December 27



  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,060 Member
    edited December 2021
    Getting back on track: December had a lot of curve balls (i.e. learnings) for me - traveling, house guests, holiday meals, lots and lots of goodies around the house. I learned that lack of planning and lack of willpower are what throw me off. Until I figure out how to conquer those two things, I'll need to employ some additional tricks.

    Being around people during eating times, be it social events or even having the kids home, very much tests my willpower and I usually don't do well when I see other people eating yummy things. So as much as I love my kids, I'm sending them packing! JK. They are returning to their homes and we probably won't see them for at least a month or two. For the social events, I really can't wing it. As some wise people here said, I need to treat social events as social events and not eating events. Easier said than done, but that is what I'll work on.

    Having a lot of treats around the house and easily accessible are a mixed bag for me. Sometimes I can let things sit around forever, and other times I'll consume everything in sight. For some of the goodies, I'll stash them in the freezer. I'll send a bunch home with daughter #2 since she is driving to her home. Stocking up on lots of veggies and fruits will make the choices easier.

    Lastly, checking in here every day and participating in other challenges keeps me accountable and on track.

    Great plan u have there and I can totally relate. I live by the beach and hve a huge family and lots of friends so was constantly hving ppl stay over every wknd and during the Xmas period, they wld stay for weeks on end and pretty much use my house as an all expenses holiday. Ha ha.. Dnt get me wrong it was lovely sharing the sea life with them but it was exhausting and impossible to stick to a healthy diet and workout plan, so I had to learn to get good at saying no. Obviously your situation is different as it's just a one off but ur right it's very hard to stay strong wen ur hosting ppl and u hve truck loads of temptation around. Xox
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,060 Member
    mshawski wrote: »
    Pass #who-knows-at-this-point. Dragging across the finish line for 2021. Prepping to start 2022 strong though.

    Rheumatologist doesn’t think I’m crazy or making anything up which is nice. I gave 6 large vials of blood for testing, had a back X-ray and a few hip X-rays done (the X-ray bloomers are possibly the least flattering thing that has ever been on my body), I already have a chest cat scan on file they can use, and I have a follow up at the end of January. He’s testing for a myriad of things from vitamin deficiency to hyperthyroidism to some autoimmune things. He said if they all come back negative then we’ll investigate pain disorders like Fibromyalgia as I “fit the profile for that”. We shall see. It’s an eventful week - I’m off work with kiddo off school for the week, I get my booster shot Wednesday, and I have nutritionist apt on Thursday.

    So yeah. Still here. Dragging. Scheming for 2022.

    December has been crappy for alot of us. I'm sure 2022 wI'll be ur year!!! Nice that u hve sum time off with son. Xo
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,060 Member
    Mrs_Hoffer wrote: »
    Dec 27

    Pass Days Used: Too many! :)

    One of my goals for 2022 is to continue on my journey of establishing healthier eating habits.... I want to shift to a WFPB (whole food, plant based) way of eating, and continue to work on cutting out processed foods and eat more freggies. :)

    I also want to work more on my balance and my core in 2022, as well as my upper body strength. I want to get back to developing a habit of strength and flexibility (weight lifting and core workouts) for upper body strength. I also got a wobble board for Christmas! Then, like others, I will focus on learning / practicing how to maintain and keep the weight off!

    Wat awesome goals!!! Keep us posted with how it all goes.. I did wfpb for an 18month period a few years ago and loved it!! I noticed so much improvements in how I felt, my inflammation and pain decrease with my endometriosis.. I would love to try it again one day!!! All the best with ur goals. Xo
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,060 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    My biggest UAC-related change will be in the Exercise category.
    I have been a "light-cardio girl" for YEARS ... DECADES even! (and general dancing of many types before and overlapping that). i have let the flexibility and core strength from the dancing slip away over the years. I have very strong legs and cardio-endurance (can walk up and down and around hilly towns like Winchester UK for 20+ miles in a single day) but have NEVER been strong in the upper body (arms and chest / upper back)

    I will be spending some time between now and New Years looking up "Senior's (NNNNOOOOOOOOO!) " aka 50+ (I am now 63) Functional Strength and Functional Flexibility programs on YouTube. "Standing Core" will be one of the search terms.

