February 2022 Monthly WL challenge



  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Highest Weight (May 22 2019): 276.8 lbs
    February Start Weight (2/1/22): 234.8 lbs
    February Goal Weight (2/28/22): 230 lbs
    End Goal around 145 lbs

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    2/4/22: 235.0
    2/11/22: 229.8
    2/18/22: 228.2

    Total weight loss = 6.6 lbs
  • Deni_R
    Deni_R Posts: 71 Member
    Name: Deni - 42 (5'2")

    My Numbers:
    SW: 299.2lb (135.7kg)
    CW: 285.9lb (129.7kg)
    GW: 281.5lb (127.7kg)
    LTGW: 143.3lb (65kg)

    Weigh-ins: Monday
    2/7/22 = 286.6 (130kg)
    2/14/22 =282.2lb (128kg)
    2/21/22 =280lb (127kg)
    Total Weight Loss =6.4lb (3kg)

    I had a tummy bug during the week and started TTOM :( Big drop the day I was sick (no surprise) but I feel bloated and sore. Food has been pretty good, still tracking everything. Sleep has been terrible, anxiety pretty high so I end up mentally tidying up and over the weekend phsyically doing the same. House is in that "messier than I started" stage of the declutter but it's progressing, going to get even worse before it gets better but I really want to get my junkroom cleared so I can set up a donated treadmill. I keep that front and centre. Good luck this week everyone. It's been lovely seeing your progress!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 741 Member
    I finally got my scales working again! Buuut I weigh the same >_> Thought I was doing quite well but evidently not lol. I was doing my bad habit of guessing the calories for the day so guess I was wildly underestimating. Back to tracking today. Also really must drink water better as I've been up for 7 hours and realised I've not drank any water yet and that is really typical for me, I am so bad at drinking! I've ordered a little light that attaches to your drinking bottle or glass and flashes to remind you to drink so I'm thinking that might be a game changer hehe! Optimistic I can lose at least something with the time left this month but I tend to see a week delay between good habits and weigh ins so might not see results til next week.
  • bbwkitten
    bbwkitten Posts: 104 Member
    Name: Megan
    Weigh in days: Fridays
    My Numbers:
    SW: 370(feb 2009)
    CW: 338.8
    GW: 329
    LTGW: 167

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    2/4/22 - 335.4
    2/11/22 - 329.6
    2/18/22 - 330
    2/25/22 - 328.2 woohoo made under my monthly goal

    Total WL/G for the month= -10.6
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Highest Weight (May 22 2019): 276.8 lbs
    February Start Weight (2/1/22): 234.8 lbs
    February Goal Weight (2/28/22): 230 lbs
    End Goal around 145 lbs

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    2/4/22: 235.0
    2/11/22: 229.8
    2/18/22: 228.2
    2/25/22: 228.0

    Total weight loss = 6.8 lbs
  • Deni_R
    Deni_R Posts: 71 Member
    Name: Deni - 42 (5'2")

    My Numbers:
    SW: 299.2lb (135.7kg)
    CW: 285.9lb (129.7kg)
    GW: 281.5lb (127.7kg)
    LTGW: 143.3lb (65kg)

    Weigh-ins: Monday
    2/7/22 = 286.6 (130kg)
    2/14/22 =282.2lb (128kg)
    2/21/22 =280lb (127kg)
    2/28/22=280.5lb (127.2kg)
    Total Weight Loss =5.9lb (2.8kg)

    Small gain this week, totally deserved, I was waaaaay too lax this weekend. I really need to have a better plan for the weekends. During the week I have healthy snacks to hand at work but the weekend it's too easy to go cupboard hunting. I hit my February target though and I'm looking forward to hopefully doing the same with March!
  • jgot2lose2
    jgot2lose2 Posts: 27 Member
    SW: 296.4 (Highest 303.9)
    CW: 278.4
    GW: 280
    LTGW: 149

    2/4/22 = 288.6
    2/11/22 =287.4
    2/18/22 =282.4

    Total WL for the month= 18 lbs

    I know I have a significant amount of weight to lose, and I'm just starting so things will slow down significantly - and I'm ok with that. I'm still pretty proud of sticking with it for an entire month. One day at a time....