Monthly Post for March 2022

Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
Happy March everyone!

Let's make this month awesome! B)

Anybody have some goals they want to share?

I will go first. Would like to get back to the gym a few days a week. Also would like to stick to my daily calorie limits during the week and allow for a cheat meal on the weekend.

Have a good day and see you soon!


  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    I would like to get back to modified ADF. I would also like to get back to walking. Maybe not every day, but at least 2-3 times a week. (Great idea Meghan!)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Good morning!

    Oooh nice, @KateNkognito! Yes, I know what you mean about walking. Winter is finally starting to let up a little bit, so we should be able to start walking outside again soon. Cannot wait!

    Fun news here. We booked a trip to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic for early May when I happen to turn the big 5-0! We have been to Punta Cana, DR before but not to Puerto Plata. Looking forward to seeing new parts of the beautiful DR! There are a bunch of us friends turning 50 this year and we were all supposed to book a Caribbean trip together. Two couples dropped out. Two couples are going. Maybe another couple might book in the future. Maybe not. Either way, can't wait! Another reason to get serious about my WOE! Bathing suit season. *screams* :o

    Have a nice one and see you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    Yesterday flew by and today is another late day for teacher conferences. Crazy week. I hope everyone is doing well!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Good morning!

    I hear you, @KateNkognito Wednesday did go quickly!

    Enjoying a pretty normal / quieter work week. Phew.

    I definitely have Friday on the mind. Things are good here. Just plugging along... See you all soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    @Meghan509 When you are on your trip, have a drink with an umbrella in it for me! Sounds like so much fun!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday!

    LOL @KateNkognito absolutely, will do. Maybe I will have two! :p Hee hee!

    It is official that the job posting for the new Assistant went live recently! Let the hiring begin! Woo hoo!

    Beautiful but chilly day here. Working from home and love seeing the squirrels run across the lawn! Looking forward to a low key weekend. Going to have dinner at my guy's parents house tomorrow night. His Mom is a great cook!

    Hope you have a nice easy going Friday and a great weekend ahead. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    Well, last week was the longest six months ever. Three 12 hour days. BUT only three teaching days next week, then spring break! With an adequate supply of carbs and caffeine, I might just make it.

    Sounds like a great weekend, Meghan!

    @mamainthekitchen I hope you are doing well!

    Off to run errands and do the adult-type things. Have a good one y'all!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Oh gosh guys.. sorry, just so busy lately!
    Got a new tv for the folks and hooking it up & programming it to their remote is not as easy as you think! Then of course they hit random button and doesn’t work again! I only have so many days I can drive in to help out. Been cleaning up their garden plus mine from winter and recent branches from storm plus dealing with my dog (we don’t leave her alone anymore). Between all this the daughter has almost finished her schooling (RN) and will specialize next and has 2 offers so far at 2 hospitals! She has 2 more weeks then gets her interim license… woohoo proud mama here!

    Ok Meghan, great subject re goal making!

    I have many & they’re very obvious:
    1. Log food!
    2. No candy!
    3. Watch macros & keep low carb!
    4. Walk! Walk using podcast 40 mins each day then work up to 5km each day
    5. Make time for myself (should this be #1?)
    6. Get back to weight training!!

    The above should be my screensaver!!!!!! :#

    Wow nice sounding trip Meghan! Good news about the new hire soon… hopefully will be hired & fully trained before you leave for your trip!

    Kate I bet you can hardly wait for that spring break!! My son has already had his (here it’s called Reading Break)and he complained about all the assignments given! He said “I thought the term Reading Break actually meant a break from reading”!! Lol

    Ok it’s a gorgeous day and should be all week… no excuses about walking!! Up to 11C today (51F) and no wind! Enjoy your Saturday everyone!!

    And Meg… there is a YouTube video about squirrels which is hilarious… I’ll try to find the name…
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    edited March 2022
    Meg: I don’t know how to link….
    On YouTube….

    “Squirrel Obstacle Course” (Back yard maze) 1.0 by Mark Rober 1M views!!

    Kate your boys may find this funny too :D

    Also… if you can watch on your tv with a bigger screen, that is best!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    @mamainthekitchen My kids love Mark Rober! I have seen that video and it is hilarious! Sounds like a busy time at your house. Btw, my mother-in-law was given a smart TV and about once a month I have to "fix" it for her. Hugs for your pupper. Have a good week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    edited March 2022
    Good morning!

    Typical Monday here with it being a little busy. All good. Makes the day go by faster!

    Hope you both had a nice weekend! We had 60 degrees F here yesterday! Went out and got our errands done and didn't require a jacket. Woo hoo! Spring is on the way for sure. I believe we spring ahead with the clocks this coming weekend. More daylight!

    We had a nice time on Saturday with my guy's parents for dinner. Brought a bunch leftovers home of stuff to cook and reheat.

    @mamainthekitchen I like your goals! And thank you for the squirrel video! I will check it out! LOL

    Ahh yes, older folks and modern technology - good times! I am pretty sure my Mom would call every single day with a computer issue if I didn't tell her to relax and try and be a trouble shooter. Sigh... Often times it is something like batteries in a mouse needing to be replaced, vs. something major. Funny to hear my guy on the phone with his parents trying to tell them how to work the DVR or something with cable. LOL

    @KateNkognito hope your week is a good one. Too funny about your MIL and her TV. LOL!

    Have a good day and see you soon!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi all!

    Well, sounds like you both can relate to my elderly parents vs technology issues! My personal favourite: “My inbox is gone”! :D

    Yes Kate that Mark guy has great videos plus his delivery with humor is so good! Glad your boys had found him!

