Spring Time Chat!

Please chat about whatever you wish here.

I love to see all the spring flowers come up in my neighbors' yards, even if it keeps on switching from warm to freezing. I think the springtime plants are adjusting to the temperature changes as they are still thriving!

I get excited about spring as the farmers market near us opened up and I love the farm who sets up there. I got two beefsteak mature tomato plants, and herbs (parsley, sage, peppermint for tea, and basil) to plant. The beefsteak tomatoes did so well last year. This year, I will set them up correctly by enclosing a cage around them. I got the cages last year but never used them.

I am excited about spring! I like to pull weeds for a little exercise.

I also plan to go to a gardening center to get some new rose trees. Such fun, plus I get sunshine!


  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,498 Member
    The weather here is terrible. Freeze warnings and then a few days later near record heat. I do love all the flowers and blooming shrubs and trees though. My hubby loves beefsteak tomatoes. I have some herbs growing in the greenhouse. We have some things planted outside already in the garden. Bought a new hosta to plant.
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 880 Member
    Cool beans! I love hostas. I need a few more around my trees. It's great you have a greenhouse!

    We are swinging back and forth between freezing and heat too, but it is starting to settle down into a spring.

    Still waiting for the registered generator ppl to come see our lemon generator. I told sis not to worry about it, as if we lose power, we can check into a hotel nearby. Poor ole' sis gets so irritated when things aren't working out as fast as she wants them. Yes, we do need the stamina to push for things and that can be difficult, but I am trying to get her help to help her car down some.

    She has finally agreed to see a doctor I found for her. The doc is board certified in internal medicine and gerentology which is hard to find here. I will probably switch to her too.

    I am also going to treat her to reiki. My teacher does shamanic reiki, and I think that will help her. I had a mini session with my teacher, and it was really cool! .I practice reiki on people, but I think sis would benefit from someone who has done it for 22 years!
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I love playing with plants, too! Yesterday it was very windy, but I still went out in our yard and dug up some low growing (3”?) light pink flowers (aka weeds). I transplanted them at the edge of my terraced garden. ‘Terraced garden’ makes it sound fancy. It is terraced with pretty rocks (plenty of rocks in Colorado). The terraces are on either side of the first few steps going up to our deck, on the one side/front of our house. I planted bulbs last year and the crocus (croci? Lol) came up and the deer promptly ate the flowers (before I saw them; my husband did. The leaves are still there, so I have hope for next year). The daffodils are coming up now; daffodils are pretty safe from animals due to something in the plant. I transplanted other wildflowers (also weeds from our yard) last year; we’ll see if they come up. I joke I can’t even grow weeds here. The soil is good, but it is dry, so very dry. I mulched with the abundant pine needles around our house, for some pretense of shade from the sun. I did water in the flowers, but they do need to mostly fend for themselves, poor dears.

    I was supposed to go to a nursery/garden with my daughter in Denver today, but we postponed it due to wind (not good for planting).
  • sls631
    sls631 Posts: 89 Member
    Spent all day in yard yesterday and will be back out there this morning. I plant annuals; vincas and impatiens mostly. Also transplanted some plants. With trees getting larger I have less sun. I have hostas in multiple places. Most of the trees have leaves although the two tall maples really take their time. I have a bluebird nesting box that I can see from my home office. Hours of free entertainment as I watch the parents go in and out. Last year I transplanted iris from an empty lot next door and they did quite well. Don’t really like the plant but am learning to appreciate them.
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 880 Member
    All the flowers sound really nice! My neighbor's yard is filled with spring bulbs, so I get to enjoy hers on my walk. Someday, perhaps the bulbs I plant will thrive. I need a better bulb seller. 😆
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Flowers are in a day of limbo here; last night, we got 2-3” of snow (hopefully, but not necessarily, our last). We are always so desperate for moisture that somehow snow in late April, even early May, is okay around here. Snow is melting fast and all of it was off the roads as soon as the sun came up (warm road surfaces).
  • sls631
    sls631 Posts: 89 Member
    It’s really hot here today so if feels odd to be hearing about snow. Headed to Boston next week for a whale watch and then out to Gunnison for a WCU graduation. Can’t imagine what to wear for a 10 am outdoor graduation on May 7th. Not planning on packing any shorts.
  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,498 Member
    It's a homemade greenhouse but it really helps. Hostas are awesome if you live in the woods like I do. I plant red impatiens for annuals. And an herb garden in pots by my patio area.
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 880 Member
    My sister is going to bring me some lily of the valley to put around my backyard tree and where the dirt sloughs off. She says it spreads and it's a great ground cover! Our grass seed took near the garage, but where all the water drains, it's just a dirt path. The neighbors will enjoy the grass seed in their yards!

    I cancelled a day trip as it was supposed to be storming. Now, it will not storm until tonight. Rats. I should have kept my day trip.