    I will also be using my wobble cushion more and COUNTING BALANCE PRACTICE time as "UAC intentional activity time" even though it doesn't register as "step count /fitbit activity credit" calories.

    Just for the intellectual curiosity AND to make sure I am not actually under-eating, I will be exploring the world of "(BMR + lifestyle) - chosen deficit" TDEE for setting my Food Calories goal as I close the last 4-5 pounds to the TOP of my planned maintenance range. The rest of 2022 will then focus on learning / practicing how to keep myself within that range.

    Great plan! Good luck with it. Xo
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,060 Member
    bradkcrew wrote: »
    Exercise: :)
    Tracking: :)
    Calories: :)

    Trying to pull it together!

    8 pass days used

    Yay great work today. Xo
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,060 Member

    1️⃣ Pass Day left

    My plan is to continue to stick to my daily habits. I have already exceeded my weight loss goal for 2021, even with Christmas 😂

    My Daily Habits brought me to maintenance, and will keep me here.
    I have built in wiggle room to cope with life long term.

    vive la nouvelle vie

    Amazing!!! Xo
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,060 Member
    Thank you @Jana_2020

    For me, it is to continue with the 3 UAC rules till the end of the year!
    Over the years, I have learned to consciously focus on the purpose of the celebration. I have enjoyed every member of my family and the interactions. Food, treats, etc., are just the icing on the occasion.

    Great outlook. Xo
  • donna25trinity
    donna25trinity Posts: 3,060 Member
    Getting back on track: December had a lot of curve balls (i.e. learnings) for me - traveling, house guests, holiday meals, lots and lots of goodies around the house. I learned that lack of planning and lack of willpower are what throw me off. Until I figure out how to conquer those two things, I'll need to employ some additional tricks.

    Being around people during eating times, be it social events or even having the kids home, very much tests my willpower and I usually don't do well when I see other people eating yummy things. So as much as I love my kids, I'm sending them packing! JK. They are returning to their homes and we probably won't see them for at least a month or two. For the social events, I really can't wing it. As some wise people here said, I need to treat social events as social events and not eating events. Easier said than done, but that is what I'll work on.

    Having a lot of treats around the house and easily accessible are a mixed bag for me. Sometimes I can let things sit around forever, and other times I'll consume everything in sight. For some of the goodies, I'll stash them in the freezer. I'll send a bunch home with daughter #2 since she is driving to her home. Stocking up on lots of veggies and fruits will make the choices easier.

    Lastly, checking in here every day and participating in other challenges keeps me accountable and on track.

    When I see others eating at parties or in restaurants I pass on my walks…I remember that in the United States 78% of adults are overweight or obese. Really helps me feel less sorry for myself & reminds me: #HealthFirst

    You’ve got this! Give yourself time to switch a habit. Then, if it’s going well, practice it the 2nd week & maybe add a new one. Slowly shifting habits works best!!

    Quite a few UAC-era are also in another MFP group “Building Better Habits” where we do just that!

    As always awesome advice Maddie. Xo
  • Arc2Arc
    Arc2Arc Posts: 484 Member
    ❌ - Exercise - On the DL
    ✅ - Calories
    ✅ - Tracked

    9 pass days.

    During my first couple of months, I was really satisfied with how the process was going. Since I've been prevented from exercising, it's been a much tougher battle. The holidays have been another challenge.
    For 2022 I want to be better at responding to bumps in the road.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,168 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? 21 minutes Peloton and 31 minutes yoga
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    Pass days used - 3 (Dec 3, 24, 25)

    2022 is staying the course - losing the last ~25 and reassessing from there. Focus on exercise and improving my strength and cardio fitness. Staying consistent and keeping a positive mental outlook. Being here with all of you!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,220 Member

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? 👍🏻

    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? 👍🏻

    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? 👍🏻

    Used 6 passes 😭😭😭


    December goals

    - Miracle Morning daily.

