January 22



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    jmu1965 wrote: »
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes. 45 minutes from a new to me YouTube channel. HASFit. Great cardio and ab workout.
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Sort of. I wasn’t sure how to track a combo pizza and I ate homemade rice krispy treats. With that being said I will count as a pass day.
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes.
    2nd pass day used today.
    2 of 3 pass days used.
    I started a puzzle this evening.

    can you show us a picture of the puzzle? (jigsaw, i presume?)
  • loopydo2017
    loopydo2017 Posts: 700 Member
    Pass day #1 today. Hubby’s birthday so I didn’t worry too much about cals. Logged at the end of the day and over goal but still under maintenance. Got in some shovelling, a walk and yoga.
    Spring is still soooo far off here. Lots of cold, dark days ahead. Getting outside helps some. Staying active, journaling, keeping a gratitude list, finding things to be hopeful about.
  • slimtastesbetter
    slimtastesbetter Posts: 8,253 Member

    1 Yes, I exercised. - Ran 2 miles in 20:36. 35 degrees and super foggy here in Seattle this morning.

    Have used all my pass days but still a Champ. 😊

  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,149 Member
    Jan. 22

    I0,350 steps✅
    Calories filly tracked✅ & calories under✅

    Measuring & logging my after dinner snack in the AM *worked*!!!

    Food was under control all day.

    On to tomorrow!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,249 Member
    Honesty is never TMI in my opinion, Chris @WhatMeRunning ... appreciate your openness. Your willingness to self-examine and to share those thoughts with us is a great benefit.

    @Bill70sStrong amazing!! My plan is to increase by 20 KM each event until I hit the full distance on my 4th time. You inspire me!
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    Exercise? Yes
    Tracking? Weeeelllll.... about 98% of what I ate
    Calories? No, because that 2% was Girl Scout Cookies...
    I "ran" today, for the first time in a while. I spotted these two natives lazing in the wash.
    They had zero f***s to give about anybody on the paths, but... like every dog I've ever had, they seemed to sense as soon as I turned on the camera app and refused to look my direction. When I passed closer to them, after turning off the camera, they both looked up at me like "Stupid human..." :wink:

  • Jan 22
    Another pass day. I just couldn't be bothered. When I planned my day the night before I realized that we had an outdoor birthday party for 4 year olds to go to - you all know that my main trigger for overeating is standing around in the cold. So how about standing around in the cold for an hour next to a hot chocolate bar and a firepit with s'mores? It did not go well for my eating plan. And then we had takeout sushi for dinner which I think I did actually moderate very well. I made myself a plate of veggies to go with and had a moderate amount of sashimi and the correct <1/2 cup of rice. But I didn't feel like tracking it and I didn't.

    I think I am now getting the second wave of autoimmune activation from the booster shot and I am very tired and feeling overwhelmed by how tired I am. But I am up doing my usual morning routine anyway so that is good.

    @calvin20874 congratulations!
    @SummerSkier good question
    I don't normally get SAD, but the last 2 years winter has been a rough time. COVID winter with kids is rough. This winter I am struggling extra because I had mentally prepared that we would feel comfortable doing things inside, with vaccinated kids. But with omicron, we are not. My 9 year old is up for doing whatever outside, but my 5 year old just whines non-stop, which makes it get really old really fast.

    What I normally do that helps in the winter:
    - Take vitamin D (I actually do that all year long but especially important in the winter)
    - Just get outside. I usually love hiking in the woods with yak trax and cross country skiing and I was beginning to learn to downhill ski.

    Last year I injured myself cross country skiing and I am taking this year off all things with a strong all possibility, so that adds to the limited options.

    What I am going this year:
    - Still getting outside, but mostly 30 minute walks around the neighborhood
    - Daydreaming/planning summer vacations.
    - Letting the kids do a lot of screen time

  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,619 Member
    ~❄️~ 1 / 22 /2022~~ Waving Hi ~~ ☃️ ~~ BLESSings ALLways ~💖~

    Exercise for at least 20 minutes .................................... ✅ ... 210+ min.
    Stay within my calorie budget for the day ...................... ✅ ... I am
    Keep track of everything I ate and drank ....................... ✅ .... I did

    STEPS......... 26,540+.......... 180 = walking ......... 30 cleaning

    stomach still a bit upset .... so taking it a bit easy again today... slow pace walking
    and light cleaning... shopping ....

    Documenting My CONSISTANCY = For personal ACCOUNTABILITY & Celebration
    (if there is a P=instead of number its a Pass Day)

  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,314 Member
    @Arc2Arc - that view is amazing. I have an itch to ski again, something I used to do regularly but haven’t in years.

    @WhatMeRunning - good for you for recognizing you need a little help and not being afraid to reach out for it. You are strong, insightful, and healthy, with stressful issues that would make anyone else crumble.
  • ideas2
    ideas2 Posts: 1,261 Member

    Exercise: 55 minutes weight training, 45 minutes elliptical, 45 minutes stretching and PT exercises

    Tracking: yes
    Calories; under

    Pass days used: 1

    Weighed in at 175.8, more than 4 lbs under my goal.of 180, confirming that I've met my goal even after accounting for fluctuation. I've been working toward this goal since Dec. 25 2020 and it feels good :smile:

    Congratulations Calvin! So inspiring!