downloading fitbit data for analysis

cm_skinny Posts: 1 Member
Number keener over here. Anyone have experience downloading Fitbit data to then analyze in Excel? Looking to compare steps/mins of fitness/etc from last year and set some goals.


  • conkey64
    conkey64 Posts: 3 Member
    I can't download the fitbit app. It says my phone isn't compatible... Except it's the same phone I had before with my old fitbit months ago. Did the app get upgraded or something?
  • wiley1st
    wiley1st Posts: 164 Member
    I've used my Chromebook to download the data. Go to Fitbit site, log in, and from the dashboard click on the cog at the top right of the page. On the dropdown menu, pick Settings. This will get you to a new page that contains a "data export" item on the left side of the page. Click on data export and you get options on how much data to export and its format. Excel format is supported, but since I'm on ChromeOS I export CSV and import into Google Sheets and it can convert the CSV to native sheets format.

    I haven't tried downloading a years worth of data so something that big might take some time to generate.
  • cassiek11
    cassiek11 Posts: 4 Member
    Do you still need help with this?
  • sharonburgess8
    sharonburgess8 Posts: 3 Member
    Trying to add my Fitbit steps to this app. Any help is appreciated