    - yoga and strength training at least 3x weekly (Strength training WILL happen this month)

    - TRY having ZERO pass days

    - No LNS daily, ONLY fruits

    - Daily journaling
    These are my morning meditation sessions, Pete and Parker enjoy meditation too, lol
  • Mama530
    Mama530 Posts: 605 Member
    Monday 12/27

    Exercise: no
    Calories: over
    Tracked: yes
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,064 Member
    Thank you @donna25trinity !
  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    Track: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes
    Treadmill: 31 min / 1.79 mi
    • Full body warm up 5 min
    • Day 12 of EPIC II - Hamstring & Glute Isolation workout (+ cool down) 54 min
    Pass Days: 3/3
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,064 Member
    Dec 27
    10,500 steps
    Sat fat slightly higher than the last week- will trim it a bit going forwards

    Four days!! We’ve got this!!
  • calvin20874
    calvin20874 Posts: 1,194 Member

    Exercise: 55 minutes elliptical, 5 minutes treadmill, 90 minutes stretching and PT exercises

    Tracking: yes
    Calories: under

    Pass days: 0
  • Geneveremfp
    Geneveremfp Posts: 504 Member
    Pass day. Again annoyingly it's the lack of activity. Was building Lego with my son for most of the day and trying to contain the baby so he didn't choke on Lego. Was hoping to go for a run once they were in bed but my husband was stressed and upset and needed some time.
  • Caroline_slowandsteady
    Caroline_slowandsteady Posts: 842 Member
    edited December 2021
    Dec 27
    Back on track!
    Exercise -15 minutes MommaStrong, 40 minute walk with my friend
    Tracking - Planned the Day
    Calories - Followed the plan - under

    It has been interesting to observe - from Dec 22 to Dec 26 I gained 2.6 pounds, which was very alarming to me and didn't feel great for my body either (lots of GI symptoms and fatigue). In the last 2 days I have lost those 2.6 pounds again! I remember feeling like after Thanksgiving it took a long time to lose the weight - probably because I spent a week after Thanksgiving at "maintenance" calories enjoying the extra pie ("maintenance" in quotes because I was estimating and maybe not so honestly). I think the lesson is maybe that I can take a break of a few days and bounce back from it in a few days, but if I take a break of a week, it'll take me a week or more to bounce back. That seems pretty intuitive when I put it that way, but it was discouraging at Thanksgiving and very inspiring now.

    I am noticing how much better my body feels when I am back on track, and hoping that inspires me to keep going that way.

    For 2022 I want to just keep up the habits that I have - I like my exercise routine of MommaStrong and walking, and I am feeling better when I can get in some of that on the weekends too though that is a challenge with the kids. And I think I am liking my current calorie balance of 1200 M-Th and 1350 F-Sun (plus exercise calories). With the caveat that I can increase to 2000 once a week if we do have some good seeming plans. But I don't think I'll do that every week, because some takeout plans can fit in OK within a 1350 day.

    I have been agonizing for a while about when to feel like I am at maintenance. I have made a provisional decision to try hard, as I have been doing, at at weight loss until March and then evaluate at that point. March is my daughter's 10th birthday and since I am losing the "baby weight" from that pregnancy that seems like a milestone. Also just a good amount of time to put it off for.

    Also in terms of maintenance, I am kind of feeling like the current size of clothing that I just bought is the size I would like to stay in for maintenance. Currently when I gain 2.6 pounds that clothing really doesn't fit. I'd like to get down to a range where that clothing fits all the way through the range, and then try to maintain that range. I am also currently at the very top of the "normal" BMI range - which is a fairly meaningless number, but maybe I would also have a range that keeps me in "normal." That may or may not happen in the by March timeline and I'll evaluate at that point.

    @BMcC9 If you find a good program, let me know. After my mother visited and watched me exercise every morning, she told me she is inspired by it and would like to have a program of her own. I do MommaStrong, which is very targeted to mothers of young kids, which was not what she wants to do. She has a similar profile to you, though she never was a dancer. But she can walk for miles and miles, but balance and upper body strength are starting to diminish.

    @enlightenme3 I also have trouble with all of those things! Let us know as you figure it out, and I'll keep trying too.