Team: The Big Butt Theory (April)

AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
edited May 2022 in Social Groups
Welcome to the Challenge new and returning teammates!! This is the conversation/weigh in thread for your Team :) Keep on losing because our first weigh ins begin THIS Sunday! I am here for you should you need anything - simply message me or tag me by putting an '@' just before my username (NO SPACES) and I will get to you asap! ~ Ashley @AB0215.


  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,678 Member
    Sunday 3 April
    Track: yes
    Under: no
    Exercise: yes
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,678 Member
    Good morning all! 🙋‍♀️ And welcome to all of the newbies!

    My name is Sue, and I am 61 years old. I live in southern Maryland, am married, have two grown kids (1 in Seattle, 1 in VA), 1 grandbaby (VA) and 1 fur baby 🐶. I work full time, currently teleworking which appears may go on forever. I love to read, ride my bike, quilt, and make greeting cards. I am always up for a challenge and am usually involved in multiple reading, fitness and Fitbit challenges at any given time. 📚🚶‍♀️

    I have been on MFP for almost 10 years now and part of TBBT for almost 2 years. Wow...time sure does fly!! I joined TBBT after COVID/teleworking caused my weight to climb. I am still down from when I joined TBBT but between weddings, vacations and holidays my weight has crept steadily up since last summer. 😕

    The days are getting longer, and slowly getting warmer, so I am looking forward to being able to get back outside and bike / hike / kayak. My goal for April is to end lighter than I started. ⚖️ Not going to assign a number to that, will take whatever.

    Here's to another great month for TBBT!!! 🎉
  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    💪🏻(Daily Post - Apr. 3)💪🏻
    Logged: no
    Under: no
    Exercise: no
    Water: 6.5 cups

    Sunday - Saturday
    Green - yes days
    Red - no days

    Last week and yesterday was a busy, but it’s a new month and I’m gonna make the most of it 😊

    Hello to the newcomers and continuers! 😊
    My name is Amber. I am 30 years old and lives in Michigan. I struggle with binge eating. I sometimes get urges to keep eating, even when im not hungry. But I am working on it and it’s been better than ever! I am only sharing this incase someone else struggles with this and feels alone. Cuz trust me you aren’t alone💗
    I’ve been in this group for a good year now and I love it!! It’s helped with my weight loss so much and everyone is so welcoming!
    Can’t wait to see what April brings 💕
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,975 Member
    How to make The Biggest Loser Challenge more “user-friendly”
      • Don’t keep losing us!! If you’re here reading this now go ahead and bookmark this thread at the top right of the page; then we will always appear in your “bookmarks”. Once you’re in MFP and have clicked on “Community”, you’re “Bookmarks” will be on the Community’s landing page. You’ll also be able to click your profile picture and find “notifications” from your book marked pages.
      • Want to respond directly to what someone posted? At the bottom of their post click “quote”, scroll down and you’ll see their message prefilled in your text box and you’ll respond below their quotation.
      • Need to get someone’s attention? When you’re typing out your post you can put an @ symbol in front of their username and that will tag the person, they’ll then see a red “notification” when they go to click on their profile picture to get to their bookmarks.
      • Still confused? Its ok! Tag me or better yet! Click on my name next to this post. Go to my profile picture and send me a friend request then you can send me a message or look at my food diary, or just be my friend!

      Oh yeah and Welcome!!! 🤗
    • DaffyGirl88
      DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,678 Member
      💪🏻(Daily Post - Apr. 3)💪🏻
      Logged: no
      Under: no
      Exercise: no
      Water: 6.5 cups

      Sunday - Saturday
      Green - yes days
      Red - no days

      Last week and yesterday was a busy, but it’s a new month and I’m gonna make the most of it 😊

      Hello to the newcomers and continuers! 😊
      My name is Amber. I am 30 years old and lives in Michigan. I struggle with binge eating. I sometimes get urges to keep eating, even when im not hungry. But I am working on it and it’s been better than ever! I am only sharing this incase someone else struggles with this and feels alone. Cuz trust me you aren’t alone💗
      I’ve been in this group for a good year now and I love it!! It’s helped with my weight loss so much and everyone is so welcoming!
      Can’t wait to see what April brings 💕

      @rawrxamberx Aww Amber, I'm so glad we've helped you! <3
    • Krysless2
      Krysless2 Posts: 1,975 Member
      We are going to be running a daily post challenge or MUAC(Mini Ultimate Accountability Challenge) Based on another MFP Challenge called the UAC

      Participation in this challenge is optional but highly encouraged for the following reasons:
      - Helps to keep your goals in focus daily
      - Motivating to see others working on the same things and having the same struggles too. It's defintely a reminder that we're not alone and we are a team
      - Many of us who participate and have successfully lost weight, m would all agree that the daily posting MUAC really is the key!

      The way it works: 
      #1. Track EVERYTHING you eat that has calories.
      #2. Stay inside your allocated daily budget. (you set your own budget)
      #3. Try to do at least 20 minutes of activity a day (anything: walk, run, cycle, swim, gardening, housework, yoga, gym, etc.. As long as it gets you active and off the couch)
      #4. Check in daily (tracking yes/no, calories yes/no, exercise yes/no).

      ****End of the week. those who have managed to keep to plan for 6 out of 7 days are recognized in the thread as being part of the weekly "Winners Circle".
      We started tracking yesterday. Sunday, April 3rd

      Your posts should look like this:
      Daily Post (Sunday)

      Track: Yes/no
      Calories: Yes/no (were you under)
      Exercise: Yes/no (what type and how long)
      Goals/Day/Comments: (Tell us a brief description about how your day went or your goals for the day)

      Please post your weight on your scheduled weigh in day, as if you miss weigh-ins, you may be eliminated from the challenge and we don't want to see that happen!!

