Yes Plz Introduce Yourself - Thanx



  • mlkdud
    mlkdud Posts: 174 Member
    What is your name or nickname?Brandi or Mlkdud
    Your Team? Thinner Winners
    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country. Panhandle of Texas
    What is your favorite summer activity? Swimming
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? Knit, read, hike
    Your favorite exercise? Walking
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? Keep losing weight
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? Keep blood sugar under control
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? Mediterranean
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? Don’t really have any
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Be consistent
    2 random fun facts about you? I have been on MTV. I hate Play Doh so much so I can even hardly type the word.
    Post a picture of yourself if you like.
    Anything else you would like to share?
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    What is your name or nickname?Nan

    Your Team? PS4L (hopefully)

    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country. Edinburgh, Fife, Scotland

    What is your favorite summer activity? Taking a picnic to a nice quiet beauty spot and soaking up the calm and the view

    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? Walking in the great outdoors, my church, knitting. For relaxation I’m currently knitting a 2ply baby shawl.

    Your favorite exercise? Walking, in the early morning watching the sun come over the horizon, listening to the birds.

    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? I’d like to meet my 5% goal this time.

    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? Get my BP back to a sensible level, doctor and I both know it’s immovable stress.

    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? We eat 1950s style mostly since mum(91) still does most of the cooking

    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? Recognising that I can walk past the candy jar

    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Folks on the Spring constantly telling me I must slow down. It’s hard for a workaholic.
    2 random fun facts about you? I have abseiled from the Forth Rail Bridge. I have walked over the Atlantic!

    Post a picture of yourself if you like.
    Anything else you would like to share?

    Thanks for doing all introductions on this thread so we can all follow each other here.
    We will have the most successful 5% teams ever!
  • micaroo4
    micaroo4 Posts: 3,961 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Mica Your Team? Mission Slimpossible
    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country. New Hampshire
    What is your favorite summer activity? Bicycling
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? Bicycling, birding, hiking, crocheting
    Your favorite exercise? Bicycling, walking
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? Maintain (at goal weight) and improve Strength!
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? Stay on track with my "walk the year" goal of 2022 miles in 2022; commute to work by bicycle every day possible, weather permitting; improve Strength
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? I track food and stay within range calories & macros
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? Reaching and maintaining my goal weight, achieving my "walk the year" goal for the past 2 years (this is year 3)
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Consistency!
    2 random fun facts about you? Cat lover (all animals really, but cats live with me); I play guitar
    Post a picture of yourself if you like.
    Anything else you would like to share?
  • newpma
    newpma Posts: 233 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Your Team? Lindsey, Newpma, Thinner Winners
    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country. Liverpool,England
    What is your favorite summer activity? Walking outdoors, exploring new places
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? I love to read also enjoy drawing when I get time.
    Your favorite exercise? Depends on my mood but I love Pilates and dancing around like a fool.
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? I really want to lose my 5% I think I've only ever managed it once every time a challenge starts something seems to throw me off track.
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? I really want to focus on toning up and also want to start taking more time to do the things that make me happy.
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? Intermittent fasting
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? I'll tell you when I have one :D
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Counting calories and tracking doesn't work for me.
    2 random fun facts about you? I've had sewing machine for over a year and it's still in the box I'm going to start making and altering my own clothes. I want to start writing again.
    Post a picture of yourself if you like.
    Anything else you would like to share?
  • angeandlyon
    angeandlyon Posts: 358 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Your Team? Angela(Ange) I believe 5% summer challenge
    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country.-Ontario,Canada
    What is your favorite summer activity? when I can , sit outside and listen to the birds..walk when I can
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? cook, read, and workout when I can
    Your favorite exercise? weight lifting....and kickboxing( but can not do right now)
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? I just want more control of ME and not what my doctors want for me...some how I got really lost and off track...
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? It is my 25th anniversary(35 yrs together) and I really want to be able to wear my wedding set again
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? right now I have far too many restrictions with food for all my conditions...
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? wish I was there yet...but when I do I will share:)
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? again not there yet...still a work in progress...
    2 random fun facts about you? I am a huge animal lover...and very sarcastic...
    Post a picture of yourself if you like.- still learning this MFP thing...not sure if I know how to do it here
    Anything else you would like to share? just embracing my new normal...but taking more control of me back..instead of the guinea pig I have become over the last 10 years...I look forward to cheering u all on and having the support calories are set low so please no negativity...under doctor assessement...I think...I may have upset them lol
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    What is your name or nickname? tiffanylacourse aka Tiffany

    Your Team? Thinner Winners

    Your Approximate Location: North Central Ohio - Near Cedar Point Amusement Park

    What is your favorite summer activity? Watching my kids play baseball!

