Mission Slimpossible Team Chat - APRIL 2022



  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,223 Member
    @Glombog - great progress!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @laurelfit57 HaHa unfortunately I agree with you that we need to do more lunges. I watch those young fit people on my Beachbody programs hit a 90-90 with their knees and I seriously doubt I will ever be able to hover an inch or so above the ground. :grin: It’s nice that Vannie likes to walk. My Maggie will walk to the corner of the neighbor’s house but that is it! She is a willful little diva. :#

    @Katmary71 Yeah, I’m totally looking forward to the Easter egg hunt. Watching a ton of kids pick up thousands of eggs within a few minutes is a sight to behold. I hope to get a good video of it and lots of pics. :grin: Ohhh poor scared kitty! How long do you have your brother’s cat?

    @Glombog You are doing amazing on your health journey! Keep it up!! B)

    @trooworld No, we don’t decorate eggs. We have around 10,000 plastic eggs that get filled with candy, gummies, and small toys. Our church people help fill the eggs or they donate candy and money. Our church has two organizations that are much like the Boy and Girl Scouts, but faith-based. This year our children’s pastor enlisted their help and they matched and filled at least 6000 or more eggs. Better them than women’s Bible study! :D Wow, 93 degrees already! Did California forget to have a spring? :grin: Good job on eating well and getting in your water.

    @Cornanda <3 hang in there!

    Hi Team! Last night we had a huge lighting storm in the middle of the night. Maggie Mae had to be put into our bed until it passed. Poor thing was scared and very vocal. So, I’m a little sleepy today. :grin: Tomorrow I take Joe to his oncologist for some blood tests following last week’s chemo. My fingers are crossed that his sodium is up. I bought him Ramen noodles and V8, which are loaded in salt, and made him eat them for lunch. I told him if he has to go to the hospital again, I will call him an Uber. Just kidding!! :D Fasting was good today. I did 18 hours and now I think I will go read some of the new book I got called Intermittent Fasting Transformation: The 45-Day Program for Women to Lose Stubborn Weight, Improve Hormonal Health, and Slow Aging by Cynthia Thurlow. She has a great podcast that I listen to quite often. I’m interested in her research and how I might tweak my fasting for better results.

    2022 Word: INTENTIONAL[/b]
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,223 Member
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    PW: 200
    CW: 198.2
  • laurelfit57
    laurelfit57 Posts: 507 Member
    @katmary71 how long is your brother‘s cat staying with you? Hopefully she will come out from under the couch soon lol :-). Seriously all your yardwork makes my back ache😜.

    @glombog it is great that you have such a terrific inspiration picture! That you are already halfway there is great! Congratulations!

    @trooworld WHAT?? 93°!? I can’t even imagine that in April! I was thinking we were going to be doing really good tomorrow it is going up to 64° LOL LOL!
    Congrats on the good day of eating and water intake!

    @Cornanda glad to see you check in and that you’re able to keep your chin up, day by day🥰

    @TeresaW1020 about 10 years ago I decided to try a kettle bell class at a very small gym. I walked into the class and everybody was squatting down, their butts about an inch off the ground, I thought to myself “what the heck are you doing here”🤣. Your Maggie and my Vannie are total opposites. Vannie is super sassy and if she doesn’t get enough exercise she will do anything to get a reaction, even tip over the laundry basket to bring me my dirty socks or underwear🥺. I’m sorry you were kept up with that storm last night, you need your sleep these days! Fingers crossed for Joe’s sodium levels being good! Great job on your IF!

    @micaroo4 🤣🤣😯

    @Jactop huge congratulations on the loss!!

    I did a spin class and barbell class at the gym this morning. I did way better than last time, it’s 8 o’clock and I am still awake LOLLOL! I actually feel pretty good, so I’m glad that I can do that and not go to the gym on Fridays. It was a beautiful day today and I got Vannie out to the park for some frisbee and chuck it, so now she is all worn out too!
    Hope everybody had a great Thursday!
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 523 Member
    I'm having a flare and I'm really tired today. My hands are extremely tender. I took my Cat Tessie to the vet for some blood work and a checkup. She has an overactive thyroid and has lost a little weight. I feed her every time I go to the kitchen which is quite often. And I give her medication twice a day.

    I need to go to the market in the morning before it gets hot. I cannot believe how many strawberries I've eaten in a week, and oranges too. It's 8pm and 84 degrees outside, too early in the year to be running the air conditioner. Goodnight team.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,708 Member
    @Glombog What an amazing transformation, wow! And in a short period of time too, incredible!

    @trooworld I read that too fast and thought you said you were going to wear a bucket on your head, glad it's a bucket hat! I was wondering if you were going to put eye holes in it, geez. I'm a few degrees behind you, enjoy the warm day!

    @GabiV125 I love the phone call idea, good goals to work on. Love your outlook, onward and upward is right!

    @Cornanda Hugs my friend.

    @TeresaW1020 Cali is here for a week, it's going better now thank goodness but my cats are scared of her! Sounds like a stressful night, I can see why you're sleepy. Hope Joe's tests go well. Your book sounds interesting, I've never heard of her so I'll have to look into her podcast.

    @laurelfit57 Only a week, I'll update it for sure but she's doing better. Nice, two classes that take a lot of energy and you're still awake, you go girl! I'm totally beat at night so I admire that!