      Your posts should look like this:
      Week 1
      PW =(previous weight)
      CW=(current weight)

      Also, if you have any suggestions for the team or fun ideas to spice things up a bit, please feel free to share them, we look for new ways to help engagement and keep people motivated!!

      Welcome to the Challenge!!
    • rawrxamberx
      rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
      edited April 2022
      💪🏻(Daily Post - Apr. 4)💪🏻
      Logged: yes
      Under: no
      Exercise: yes
      Water: 9.5 cups

      Sunday - Saturday
      Green - yes days
      Red - no days

      How was the day?
      My day went pretty well. I was under until I hit dinner and I had one more taco than I originally planned. I was just so hungry and I listened to my body. My water count is pretty good 😊
    • DaffyGirl88
      DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,678 Member
      Monday 4 April
      Track: yes
      Under: yes
      Exercise: yes
    • Krysless2
      Krysless2 Posts: 1,975 Member
      Sunday(Wk1; Day 1)
      • Tracked / Under / Exercise?
        Yes / No / No
      Monday(Wk1; Day 2)
      • Tracked / Under / Exercise?
        Yes / Yes / Yes
      - As of Day 2; MUAC:
    • FindingSamMon
      FindingSamMon Posts: 793 Member
      Monday April 4
      Weigh-in: 232 lbs (I call this weigh in 2 birthdays and a funeral)
      Tracked: Yes
      Calories: Yes
      Exercise: No
    • DaffyGirl88
      DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,678 Member
      Smlisley wrote: »
      Monday April 4
      Weigh-in: 232 lbs (I call this weigh in 2 birthdays and a funeral)
      Tracked: Yes
      Calories: Yes
      Exercise: No

      @Smlisley I am sorry about the funeral, but I couldn't help but LOL at the movie reference. <3
    • melissan84
      melissan84 Posts: 493 Member
      edited April 2022
      Hello and welcome back and welcome new members. I’m Melissa this is my 3rd month with this challenge. It had kept accountable. I have lost 16 lbs since the middle of January. I started with a weight of 250. I’m currently to 234 as of this morning. I can’t wait to continue to kick butt this month.

      Sunday April 3rd
      ✔️Track: yes
      ✔️ Under Calories: yes
      ✔️Exercise: yes I’m counting work as I was not sedentary at all at work working as a nurse
      ✔️ Water: yes

      Monday April 4th
      ✔️Track: yes
      ✔️ Under Calories: yes
      ✔️Exercise: yes working
      ✔️ Water: yes

      So I bought new water bottle and that keeps track of my hourly count. It’s a gallon and the last three days I have managed to keep up even at work. So my challenge this month is keep up with my water and try to exercise when I can. My life is chaos and hectic but I try to exercise when I can and when my schedule allows. I do not have a sedentary lifestyle. My goal weight for this month is to reach 225-229 lbs.
    • DaffyGirl88
      DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,678 Member
      Good morning and welcome to TBBT!

      Hello again to our returning members, always good to see you. :)

      and a BIG welcome to our newest members

      Please take a moment to introduce yourselves! :)
    • FindingSamMon
      FindingSamMon Posts: 793 Member
      Smlisley wrote: »
      Monday April 4
      Weigh-in: 232 lbs (I call this weigh in 2 birthdays and a funeral)
      Tracked: Yes
      Calories: Yes
      Exercise: No

      @Smlisley I am sorry about the funeral, but I couldn't help but LOL at the movie reference. <3

      I had to do it lol
    • Mrscanmore
      Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
      Logged - no
      under - no
      exercise - yes, walking

      Logged - yes
      under - no, but not by much!
      exercise - walking
    • Mrscanmore
      Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
      My name is Karen and I have been doing this challenge since January. I am a Kindergarten teacher and have a family with 2 teens. We foster puppies, but currently don't have any puppies. I enjoy running and hiking and biking.
    • DaffyGirl88
      DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,678 Member
      Tuesday 5 April
      Track: yes
      Under: yes
      Exercise: yes
    • DaffyGirl88
      DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,678 Member
      edited April 2022
      Okay y'all it's Wednesday and there's only a dozen posts in the thread. WTH is everybody?? 🤨🤷‍♀️ It's too flippin' quiet out there.


    • rawrxamberx
      rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
      💪🏻(Daily Post - Apr. 5)💪🏻
      Logged: yes
      Under: yes
      Exercise: yes
      Water: 9 cups

      Sunday - Saturday
      Green - yes days
      Red - no days
    • Krysless2
      Krysless2 Posts: 1,975 Member
      melissan84 wrote: »
      Hello and welcome back and welcome new members. I’m Melissa this is my 3rd month with this challenge. It had kept accountable. I have lost 16 lbs since the middle of January. I started with a weight of 250. I’m currently to 234 as of this morning. I can’t wait to continue to kick butt this month.

      Sunday April 3rd
      ✔️Track: yes
      ✔️ Under Calories: yes
      ✔️Exercise: yes I’m counting work as I was not sedentary at all at work working as a nurse
      ✔️ Water: yes

      Monday April 4th
      ✔️Track: yes
      ✔️ Under Calories: yes
      ✔️Exercise: yes working
      ✔️ Water: yes

      So I bought new water bottle and that keeps track of my hourly count. It’s a gallon and the last three days I have managed to keep up even at work. So my challenge this month is keep up with my water and try to exercise when I can. My life is chaos and hectic but I try to exercise when I can and when my schedule allows. I do not have a sedentary lifestyle. My goal weight for this month is to reach 225-229 lbs.

      Can you show us a picture of your new water bottle?
    This discussion has been closed.