 5'4" 9/14/20-255 lbs(heaviest weight, second time), 5/3/21-240.5 lbs, MFP start date 5/14/21-232.2 lbs, Started my WOE 6/10/21-227.2 lbs

    Well didn't make the 180 lbs or less for October, but that was my fourth October goal, so made 3 out of 4 of them.
    Actually had an uptick but I stayed on track for my calories, carbs, water and exercise so just normal weight fluctuations. Attempting for 15 lbs from 11/1-1/31/22.
    I do my Elliptical 3x/week on my days off. Increased to 150 minutes awhile back and increased since.

    11/1/21-181.8 lbs.
    11/8/21-180 lbs. Down 75 lbs! 58 lbs to my goal of 122 lbs (Was there before in 2010 but got lazy) Did 200 minutes on my Elliptical today!

    11/14/21-176.6 lbs. My November goal is 5 lbs, I'm down 5.2 lbs today ALREADY! I thiught my 10 lbs/month average loss wluld slow down by now. Been increasing my Elliptical time to 210 minutes, on my 3 days off work, for 15 miles. Today I only had 10 minutes left in the movie, so I wanted to finish it. Then I wanted to hit the16 miles, so I ended at 223 minutes.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I struggled with both food and exercise this past week. I feel like I just want to hibernate and I need to fight against that. Yesterday was a half good day with spin class, bowling and I finally assembled my ballet barre. However my food choices this weekend were terrible and I'll be paying for it for a few days. Hubby is off work today and tomorrow so I think I'll have him bring my weight bench upstairs where my barre now is. Need to put a few motivational stickie notes on my desk to improve my motivation this week.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    My goal for this week is to stay under 190! I crept back up over the weekend, but today I'm back down to 188. I will strive for 187, but if I don't make it, I won't stress. The week after is Thanksgiving. So basically my goal for this month is not to go back over 190.

    My son's gf is a trainer with PF and is willing to train me so I will be starting with her tomorrow. Starting slow, mostly learning the proper way to stretch so I don't injure myself. My long-term goal is to get back to running. I used to run when I was in my 20s & 30s, then got preggo and used that as an excuse and never really bounced back. So I would love to get back into it. I just wished it hadn't taken me as long to reach this decision.
  • russellholtslander1
    Lost another 2 lbs., down to 257.2, still up 16 lbs.

    Ate eggs w/2 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese for breakfast, cooked in 2 Tbsp. butter. Lunch is 12 ozs. of perch, cooked in 2 Tbsp. butter. Dinner is 12 ozs. of 73/27 GB.. all my meals are cooked.

    Breathing is better, less phlegm/coughing today.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Weight is bouncing around a bit due to my wanting to eat all the foods but that should start to calm down in the next day or so. I’m trying to take advantage of a break in the weather but today have been tied up in meetings doing a lot of sitting. Good news though was that I seemed to break the plateau I’ve been on. Of course this assumes I drop the water weight the last day or so. I’ve been doing well on choices but likely did overeat a bit last. That tends to be the case- under eat early then make up for it at night. I’m aware of not needing a snack but have let my saboteur influence me a couple of times.
  • amberisthecolorfyourenergy
    Im sticking on goal until the day of Thanksgiving and the day of Christmas. I will allow myself to have ONE plate of Thanksgiving or Christmas food and ONE dessert each day. That's it. It may stop me from losing but with staying on point the rest of the time and working out 6 days a week, I won't gain. :smiley:
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I was definitely less active in the fall compared to the summer. I want to prevent that trend. I have today off from work and am getting things in order to meet my goals.
    Current weight is 170, would like to lose 5lbs by my bday 12/30.
    Current routine includes spin and bowling on Sundays, strength on Mondays and elliptical on Wed or Thurs.
    Add an indoor biking day
    Add Barre exercise once or twice
    Improve my hydration
    Pre log each day in the morning.

    My initial goals for the month. My first two weeks I only met the prelogging goal and even that wasn't consistent. Happy to report that while my workouts still aren't where I want them, I did have a much better week mentally and with food/water.

    11/1-11/5 I was down to 168 then by 11/8 I was up to 172.5. It took me until today to get back to 168. I did set up my barre and used it. Just need to set a specific time to add it to my routine. Moved my weight bench upstairs next to the barre but indoor bike needs to wait until hubby is done with project in that room. Sheetrock, mudding, sanding and I don't want to breathe that dust in.

    Next up grocery shopping tonight for Sunday for Thanksgiving. We've got 2 keto peeps, a vegan and a gluten free member in the family but I think everyone will be happy with the menu.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Still plugging along however my calories have been up a bit which seemed to help my stall. I dropped a pound to my lowest weight (second time this month) but can’t seem to keep sliding down. It’s crazy how sodium impacts weight fluctuations. I can predict daily if I will be up or down on the scale based on my dinners most nights. I’m planning to have a low key thanksgiving without stress but I will have more starches than normal. I plan to get right back to plan afterwards to avoid unnecessary gains. I’m off work for the week so this will be a test to fight boredom and the grazing that usually comes with it.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    64 yo 5'4" 9/14/20-255 lbs(heaviest weight, second time)
    5/3/21-240.5 lbs
    MFP start date 5/14/21-232.2 lbs
    Started my WOE 6/10/21-227.2 lbs

    Well didn't make the 180 lbs or less for October, but that was my fourth October goal, so made 3 out of 4 of them.
    Actually had an uptick but I stayed on track for my calories, carbs, water and exercise so just normal weight fluctuations. Attempting for 15 lbs from 11/1-1/31/22.
    I do my Elliptical 3x/week on my days off. Increased to 150 minutes awhile back and increased since.

