The Fireplace



  • MWMstr17
    MWMstr17 Posts: 1,354 Member
    @pisanee I saw your UV for push-ups and was wondering how that went? I've ready about people doing XX burpees in a month, or variations on that idea, and was wondering how push-ups went for you.

    I did well MTW this week with solid gym visits, but didn't do anything Th or F.
  • pisanee
    pisanee Posts: 1,845 Member
    MWMstr17 wrote: »
    @pisanee I saw your UV for push-ups and was wondering how that went?

    It went okay, I guess. They got easier to do each week and I feel like my form improved, even if they were still modified. Gradually increasing the number each week might have been better than keeping it fixed. Unfortunately, 3 weeks was kind of short and I didn’t maintain the habit. I still try to do them when I remember, but it isn’t daily anymore. I joined those monthly MFP plank and burpee challenge groups in the past, but lacked the ongoing discipline to last more than a few months.
  • MWMstr17
    MWMstr17 Posts: 1,354 Member
    Had a good gym day. I'm going to take yoga mat to gym tomorrow.

    NSV = I made a UV that I'm not wrapping any presents on Christmas Eve, and we're the most ahead of sked ever.
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Awesome. I am right there with you @MWMstr17 .
    I remember spending all night Christmas Eve wrapping presents, my daughter's 3rd or 4th Christmas. I was wore out and my back and neck hurt. Never again. I have almost everything wrapped.
  • filmgal30
    filmgal30 Posts: 3,993 Member
    Ugh!🤦‍♀️ Every year I say that and every yesr it is stressfully down the chimney… I mean to the wire!
  • kylielynn314
    kylielynn314 Posts: 4,530 Member
    Umm yeah. I've wrapped one present so far....we do Christmas with my side of the family around New Year's so I just need to wrap for the kids and hubby. He gets a special 25% off one transaction at work (walmart) so we save up and do all our shopping at once. This year it's later than usual. We are going tomorrow. So we haven't even gotten most of our gifts but I know what I'm getting. But it will be a wrapping frenzy after that.
  • MWMstr17
    MWMstr17 Posts: 1,354 Member
    Well, we traveled on the Christmas Eve for the first time, and that really screwed up last-minute preps. But we were still ahead of sked compared to most years.
  • Allaesa72
    Allaesa72 Posts: 1,198 Member
    I officially gained 1 pound last week. But that's ok. I'm slowly making my way back to my regularly scheduled programs. I completed 3 camp gladiators last week and will do the same this week. I work today through Friday so that may help me avoid all the Christmas candy and cookies that are at home. 🤞 Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Mine was truly a Harry Potter Christmas lol. My family knows me so well. They got the Harry Potter trivia game for me but no one wants to play it🤭. I started a game with my sil and nieces in Minnesota. It'll be an on going game that will last a long time. Only playing as we can. Can't wait till our weight loss challenge starts up again.
  • MWMstr17
    MWMstr17 Posts: 1,354 Member
    Yea, I'm up as well, but mostly from reduced exercise. Eating has not been too over-the-top.

    It's going to be very warm here this week, so lot's of outside yard work as well as getting back to gym.
  • Neon_Vampire
    Neon_Vampire Posts: 7,429 Member
    Allaesa72 wrote: »
    They got the Harry Potter trivia game for me but no one wants to play it🤭.
    I feel your pain! I've had a Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets trivia game for over 10 years and I only got someone to play it with me once. Sadly our game only ended up lasting about five or ten minutes because they gave up, since they didn't know any of the answers to their questions. Nobody in my family ever wants to play regular board games either, perhaps I'll have to see if Peeves wants to play with me and hope he doesn't end up throwing things at me! :p
  • Allaesa72
    Allaesa72 Posts: 1,198 Member
    Yes, same for me @MWMstr17 my workouts are down and even today my heart wasn't really in it. I feel like something is off. I really shouldn't be tired. I've rested, I'm sleeping. Might be a kind of depression. Work can get really awful a really hectic. There's always covid tests to run and covid and flu shots to give, and a million prescriptions to fill. Maybe I'm just feeling overwhelmed. Ah well. There's my vent for the day. 😉

    @Neon_Vampire I intended to set up the board and and play all for houses by myself🤭 Some of the questions are really hard and some way easy. I've seen the movies a million times but I don't really pay attention to details and sometimes it's just background noise.
  • filmgal30
    filmgal30 Posts: 3,993 Member
    @Allaesa72 and @Neon_Vampire I too have a version of Harry Potter trivial pursuit I can’t find anyone to play with me (as well as a Jane Austen board game). IDK maybe some how here in Slytherin one of our games could be trivial pursuit / board game based (rename the 4 teams on your board w/slytherin names -Salazar’s Team, Draco’s Team, Team Snape, Team Narsissa) and play for points/frogs towards the Salazar/Slytherin trophy
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    How was everyones holidays? I took a bit of an internet break but am back and also back on track!
  • Dawnshealth111
    Dawnshealth111 Posts: 884 Member
    I worked Christmas eve day and Christmas. It wasn't bad. I tried to make it the best holiday I could for my residents. My family will celebrate on Wednesday.
  • kylielynn314
    kylielynn314 Posts: 4,530 Member
    filmgal30 wrote: »
    @Allaesa72 and @Neon_Vampire I too have a version of Harry Potter trivial pursuit I can’t find anyone to play with me (as well as a Jane Austen board game). IDK maybe some how here in Slytherin one of our games could be trivial pursuit / board game based (rename the 4 teams on your board w/slytherin names -Salazar’s Team, Draco’s Team, Team Snape, Team Narsissa) and play for points/frogs towards the Salazar/Slytherin trophy

    I love that idea
  • MWMstr17
    MWMstr17 Posts: 1,354 Member
    My constant attacks on the oatmeal cookies finally spurred the pumpkin cheesecake to rally in their defense. The poor cheesecake, however, grossly underestimated my resolve and that mistake led to its ultimate demise. Victory is mine. I tried to banish the box of Whitman chocolates, but MomWow shot that down. I foresee some trench warfare before Term 38.
  • MWMstr17
    MWMstr17 Posts: 1,354 Member
  • MWMstr17
    MWMstr17 Posts: 1,354 Member

    For those looking for other sources of exercise ideas, SELF magazine is starting a four-week challenge consisting of five workouts per week, three strength and two cardio.
  • filmgal30
    filmgal30 Posts: 3,993 Member
    edited January 2022
    Happy New Year, All! How’s the sprinting to Scotland going? Any goals or new habits for the new year ?

    OMG, it’s 18 degrees with real feel of 6 “maybe” i’ll shoot for the 29min outside ICY? Yesterday it was zero with a real feel of minus 20. It’s practically balmy out today.
  • pisanee
    pisanee Posts: 1,845 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!

    I have been slacking off during the holidays, only really doing the alphabet thing lately (soooo many burpees, planks, and push-ups). Hoping to get out for a walk on Tuesday and then some cardio housecleaning. But I really need to spend some time on the treadmill or stationary bike before the new term starts.