    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? For fun I like to read, do sudoku puzzles, watch tv, etc.

    Your favorite exercise? Lifting weights for sure.

    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? I'd like to lose my 5% (or more), start and stick to a workout schedule, hit 10k steps per day, and do my best to log all intake daily!

    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? I'd like to fit into a size 14 jeans (currently hovering between 16-18-20ish), have less back and knee pain, & lose my double chin!

    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? Macros - focusing on protein intake and overall calorie intake & (somewhat lazy) intermittent fasting.

    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? Doing a 5k color run a few years ago.

    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Taking it one day - or even one meal - at a time. To focus on the "Just for today" instead of the huge long term goals.

    2 random fun facts about you? I'm a mom of 5 boys ranging in age from 6 - 19 - and I'm a Libra.

    Post a picture of yourself if you like. (Can be seen on my profile. LOL)

    Anything else you would like to share? Not that I can think of off the top of my head.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 4,333 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Your Team?
    Mary-thinner winners

    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country
    60 minutes away from NYC, US.

    What is your favorite summer activity?
    Swimming, going to Disney
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies?
    Read, play Pokémon go, emoji blitz, magic kingdoms, play cards, exercise,

    Your favorite exercise? Spinning though that will be gone soon as gym membership is ending

    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season?
    I want to hit 164. My weight has been fluctuating between 166-169.

    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer?

    Looser clothes, more self control with food

    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? Dash diet

    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? When I got told in may that my dr was jealous of my day bp readings, Losing 8 lbs in 2 months
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Dash diet book, drink water, baby steps are good

    2 random fun facts about you? I love to read many books at a time, I can identify way too many Pokémon creatures
    Post a picture of yourself if you like.
    Anything else you would like to share?
  • persistant123
    persistant123 Posts: 114 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Kathleen
    Your Team? I hope to be on Fit Force again
    Your Approximate Location: Palmview, TX
    What is your favorite summer activity? Aquacize
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? Walk, Aquacize, Read, Hike (when it is not so HOT)
    Your favorite exercise? Hiking
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? Hit my 5% goal
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? Complete two small virtual hikes on
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? Keto
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? I finally hiked the Stone Mountain Falls loop, which was something that I have wanted to do for the past 12 years and did not think I could. It is a 4.9-mile strenuous hike and it took me 5 hours to complete. It did not help that I went in the wrong direction and got off the trail, but I did it!
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Baby steps and keep adding to what I have accomplished. Never Give UP!
    2 random fun facts about you? 1) I just purchased a pickup and plan on purchasing a small RV to volunteer and live in next summer. 2) My cat travels with me on my adventures.
    Post a picture of yourself if you like.
    Anything else you would like to share? Thanks to the support of my 5% team and attending a Tony Robbins seminar, I hiked several trails that I believed I was unable to do in the past. While I was on vacation I conquered several of my fears and completed several of those hikes.
  • Golfma4
    Golfma4 Posts: 1,158 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Melrie or "Mel
    Your Approximate Location: Near Winston Salem, NC
    What is your favorite summer activity? Golf
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? Reading - Games - Travel
    Your favorite exercise? Walking - Exercise videos on You Tube
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? Lose the 5%

    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? Thinking about that one
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? Trying to stay in percentages of 30% Fat , 20% Protein, 50% Carbs.
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? Increased steps to average more than 10,000 steps daily.
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Keeping tabs on calories and trying to keep the percentages of Fat, Protein and Carbs right, checking after every meal or before meals to plan what I will eat.

