Countdown Activity 1- Information & Blog



  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,803 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 thank you !
  • Marileighea
    Marileighea Posts: 1,617 Member
    Great information!
  • cosmiccurves
    cosmiccurves Posts: 356 Member
    I am so happy to be here! This is my first 5% Challenge and I cannot wait to get started and become a part of this community!

    My smart goals for the summer challenge:

    *Reach the 270s decade
    *Log every day consistently
    *Incorporate daily walks into my routine. When weather is bad, 20 minutes of yoga instead.
    *Drink at least 100 oz of water per day
    *Morning meditation daily - at least 5-10 minutes

  • BufSabres
    BufSabres Posts: 112 Member
    My overall goal for the summer is consistency! Too often I fall off from daily exercise and recording my food, exercise, etc. As a result, I seem to lose and gain the same 5+ pounds over and over.
  • SassieFit
    SassieFit Posts: 119 Member
    Good Morning!

    When will you know if you’ve been assigned to a team?
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 5,981 Member
    itladyee wrote: »
    @Ceriusly1 Please confirm that you see my link here.. :) Thanks!

    @itladyee, I do see the link here, but would you mind posting it on the blog link discussion also? I think it will get more exposure there. Here is the link to that discussion. Thank You!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,803 Member
    @Ceriusly1 Will Do !!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 13,254 Member
    SassieFit wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    When will you know if you’ve been assigned to a team?

    HI @SassieFit ,,, when you look at your Groups the invite will right there. There will be an announcement also that the first rounds of invites have gone out. Usually after the first invites go out, the others follow soon after though it can be a bit more. We like all teams to have the same amount of members when we start. SO HAPPY you are here with us, and LOVE the name!
  • Grannysue91
    Grannysue91 Posts: 5,391 Member
    Create your "big picture" aka “goals” you want to achieve in the 8 weeks of the 5% Challenges. Break these down into the smaller and smaller targets that you must hit to reach your goals. When you have your plan, start working on it to achieve these goals.

    A SMART goal is smart because it is:
    • Specific.
    • Measurable.
    • Achievable (but ambitious)
    • Relevant (and realistic)
    • Time-bound (or timely)

    My plans for this challenge is:

    I want to try and lose 1 pound a week or as close to 1 pound as I can get
    I will measure all of my portions and stick to them.
    I will continue to do 120 minutes of exercise everyday. Sometimes things do happen that may change it.
    I am going to blog at least 3 days a week.
    I need to add strength training to my exercise routine.
    I am slowly getting my body feeling better after having chemo and radiation treatments. I want to keep this going.
    Mostly I just love these challenges and having fun with a great group of people. They do help to keep you accountable and want to do things to make your team successful.
    SharonWIMSONFLOWER Posts: 1,023 Member
    MY SUMMER CHALLENGE GOAL (which I have posted in my blog):

    I WILL STICK WITH THE 5% GOAL, BUT I DO HOPE TO LOSE ABOUT 2 POUNDS/WEEK for a total loss of 18 pounds. 5% from where I now am will be almost 11 pounds.

    • WWEPPAM (weigh/water b4 coffee/exercise/protein/probiotics/antioxidents/meds)
    • Water - 8/daily
    • Exercise - minimum 20+ min/day
    • Flat belly/Aerobics/Arms/Strength
    • PREtracking - 17 Day Diet Plan
    • FREGGIES - 5/day
    • No Sugar (NS)
    • No Evening Eating (NEE)
    • Bedtime (BT)
    • Tiny Habit (TH) - brushing teeth
    • Grocery purchases for cleaner eating
    • Infused water prepared
    • Identification of alternatives to recent snack trends and carbs
    - cherry tomatoes, mini peppers, jicama, baby carrots instead of his chips
    - Sugar free Jello to offset sweet treat
    - Banana chunks frozen for Nicecream
    - 17-Day Diet app refreshed for meal planning
    • Identification/elimination of possible preservatives AND other (aka pesticides--OMG, the BUGS in Texas) which could be complicating my urticaria
    - Crystal light
    - Well water
    - Sugar; Hubby has brought home SO MUCH OF THIS!!!
    - Breads
    - Higher fat foods
    • Healthy snacks PREpared
    • Refrigerator emptied of higher calorie leftovers



  • nbruns83
    nbruns83 Posts: 2,226 Member
    Create your "big picture" aka “goals” you want to achieve in the 8 weeks of the 5% Challenges. Break these down into the smaller and smaller targets that you must hit to reach your goals. When you have your plan, start working on it to achieve these goals.

    I have a stubborn resistance to "goal-setting" as a retiree, because I was force-fed every trendy goal-setting theory and methodology in my career as a teacher. Sometimes they worked, but mostly they threatened my creative autonomy and made me feel rebellious. Just like most diets! But I'll give it a try with nutrition.

    1. Menu planning weekly. I'm cooking for my sister-in-law & brother as she recovers from hip replacement surgery next week. Since she's had bariatric surgery (quite successfully) and is on a specialty diet, I'm borrowing her cookbooks/recipes. The low-carb aspect should help me lose pounds.