    Meghan I am wondering what your MIL cooked for dinner as you usually comment she is a good cook and includes low carb items etc. must be so nice to have a meal cooked for you! I don’t get that, except lunch at the folks (dinner is too much work now).

    Off to cook some eggs for lunch!
    Happy Monday !
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    @Meghan509 Glad today went quickly. Leftovers are the best! Especially when you didn't have to cook them the first time. ;)

    @mamainthekitchen LOL at the inbox! And thanks for the suggestion. Eggs for dinner sounds fantastic!

    I have a few things to do then bed early for me. Have a good week y'all!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Good morning!

    I am dying @mamainthekitchen at: "My inbox is gone"!!! LOLOL

    Oooh you are too sweet to remember about my MIL's cooking! This time she made a traditional Argentinian meal that is called a milanesa. Link below to a similar recipe and some background. She buys very thin cut red meat / steak, pounds it even thinner, then puts the meat in egg to let it sit, then she uses Italian bread crumbs (no flour) to coat them. She fries them lightly in Grapeseed oil. Definitely not low carb, but it is yummy. We each had a piece of meat, with some salad. Yummy... She sent us home with some fresh sausages which I will use for soup or stew and she also gave us a meal of leftover lentils with butternut squash and chorizo. The sausage was a little too spicy for them. It was not really spicy at all to us. We had it for lunch yesterday. Again, not low carb but yummy!! LOL

    Also relating to old folks and technology, one time when I was visiting my Mom down in Florida, my BF and I asked her for the Wi-Fi password. She said "we don't have Wi-Fi in this development". Really!? You mean the thousands of people who live in this development, don't use Wi-Fi?! Shaking my head still... In other words she never used it for her cell phone and doesn't own a laptop or a tablet. Sigh... My Mom does not text, won't text, and hates her basic Android smart phone. Last time I was there I noticed she had the volume turned off so she receives no calls or notifications. UGH!

    @KateNkognito hope the eggs were good for dinner! I like to make a crust less quiche once in a while for dinner. I use ground beef or ground turkey, some chopped up mushrooms and onion, eggs, and cheese. I should make one again soon. Yummy!

    Okay, back to work! Have a good one and see you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    @Meghan509 Now I'm hungry! All of that sounds really good! I either make an egg scramble with lunch meat and cheese or a sausage egg and cheese biscuit. Last night I ended up having a burger that my son brought home for me.

    I can't wait for Friday. The first day of spring break and I am absolutely going to be fasting. My stomach is NOT happy with all my poor eating habits lately. I am also retaining a lot of water. A good week of ADF and no caffeine and I should be in much better shape.

    Have a good rest of the week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Good morning!

    A little bit of snow and rain expected here today, so the office is VERY quiet! Why did I have to come in?? Sigh... In any case hoping for a nice easy day.

    Thanks @KateNkognito I am glad you liked the food I mentioned in my post. Wishing you a relaxing spring break with no kiddies driving you nutty. LOL

    Do you feel that caffeine messes you up? Just curious. I drink a few cups of regular coffee in the morning before work. In the afternoon I might have a cup of tea or a regular cup of coffee via the Keurig if I am home. I try and "shut down" any type of caffeine by 5pm, otherwise I worry it could mess up my sleep. I use monkfruit sweetener in my coffee and tea, so no sugar.

    Have a good day and see you guys soon!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Good Morning.

    Thursday is here. So close to the weekend, so close!

    Nothing really much happening here. Plugging along.

    Work was really quiet yesterday. A lot of people worked from home. Not me. Booo... We had a snowy rainy mix all day yesterday but no accumulation. The roads were just wet and there was a small amount of snow on the grass. That was it. Easy!

    Looking forward to chicken for dinner tonight. What can I say, I am easily pleased sometimes. LOL

    Have a good one and see you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    SPRING BREAK IS HERE! Sweet heavens above, they have all lost their minds! I am going to sleep and sleep some more. :) And do some laundry because I am out of socks.

    @Meghan509 I don't think it is the caffeine that causes me trouble as much as the soda/coffee/tea that it comes in. I really find that having a "clean" fast makes a big difference.
    We are supposed to get some snow, but so far the storm has fizzled out. Supposed to be 60°F by Sunday. Go home, Mother Nature, you're drunk. :D

    Good night, all!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Hope you have a great spring break @KateNkognito! You deserve a nice break!

    Interesting regarding the caffeine - yep I get you. My Mom likes to avoid the darker sodas or the ones with caramel flavoring. She drinks Diet Ginger ale or Sprite, etc. No Diet Coke, etc. They have said that even diet sodas are not good because it tricks your body in to thinking it is hungry when it is not. Take all of this with a grain of salt. Need to do further reading on it, but that is what I have heard about caramel and artificial sweeteners. :) I try and limit myself to one or two diet sodas a week. I tend to stick to water or flavored seltzers.

    Grateful to be working from home! The sun is shining and it is 44 degrees F. Tomorrow we have a snowy / rainy mix coming towards us. Should just be wind and rain, and less than an inch of snow. Sounds similar to what we had on Wednesday. Will push our errands to Sunday. No biggie!

    Have a good rest of the day and a nice weekend. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,554 Member
    Ahh! Such a nice day! I got to drive the boys to school. Went back to bed. Did some laundry. Cleaned off the dining room table so we can eat like humans. Walked the dog. Going to Walmart and pick up the kids and their friends in a wee bit. Napping and using the loo whenever I want! Fabulous!

    @Meghan509 I read a study that even flavored water can cause an insulin spike and keep you from burning fat. The researchers recommended only water, tea, and black coffee if you are fasting. I'll have to see if I can find the article again. Interesting stuff.

    Have a lovely weekend! Stay healthy!