    2 random fun facts about you?
    Post a picture of yourself if you like.- Later
  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,710 Member
    Name or nickname & Team? Kate, team Red Hot Chilli Steppers!
    Your Approximate Location: North-central Massachusetts, USA
    Favorite summer activity? Swimming at a local rock “gorge”
    Fun, interests, hobbies? Making wine, cooking/baking, snuggling with my puppies & kitties (can you see why I might need to lose 5%?!)
    Favorite exercise? Beach Body workouts
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? Losing 5%, gaining consistency!
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? Improve my nutrition, less “junk” foods & better macro balance
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? Calorie counting/restriction
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? Running a 10k with an average pace of 8:06 …was quite a few years ago now…
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Just keep returning to it, you won’t always be perfect and life will happen, but you can’t let it keep you down
    2 random fun facts about you? I currently have 29 chickens and am remodeling my house
    Post a picture of yourself if you like. I would not, but here are my puppies!
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 5,078 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Linda aka Deskjockey101Your Team? PS4L
    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country. Vancouver BC Canada
    What is your favorite summer activity? Walking with my phone camera ready for my Walking Treasures
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? Sunsets and Camomile Tea, it lets me know I made it through another day!
    Your favorite exercise? Walking inside or outside
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? be a loser ! 5% or so
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? Help my body heal ( Meralgia Paresthetica nerve issue )
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? I like the Dash Diet, so will be incorporating, I dislike tracking my food
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? have to think about this...
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? a suggestion from a physio-therapist about meals - 1/3 meat to 2/3 greens, helps a lot and I always revert to that!
    2 random fun facts about you? I'm fun ??? thought I missed that bus ... but I do like to dance around the living room and play computer games. Did someone say Super Marios? Still have my Nintendo !!!
    Post a picture of yourself if you like. Please see profile pic :)
    Anything else you would like to share? I am thankful every day that I crawl out of bed to face another day of what ever it may bring, and I am thankful for my Heavenly Father who embraces me when I am at a low ebb - he never lets my hands drop.
  • dbeau57
    dbeau57 Posts: 1,675 Member
    edited June 2022
    What is your name or nickname? Donna (dbeau57) Your Team? EL for the Rain Dancers
    Your Approximate Location: Gulf Coast of Mississippi
    What is your favorite summer activity? Exercising in the air-conditioned YMCA
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? read, garden, play Suduko
    Your favorite exercise? walking
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? finally get to my first goal weight
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? new pants
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? counting calories
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? Losing 50 lbs. after hitting my all-time high and walking at 4 mph
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? If you fall (or fail), get back up and try again
    2 random fun facts about you? 1. I'm a national board certified retired teacher, and 2. I got carded at the grocery store when buying alcohol. The cashier said I don't look old enough!
    Post a picture of yourself if you like. f6unndpb8o0f.jpg

    Anything else you would like to share? I am grateful to my Lord for all the blessings He has given me.
  • lavalily
    lavalily Posts: 2,405 Member
    edited June 2022
    What is your name or nickname? Your Team?
    Lucy (not a nickname) and I’m one of the Tenacious GR8TERS
    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country.
    I’m on the Big Island of Hawaii and the big city near me is Honolulu, on the island of Oahu
    What is your favorite summer activity?
    Sitting on my orchid lanai with a cup of coffee or iced tea
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies?
    I belong to a gym and I go there regularly. I am an author, so I write for fun and for profit, I am also a musician (piano, guitar, recorder, singing, writing lyrics).
    Your favorite exercise?
    Lifting weights or any machine that replicates that
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season?
    Stay on maintenance with my weight, but mostly I want to increase my leg strength
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer?
    Strong legs and the ability to walk longer distances
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following?
    Vegetarian Low carb/high fat (Diet Doctor)
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements?
    I achieved weight maintenance about 15 years ago with Weight Watchers
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you?
    Don’t let the slips define you – just get back on track and keep going
    2 random fun facts about you?
    I’ll be 88 in September and I just retired as a college prof in September 2021.


  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 7,092 Member
    edited June 2022
    What is your name or nickname? Joyce (Kurtize) Your Team? Rain Dancers

    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country.
    Dallas is the biggest city near me, live in Smith county, East Texas

    What is your favorite summer activity? Just relaxing

    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? play computer games, read, listen to music, spend time with family and friends

    Your favorite exercise? Walking

    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? Get back on track, grained weight

    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer?
    Get myself organized and on a schedule

    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? Nutrisystem

    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements?
    I lost over 25 libs and was feeling great

    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you?
    Don't give up, don't except miracles over night, be patient with self and it is ok to slip and make mistakes, just start over, every day is a new day and a new beginning

    2 random fun facts about you?
    Was very active in Red Hats, led many church bible studies and functions, was on TV dance show as a teenager in late 50's

    Post a picture of yourself if you like. 2019, celebrating friend in center 65th birthday we were all in red hats together, I am on the right.


    Anything else you would like to share?
  • Kopsbaby
    Kopsbaby Posts: 359 Member
    Plz Introduce yourself to your teammates here. Plz copy/paste this template. Thank you.

    What is your name or nickname? Donna
    Your Team? Rain Dancers

    Your Approximate Location: Spring Mills, PA
    What is your favorite summer activity? camping and swimming. Enjoying the sunshine and warm weather.

    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies?
    Camping, grandkids, driving my Mustang

    Your favorite exercise? Swimming and walking

    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season?
    To finish the challenge with a loss.

    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? To have my clothes fit better.

    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? Higher protein, lower carbs

    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? When I briefly got down to a size 12, a 14 would be great now.

    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Drink lots of water. Do something, anything.

