Hi I’m Linda and I’m 63

Hoping to start going part time in August and ease into retirement. Looking for folks over 60 to talk to and give support.


  • Luannelizabeth
    Luannelizabeth Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Linda! I'm 67 and just retired in December. I like being able to choose what I want to do, especially as it comes to up and moving around! What are your weight and fitness goals?
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 386 Member
    Hi Linda and Luannelizabeth! I'm Carole and my 64th birthday is coming on August 18th. I weigh about 165 right now (highest weight was 217 on 2/29/2008) and I am looking for mutual encouragement and support, not a competition (except with myself)! I hope to have BMI under 25 by my birthday. At 5'3.5" that's about 141-142 lbs. For fitness I would like to get used to walking to and from work (about 2.3 miles each way) now that the weather is nicer and to focus on good nutrition, rather than counting calories. We'll see how THAT goes! I'd be very interested in hearing more about your goals (not necessarily weight-related). I believe that we "wise women" have much to offer each other. Best wishes for a joyful spring season!rotfwzvco84f.jpg
  • chuckees130
    chuckees130 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Linda,

    I'm looking for some friends too. Friends that can encourage each other and work together. Please friend me. I'm 63 and started out at 225. After a week lost 5 pounds. Tomorrow is my second week's weigh in, Hoping for another 5. My first goal is to get under 200. Haven't started exercising though. Keep saying tomorrow but never happens. I am beyond sedentary. Lay on the couch all day mostly. I know, pretty sad, huh? That is why I have gained so much weight I know. feel dedicated this time though. Don't know why. Guess I'm just over this being fat, Just because we are over 60 does not mean we want to give up, ;)