Teacher Support

Hi everyone! Is this group active?
I’m searching for more teacher friends! I teach high school English. It’s almost summer, and I’m sure we can all use some extra accountability! Request me for support and motivation! 🍎❤️


  • Jaceface27
    Jaceface27 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm looking for the same thing. I also teach high school literature and looking to eat clean and exercise more this summer.
  • Katbarker244
    Katbarker244 Posts: 2 Member
    Hope you're doing well! This group might be a little quieter since your post is from last year, but hey, teachers always need support, right? High school English, wow! That's a subject that's super important for shaping young minds. Must be rewarding and challenging at the same time.
  • Katbarker244
    Katbarker244 Posts: 2 Member
    edited September 2023
    Hope you're doing well! This group might be a little quieter since your post is from last year, but hey, teachers always need support, right? High school English, wow! That's a subject that's super important for shaping young minds. Must be rewarding and challenging at the same time.

    And speaking of summer, that could be a perfect time to look into new career avenues, perhaps even internationally. Have you ever considered teaching abroad? If you're interested, Teaching Jobs London offer a different experience and an opportunity to dive into a new culture while still being in an English-speaking environment.
  • Heartkris
    Heartkris Posts: 3 Member
    I was wondering the same thing! I teach as well and could use support for all of the stress eating.