    2 random fun facts about you? I am a twin. I have been in PA longer than I was in my home state of Florida.

    Anything else you would like to share? Been married for 33 years in August. Between us we have 5 children and 8 grandkids. 3 of them are now graduated from high school.

    Thanks for doing all introductions on this thread so we can all follow each other here.
    We will have the most successful 5% teams ever!
  • steviebee888
    steviebee888 Posts: 919 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Your Team? steviebee888; my team is PS4L
    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country. Indiana
    What is your favorite summer activity? Spending time with friends
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? I love to read, journal and workout
    Your favorite exercise? Run/Walking
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? Break this plateau and get into the 150s
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? Fit more in my clothes
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? Carb-cycling
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? Run a half marathon in all 50 states; completed in Apr. 2019
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Running has definitely taught me about dealing with the ups and the downs (some days are good runs, some are okay, and others are just bad)
    2 random fun facts about you? I love the Golden Girls and I have 2 fur babies
    Post a picture of yourself if you like.
    Anything else you would like to share?
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Connie
    Your Team? Tenacious Gr8ters
    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country. Windsor Ontario Canada
    What is your favorite summer activity? Hanging out with friends
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? Crochet, reading, gardening, cooking and baking, also volunteering at our country Fair in Harrow.
    Your favorite exercise? Walking
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? Finding my motivation and getting back on track.
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? Ride my bike more.
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? I aim to stay in the range of 1480 -1700
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? Becoming more active.
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Keep moving. It doesn't matter what it is.
    2 random fun facts about you? Hmmm....I love to help friends with gardening, and I have a Rottie
    Post a picture of yourself if you like. m46e2ckafxim.jpg

    Anything else you would like to share? Not that I can think of.
  • kkinnea
    kkinnea Posts: 233 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Your Team?
    Kristen => kkinnea. I have been on the Shape Shifters since moving to MFP

    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country.
    Minneapolis MN USA

    What is your favorite summer activity?
    Enjoying the sun

    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies?
    Music, writing software, learning languages

    Your favorite exercise?

    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season?
    Lose 1-2 more pounds

    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer?
    Eating as healthy as possible for most meals

    What diet/meal plan/style are you following?
    Logging food

    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements?
    Being able to complete a marathon

    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you?
    Being kind to myself, consistency

    2 random fun facts about you?
    I own 2 Toyota Camrys
    I like my grey hair

    Post a picture of yourself if you like.
    No good ones with grey hair - yet!

    Anything else you would like to share?
    I enjoy our 5% community!
  • losemicaroline
    losemicaroline Posts: 742 Member
    edited June 2022
    What is your name or nickname? Carol. I have asked for a seat in Fit Force.

    Your Approximate Location: Colorado, but on the Western Slope, near Utah.

    What is your favorite summer activity? I like bobbing about in pools, and picnics.

    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? When I have time, I enjoy reading for fun.

    Your favorite exercise? My stationary bike--but I have just returned to a gym and hope to find a way to enjoy weight-bearing exercise.

    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? It would be great to lose 5%. I have just returned to MFP after a long hiatus.

    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? More energy!

    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? Well, I should be following a low-carb diet and some days, I do.

    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? Consistently riding my stationary bike.

    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Dunno. I guess it would be the willingness to keep trying. I have been overweight since infancy.

    2 random fun facts about you? I am obsessed with cats, though I no longer have one. I am funny in person, less so in writing.

    Post a picture of yourself if you like. dsfmshvz0eks.jpg

    Anything else you would like to share? This seems like the kind of group I am looking for and I am excited to get to know some of you. :)

  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,710 Member
    Ceriusly1 wrote: »
    2 random fun facts about you? I have a small business in alternative medicine, and my GrandPrincesses were born 3 years apart on the same day. The oldest was a month early and the youngest was a week late.

    Crazy how things like that happen! My two brothers were born on the same day, 13 years apart!
  • walkintofit
    walkintofit Posts: 4,296 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Your Team?[/Debbie, walkintofit, Fit Force 6
    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country. Southern Idaho, Twin Falls
    What is your favorite summer activity? gardening,
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? kayaking
    Your favorite exercise?walking, rowing
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season?maintaining weight
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer?get stronger
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following?mfp calorie range
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements?lifting weights
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you?no random eating
    2 random fun facts about you?worked as a taxi driver, won a couple art contests
  • DawnGW26
    DawnGW26 Posts: 123 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Dawn. Your Team? Fit Force

    Your Approximate Location: Canyon Country, CA, USA

    What is your favorite summer activity? Hiking, walking, swimming, camping

    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? Painting, ceramics, listening to music, CrossFit classes, weightlifting, road trips

    Your favorite exercise? jogging, CrossFit classes (they're hard, but I love it anyway)

    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? I'd like to lose at least 5 lbs.