    2. Make a detailed shopping list to follow meal planning. Shop weekly.

    3. Prepare veggie/fruit/nut snacks weekly.

    4. Limit alcoholic beverages to < 1 daily. Throw in some 0 days for virtue!

    5. Measure, weigh, and assess portion sizes.

    6. Track food/water on MFP.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,635 Member
    I am so glad to see these back! I have missed them and wonder if this was part of my problem with staying on track. I guess we will find out soon enough.

    In order to reach my ultimate goal there are many things I need to do and goals I need to reach. I still need to work out what my goals are going to be.
  • beabria
    beabria Posts: 541 Member
    Hi - this is my first 5% challenge - so excited!
    My smart goals are:
    - lose 12lbs
    - plan my meals and snacks at least 1 day in advance (changes are ok - but I need a plan!)
    - work daily to progress from inclined pushups to at least 1 "real" pushup
    - walk at least 5 mins/day everyday
  • EclipsedAgain
    EclipsedAgain Posts: 4,324 Member
    My goals for the summer challenge are:
    1 - lose 1/2 to 1 pound weekly
    2 - work hard to lower my A1c
    3 - cut carbs
    4 - keep being consistent with my workouts
    5 - keep tweaking my diet
    6 - keep my water intake at 48-54 cups
    7 - keep avoiding sugar

    I am pretty confident that I can achieve these goals. I hope I didn't just jinx myself! :p
  • Bovinity55
    Bovinity55 Posts: 247 Member
    edited June 2022
    My goals for the Summer Challenge:

    1 - Follow my healthy eating plan which is essentially the plan I have followed so far this year. It’s basically eating health proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats. I have been a member of MPC for several years and their Macro breakdown of 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% healthy fats has worked well for me. I shoot for 1450 - 1600 cal per day. I know it sounds like a ton of carbs, but for me (and my Northern European heritage) it works well.

    2 - Exercise. This has been my downfall this year, since my husband has been hospitalized and for a good part of this year. Now he is finally able stay home by himself, I should be able to resume walking at our city park 4 days a week, as well as exercising at home.

    3 - If I have a not so healthy day, I’ll get back to it the next day.

  • sunrisedancer1
    sunrisedancer1 Posts: 1,547 Member
    edited June 2022
    Thanks for setting up these activities!
    My goals for the summer challenge.
    I plan to lose 1/2 to 1 pound per week.

    S SIP AND DRINK 8 cups caffeine free liquid per day.
    U UP THE PROTEIN (at least 100 grams)
    M MEET CALORIE GOALS (for a 400-600 deficit)
    M ME TIME 30 minutes piano/reading per day plus at least 15 minutes on MFP
    E EXERCISE 1-2 hours per day-strength, cardio, and stretch
    R REST AND RECHARGE- 7 hours sleep per night
  • Golfma4
    Golfma4 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Summer Goals:

    1. Lose 7 lbs and keep it off!
    2. Track food daily using percentage chart for 20% Protein - 30% Fat - 50% Carbohydrates. 8-10 glasses of water daily.
    3. Exercise will be mainly walking and recumbent bike, videos for burning more calories and keeping body flexible. Outside activities will be golf and gardening. Strength 2 times weekly.
    4. Sleep 6 hrs or more nightly (weak point I need improvement here)
    5. Stretch every morning!
  • HerbsandMore
    HerbsandMore Posts: 2,350 Member

    Start each morning with my Bible reading I depend on this to strengthen me has needed.
    Would love to lose 1 lbs a week, but I find that more difficult the closer I am to my goal.
    Stretching and yoga
    Walking or biking 3 miles each morning outdoors if at all possible
    ST Monday, Wed., and Friday
    Aerobics and or dancing in afternoon.
    Walking or biking in the evening.
    That is my posted plan on my kitchen wall so I see it daily and can check things off as I do them.
    I also hike and or use my paddle board on the weekends this is mostly for fun as is gardening, I am retired so I have a little more flexibility than most. I do have to care for my husband so I stay in our village for the most part. I also go swimming in our community pool when the mood strikes. I have been blessed with care givers who will come up to 3 times a week, 1 of those days is used for groceries but the other 2 I use mostly for my own self care I can be on my board or go hiking for 3 to 4 hrs depending on how far I travel to get to the places. Am really looking forward to this challenge, working to make it 1 of the best so far. I also prep many veggies, use a small dinner plate, make up weekly menus and shop for them. I have found so many great tips from my teammates and I hope to encourage others at the same time.
  • Ceriusly1
    Ceriusly1 Posts: 5,981 Member
    Good goals everyone! I love to read about what everyone is doing! We can learn so much from others. @sunrisedancer1I like the way you did your SUMMER Steps!
  • johnsorj
    johnsorj Posts: 20 Member
    Appreciate being added to the challenge! Look forward to seeing which group I'll join. I'm a working mom in Virginia, and need to reestablish healthy habits I had prior to children. We had kids later in life (husband and I are both in our late 40s), so my body went from hyper-metabolism from nursing to perimenopause and COVID-culture in March 2020. I've got about 30 pounds to lose, and a super-constricted schedule. Really grateful for the community and accountability!

    1) Maintain an intermittent fasting (IF) schedule (16:8) for the duration.
    2) At 30 days, incorporate carb cycling (1 high carb day, followed by 2 low carb days) for the remainder of the challenge.
    3) Complete training plan to be able to do a push-up
    4) Walk 20 minutes 2 days / week (month 1), 3 days / week (remainder of challenge)