    @FushiaKat I'm so sorry you're in a flare. Yes with calorie counting the fruits and veggies go way up, totally hear you there! Hope you're feeling better.

    Hi team! So cat situation, Cali has been on the love seat next to me growling and hissing if my cats come into the kitchen and family room so they're hiding in my bedroom. She's only here for a week. I had a feeling she'd rule the house once she warmed up. Had a great workout, I tried 5lb weights and did well thank goodness so I'm glad it didn't backfire. I went to let my brother's dog out as the house sitter isn't able to let it out the next couple days and the puppy was being a sweetheart. Then I went to give the chickens oats and one had died, man that sucks. Apparently she wasn't coming for food in the morning but was still alive, I'm just glad as some of you may remember my nephew found one of the chickens after it had been attacked and killed and was crying so I'm glad I was able to take care of it even though it made me want to cry. I came home and mulched, ate, and am headed to bed in a few. Have a great Friday everyone!
  • davors19
    davors19 Posts: 293 Member
    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 260
    CW: 258
  • davidji82
    davidji82 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi all
    Weigh in day Friday
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Oh that's good that you don't have to decorate the eggs. 10,000 wow that is an incredible amount! Yeah it's a good thing the children's pastor did that. It actually got up to 99F yesterday, I think it did forget spring lol! Poor little Maggie Mae. I'm glad we don't live where there are storms. Ramen noodles and V8 were a great idea. Those things are loaded with salt! I hope the doctor's visit goes well. Enjoy your book!

    @micaroo4 lol! Thanks for the Friday funny!

    @Jactop @davors19 @Cornanda @davidji82 Congrats on the losses!

    @laurelfit57 It actually got hotter: 99F! It was so uncomfortable. Thank you! Great job with the exercise. Have a great day, too!

    @Katmary71 LOL! That's hilarious. Thanks, it was kind of nice but a little uncomfortable. I'm glad Cali has warmed up. Sorry about the chicken, that must have been a bummer.

    Hi all. It actually got up to 99F yesterday and is supposed to be just as hot today. I woke up with a migraine from the weather. I took migraine medication but it always makes me nauseous. It's such a trade-off.

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
  • gwamajtw91
    gwamajtw91 Posts: 137 Member
    So sorry I completely missed last week, my brain is full of tax returns and not much else....only 10 days to go before I get my life back!!
    April 1: 165.0
    April 8: 164.4
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,708 Member
    @trooworld I'm sorry to hear about the migraine, you just got on the other side of the pain flare so that's frustrating. Hope you're not too sweaty, that's really warm! Our temps are going down tomorrow, guessing you're the same even though you're Southern CA. I dropped off some cucumbers at a stand for someone and told her to wait to transplant to when it cools a bit as one of mine didn't make it.

    @gwamajtw91 I know you must be super busy, I've barely heard from a friend of mine since tax season started as she's been slammed.

    Hi gang! Not much to report, did my workout, dropped off plants at a stand, checked on the animals, spent some time in the yard, and now I'm taking it easy as tomorrow's the food drive/collecting Easter baskets at the food bank so I'll need my energy. I've been having trouble sleeping, hopefully tonight will go better. Lost a little more weight, I'll get to add back calories soon which will be awesome, I'm burning more than normal getting the yard squared away. Hooked up to my micro current machine calming my body down, have a great weekend!

  • holly2e
    holly2e Posts: 300 Member
    Username: holly2e
    Weigh In Day: Thursday
    PW (Previous Weight): 132.4
    CW (Current Weight): 131.0
  • holly2e
    holly2e Posts: 300 Member
    I’m so glad you checked out the app and started it. I agree, it’s very cool how it’s like a course and the meditations are short. I think it’s really helping me!
  • amioc
    amioc Posts: 175 Member
    Username amioc
    weigh in day: Friday
    Starting weight 147 (28/01/2022)
    All time heaviest 148 (24/01/2022)
    PW: 145.0
    CW: 146.5 😩

    I’m not sure what’s wrong with me at the moment but I can’t get back on track 😕. It’s not like I’ve even had loads going on this week. I’ve only been to the gym once this week. I just can’t get my head in the game! I’ve got things planned in may that I want to be more comfortable in my body for but it’s still not motivating me. I no when it comes I will totally regret it 🥺
  • askewcr
    askewcr Posts: 372 Member
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Starting Weight 258.5
    CW:253 B)
  • bgame4
    bgame4 Posts: 94 Member
    Username: bgame4
    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW: 133 lbs
    CW: 134 lbs

    Phrase of the year: OWN IT!
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,819 Member
    PW: 223
    CW: 223
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,067 Member
    @gwamajtw91 Congrats on the loss and good luck with the rest of tax season!

    @Katmary71 Thank you yes it is! Actually, our condo stays pretty cool so I wasn't too uncomfortable unless I went outside lol. Yes, it is supposed to be high of 70s today, which will be nice. Are you waking up at night? What have you tried so far? I have experience in not sleeping so I might be able to suggest something!

    @holly2e @askewcr Congrats on the losses!

    Hi all. I've got a fun day planned today. I am going to the zoo this morning by myself to walk for exercise. I will put on my headphones and rock out while I visit the animals. Tonight, I have an art opening (one of my pieces is in the show) and then we are going to eat at a French restaurant with my SIL. It's going to be much cooler today, in the 70s, so that will be nice. Have a good day!

    My phrase for the year: "Something needs to change…so I will take no crap and eat no crap!"
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