    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? fit into slimmer clothes!

    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? I tend to eat mostly Mediterranean type foods, I'm working on portions and no snacks/2 meals per day. I've been dabbling with intermittent fasting.

    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? Lately, getting stronger with weight training, but last year I was training for a half marathon. The event was cancelled, but I did get up to 13.1 miles on my own while training.

    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Take things slowly, and build up over time, to avoid any injuries!

    2 random fun facts about you? I'm a digital artist for visual effects and animation studios. When I was much younger, I worked at the local amusement park as a stage technician for their live shows.

    Post a picture of yourself if you like.

    Anything else you would like to share? I'm formerly from the Invincible Indigos team on SP.

    Thanks for doing all introductions on this thread so we can all follow each other here.
    We will have the most successful 5% teams ever!
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,908 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Katie
    Your Team? Positively Strong 4 Life
    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country.
    Colorado Springs, CO
    What is your favorite summer activity?
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies?
    Garden, woodwork, knit or crochet, read, hike, play with and train dogs, horses (anything to do with horses)
    Your favorite exercise?
    Hiking/ riding horses
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season?
    Achieve 5% goal in weight loss
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer?
    Increased fitness and self discipline
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following?
    Balanced CI/CO..
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements?
    Riding a 32 mile trail ride
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you?
    So many sources , impossible to pin it down
    2 random fun facts about you?
    I love to laugh and make others laugh
    I do have a sarcastic sense of humor..(thanks to my Dad..he taught me!)
    Post a picture of yourself if you like.

    Anything else you would like to share?
    Wishes for success to every member of each team...Progress not Perfection!!

  • Eternalminded
    Eternalminded Posts: 507 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Your Team? Julie, Slimpossible
    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country. Central AR
    What is your favorite summer activity? Swimming
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? Camping, Hiking, being with my family and friends
    Your favorite exercise? Walking
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? Lose 7 pounds
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? More energy
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? I am not following one.
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? Just feeling better about myself - more energy, being able to keep up with my son. (older mom)
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? Moderation in all. (food wise) Move more.
    2 random fun facts about you? I lived in Honduras as a missionary teacher. I am crazy about all things Christmas.
    Post a picture of yourself if you like.
    Anything else you would like to share?
  • stacie917
    stacie917 Posts: 557 Member
    What is your name or nickname? Stacie
    Your Team? Shape Shifters
    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country. Texas
    What is your favorite summer activity? Hibernation
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? Read, exercise, trying meals from the BudgetBytes website, gardening (very beginner, my hubby does a lot of it) ,picking up new hobbies only to abandon them a few days later, some home improvement, child rearing mostly
    Your favorite exercise? Hiking, especially in the woods
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? I want to lose 5% of my bodyweight
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? Getting in my strength training 2X/week, it is not my favorite. Cardio is my jam.
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? CICO, mostly. Experimenting with low carb 2 days a week right now.
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? I've lost 50 some odd pounds since 2019 after my youngest was born. Now I am trying to get to a normal bodyweight before I hit 45.
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? The Beck Diet has helped me a bit, mostly in how I talk to myself and realizing that tripping doesn't mean I have to throw myself down the stairs.
    2 random fun facts about you? My kids like to play with my arm fat and we recently rescued a kitten from the side of the road, so now I am a surrogate kitten mama.
    Post a picture of yourself if you like.
    Anything else you would like to share? Thanks for letting me join.
  • nbruns83
    nbruns83 Posts: 2,273 Member

    What is your name or nickname? Nancy
    Your Team? Fit Force
    Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country. southern Idaho
    What is your favorite summer activity? being outdoors on our farms
    What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? reading, cooking, baking, sewing, knitting
    Your favorite exercise? jogging, swimming
    What do you want to accomplish this 5% season? get my sweet tooth under control
    What non-scale victories (NSVs) will you accomplish this summer? lose inches from my waist?
    What diet/meal plan/style are you following? cooking from scratch with fewer simple carbs
    What are your proudest health/fitness/physical achievements? completing three half marathons, and still jogging, pain-free
    What health/fitness advice/knowledge has helped you? heart rate monitoring; polarized training, and stretching and strengthening with Essentrics, aka "Classical Stretch" on PBS
    2 random fun facts about you? I like to pull weeds, hang clothes outdoors, and iron.
    Post a picture of yourself if you like.
    Anything else you would like to share? DH and I are both retired. He was a farmer, and I was an elementary teacher. We're both trying to figure out how to make this stage of life meaningful and useful.