    I am taking the time to continue my decluttering, so all is not lost.

    I sure hope the snow is over!
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Planted hostas and yellow daisies at my daughter’s house today. She and her husband planted the bushes. What a beautiful day!
  • sls631
    sls631 Posts: 89 Member
    So funny that we are gardeners as well as MFP comrades. I finished with all the annuals today; coleus, impatiens, begonias and vincas. I leave tomorrow for a week so hopefully when I return things will have settled in. I have tons of hostas and will divide them when I get back. Yard work just makes me happy.
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 880 Member
    @sls Yard work makes me happy too, but not the major stuff like mowing--just the minor stuff like pulling weeds and planting.

    I do have a rechargeable little shrub buzzer that I use for the minor jobs, like trimming vines over the fence from our neighbors yards.

    @ Maggie I am so happy you got to plant at your daughter's house! That's a special mother/daughter day!

    I have started doing an art form called NeuroGraphica which was created in 2014, combining a school of psychology with a creative art school.

    The last two pieces of art I did actually gave me energy which I haven't had in a long while! I used up my energy over the last few days starting some spring cleaning, decluttering, and getting donation bags ready to go out. I plan to start another art piece tonight!

    If anyone wants to check out the YouTube videos about NeuroGraphica you can search the name plus Alina Smolasky. I hope I am spelling that right. She's my teacher. You can do NeuroArt to if like to start with that. I like to share resources that are helpful to me! 💕
  • sls631
    sls631 Posts: 89 Member
    Two days in the yard and it was a lot! Needed to prune the big trees and lift the canopy. Still have more to do but got a major part of it is done. Waiting to see if city will pick up all the yard waste. Good news is that with all the yard work I just hit a new weight loss low. I was stagnant for a long time. I don’t mind mowing as I love the look when I am done. Wish I felt the same way about vacuuming.
    I was hoping the weight loss would help with knees, but I find that long walks (even with knee braces) really take a toll. Any suggestions? Next month we will be in Cinque Terre Italy and I want to walk as much as I can.
  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,498 Member
    We have been working outside the last few days. Hubby transplanted a bunch of our transplants and moved them outside to get used to the sun. He has been cutting down limbs and small trees and we are cleaning up limbs and burning them. We are also still remodeling and repairing things around the house.
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 880 Member
    Sls, get a script for physical therapy, and find a good physical therapist. That will help your knees! Wtg on all the yard work!

    Tish, hugs to you and wtg on your yard work too.

    I feel paralyzed by the amount of boxes in the front room, courtesy of my sis. I just need to remember one task at a time. I put out a nice iron sunflower bird bath today. Next, I'll install a new shower head for sis! Her shower head stinks. lol!
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 1,036 Member
    @sls631 I wholeheartedly agree with @beccaboo1276414 PT is amazingly helpful. I did it a year ago for my left hip and again now, for the same hip (different problem) and left shoulder. Last year, it took ~4 months of PT’ing to get my hip good to go. After just a good month, my shoulder is better. TBD on the hip, though.
  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,498 Member
    I also feel paralyzed by the number of boxes in the living room, dining room, and Mother's Room. I just keep plugging away. Hubby is transplanting peppers and tomatoes into the garden.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I was doing some outside plant stuff today and thought of this thread when I was huffing and puffing a bit. I was around 9,400’ (where we camp, a good 1,500’ higher than our home). We were there for the first time this year couple days ago and we walking around and I noticed I was a bit out of breath for a couple minutes. Today, we dug up some trees, put them in plastic bins and carried them back to our truck. I also transplanted 3 of them on the same property. All of this was okay and no huffing and puffing until I had to haul a 5 gallon water container ~75’ and up maybe 15-20’. That’s about 40 lbs. I had to move it one foot by one foot, literally moving it that far, setting it down and then picking it up again. I refused to be a wimp and ask my husband for help (he was further down the mountain and didn’t see my pathetic attempts). We usually don’t get out of breath at this elevation, even when hiking. And to think, a few days back when we walked in our neighborhood, we were feeling pretty darn good without needing to stop (3 miles, ~400’ elevation change) due to us ellipticating through the winter. C’est la vie!
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ugh! I just realized that I’ll be planting the other 9 trees tomorrow at our house. I like to do this, and yet…
  • MorticiaAddamsMSFS
    MorticiaAddamsMSFS Posts: 1,498 Member
    I potted a bunch of herbs yesterday and we planted a coral bell. I weeded the hosta beds and the shade perennial bed. Today I did some batch cooking and helped Benny hang things on the laundry room, dining room, and hall walls. He is making a picture frame and repairing some wall decorations.
  • beccaboo1276414
    beccaboo1276414 Posts: 880 Member
    Hugs to you all! I will be asking for PT at my doctor's appointment tomorrow. She is an independent doc which means she can refer me to my good PT, instead of the crappy hospital PT that my neurologist gave me. Haha!