    11/1/21-181.8 lbs.
    11/8/21-180 lbs. Down 75 lbs! 58 lbs to my goal of 122 lbs (Was there before in 2010 but got lazy) Did 200 minutes on my Elliptical today!

    11/14/21-176.6 lbs. My November goal is 5 lbs, I'm down 5.2 lbs today ALREADY! I thought my 10 lbs/month average loss would slow down by now. Been increasing my Elliptical time to 210 minutes, on my 3 days off work, for 15 miles. Today I only had 10 minutes left in the movie, so I wanted to finish it. Then I wanted to hit the16 miles, so I ended at 223 minutes.

    11/21/21-177.4 lbs-Have been staying on track with calories, Net Carbs and exercise. Has to be water weight from Rotisserie Chicken seasoning earlier in the week. :-(

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Im sticking on goal until the day of Thanksgiving and the day of Christmas. I will allow myself to have ONE plate of Thanksgiving or Christmas food and ONE dessert each day. That's it. It may stop me from losing but with staying on point the rest of the time and working out 6 days a week, I won't gain. :smiley:

    That's what I'm doing, too! I think it went ok today.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    What in the heck did they do to the platform? There's stuff they've needed to fix and haven't for years and this is what they do instead?😭

    Anyway, nice job @NYPhotographer2021 and @swimmom_1

    I know, I had a hard time even figuring out how to find this group again!
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    64 yo 5'4" 9/14/20-255 lbs(heaviest weight, second time)
    5/3/21-240.5 lbs
    MFP start date 5/14/21-232.2 lbs
    Started my WOE 6/10/21-227.2 lbs

    Well didn't make the 180 lbs or less for October, but that was my fourth October goal, so made 3 out of 4 of them.
    Actually had an uptick but I stayed on track for my calories, carbs, water and exercise so just normal weight fluctuations. Attempting for 15 lbs from 11/1-1/31/22.
    I do my Elliptical 3x/week on my days off. Increased to 150 minutes awhile back and increased since.

    11/1/21-181.8 lbs.
    11/8/21-180 lbs. Down 75 lbs! 58 lbs to my goal of 122 lbs (Was there before in 2010 but got lazy) Did 200 minutes on my Elliptical today!

    11/14/21-176.6 lbs. My November goal is 5 lbs, I'm down 5.2 lbs today ALREADY! I thought my 10 lbs/month average loss would slow down by now. Been increasing my Elliptical time to 210 minutes, on my 3 days off work, for 15 miles. Today I only had 10 minutes left in the movie, so I wanted to finish it. Then I wanted to hit the16 miles, so I ended at 223 minutes.

    11/21/21-177.4 lbs-Have been staying on track with calories, Net Carbs and exercise. Has to be water weight from Rotisserie Chicken seasoning earlier in the week. :-(

    11/28/21-175 lbs! Down 80 lbs so far. 6.8 lbs of my November 5 lb goal! I behaved for Thanksgiving. I only ate meat(turkey, ham and pork) and broccoli and no gravy. And the sides weren't calling out to me "Eat Me!" like they usually do. I did my Elliptical in the AM for 217 minutes and had 3,810 allotted calories. I only ate a total of 1,357 calories for the whole day though. More than my usual 1000-1200 daily.
    I did take home after the 3 PM lunch a small piece of Flan (I never had it before and the girl who made it is in Pastry school) and someone else brought an extraordinary Pumpkin Cheesecake, that I took a piece home and indulged in both that night. But no gain. I also made pies and Pumpkin rolls during the week and didn't sample even a bite. Quite proud of myself for that!

  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    11/29/21 - Well, Thanksgiving kicked my butt! LOL! I made such good plans too! Leftovers! I expected my sons to eat it all, but didn't happen. Finally rid my home of all those pesky carbs, so back on track. I did get down to 185 again, but back up a couple of pounds to 187 this morning. I'm sure all that pie and banana bread had nothing to do with it! I was hoping to be solidly in the lower 180's by the end of the month, but not happening. But soon. My goal for December is to get below 180. I'd like to start the new year in the 170s. Looking ahead, not back!!
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 823 Member
    Well my plateau may have broken. I didn’t deny myself much this week and my saboteur was in full effect with pizza and other goodies on top of the traditional Thanksgiving meal carbs. I did apply moderation and I’m down 1.4 from the start of November. My body reeeeeaaaallllly does not want to let go of these final vanity pounds but I’m persistent.