August 2022 Monthly WL Challenge

Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
Welcome to our new members!

If you are new and want to join in, by all means, please do - we love to celebrate those losses with you! This is the standard format we try to use for these threads:

Name: (if you'd like to share)

My Numbers:
SW: Starting weight before you lost anything.
CW: Current weight at the beginning of the challenge.
GW: Goal weight for the month (what you would like to weigh at the end of the monthly challenge) Try to keep it realistic and SAFE!
LTGW: Lifetime goal weight ( What you would like to weigh at the end of your weight loss journey)

Weigh-ins: What days you will weigh-in; for example, Fridays
8/5/22 = (Fill out after each weigh-in.)
8/12/22 =
8/19/22 =
8/26/22= (final weigh in for the month)
Total WL/G for the month= total weight lost or gained for the month

It was also suggested that we could track our measurements at the beginning of each month to see how we do there, so feel free to add those too this month!

Let's get it!😎🌞🌈💥


  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    37 // 5'6"

    My Numbers:
    SW: 302 (highest 318)
    CW: 284
    LTGW: 154

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    8/5/22 =
    8/12/22 =
    8/19/22 =
    Total WL/G for the month= 2lb

    A tad optimistic with my goal? Perhaps! But I'm feeling good for August after a really good last week ^_^
  • bbwkitten
    bbwkitten Posts: 104 Member
    Megan 47 5’6

    My Numbers:
    SW: 370(Feb 2009)
    SW: 349(Jan 2022)
    CW: 313
    LTGW: 167

    Weigh-ins: Fridays

    8/5/22 =

    Total WL/G for the month=
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Highest Weight (May 22 2019): 276.8 lbs
    Aug Start Weight (7/29/22): 201 lbs
    Aug Goal Weight (8/26/22): 197 lbs
    End Goal around 145 lbs

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    8/3/22 = weighing before vacation instead of Friday

    Total WL for the month = ?

    We have vacation Aug 3-7, no weighing or food scales. I will track the restaurant foods as best I can and keep my fingers crossed I can stay on track.
  • juliejames200
    juliejames200 Posts: 8 Member
    Name: Julie

    My Numbers:
    SW: 350
    CW: 266.1
    GW: 260

    Weigh-ins: Saturdays
    Total WL/G for the month=
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    Hope you have a lovely holiday @Americanbabydoll !
  • rachelscu
    rachelscu Posts: 3 Member
    Name: Rachel

    My Numbers:
    SW: 350lbs
    CW: 323lbs
    GW: 317lbs
    LTGW: 180lbs

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    8/5/22 =
    8/12/22 =
    8/19/22 =
    Total WL/G for the month=
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    Highest Weight (May 22 2019): 276.8 lbs
    Aug Start Weight (7/29/22): 201 lbs
    Aug Goal Weight (8/26/22): 197 lbs
    End Goal around 145 lbs

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    8/3/22 = 202.4 (before vacation)

    Total WL/G for the month = +1.4 lbs

  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    37 // 5'6"

    My Numbers:
    SW: 302 (highest 318)
    CW: 284
    LTGW: 154

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    8/5/22 = 283 (-1)
    8/12/22 =
    8/19/22 =
    Total WL/G for the month= 1lb
  • bbwkitten
    bbwkitten Posts: 104 Member
    Megan 47 5’6

    My Numbers:
    SW: 370(Feb 2009)
    SW: 349(Jan 2022)
    CW: 313
    LTGW: 167

    Weigh-ins: Fridays

    8/5/22 = 310.4

    Total WL/G for the month= -2.6
  • Deni_R
    Deni_R Posts: 71 Member
    Name: Deni - 43 (5'2")

    My Numbers:
    Heightest Weight (01/01/2022): 299.2lb (135.7kg)
    June start weight: 250.5lb (113.6kg)
    Goal weight for July: 241.7lb (109.6kg)
    LTGW: 132.2lb (60kg)
    Weight Lost So Far: 48.7lb (22.1kg)

    Weigh-ins: Saturday
    8/06/22 = 250.5lb (113.6kg)
    8/13/22 =
    8/20/22 =

    Total Weight Loss for the Month =

    Back from my holiday and we had so much fun. The weather wasn't the best but it was warm and we didn't get rained on. Spent the whole time just relaxing, we did a fair bit of walking and did a Quad Bike sunset tour which was brilliant! Got to see some turtles, hand fed a sweet Minor bird who visited our villa each morning while I was eating breakfast on the patio and our villa was next to a tree where a pair of kestrels were nesting so we got to watch them feeding their babies all day. It was just awesome.

    No surprises gained nearly four kilos but I know some of that at least is fluid retention.

    So back to normal for me from today (we got back yesterday). Hopefully see a drop next week with loss of water weight but either way I'm back! Good luck for August everyone.
  • juliejames200
    juliejames200 Posts: 8 Member
    Name: Julie

    My Numbers:
    SW: 350
    CW: 266.1
    GW: 260

    Weigh-ins: Saturdays
    Total WL/G for the month=
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member

    My Numbers:
    SW: 298
    CW: 265.8
    LTGW: 145

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    8/5/22 = 259
    8/12/22 =
    8/19/22 =
    Total WL/G for the month= 6.8
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    37 // 5'6"

    My Numbers:
    SW: 302 (highest 318)
    CW: 284
    LTGW: 154

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    8/5/22 = 283 (-1)
    8/12/22 = 286 (+3)
    8/19/22 =
    Total WL/G for the month= Gained 2lbs

    Yesterday I was down 4lbs to 279 but up 7 lbs from that today at 286?! Pretty disappointed after being quite a bit under my calorie goal most days this week and logging everything properly. I can only hope it's a weird blip (I was quite salty yesterday? lol) and that next week will will be good :S
  • bbwkitten
    bbwkitten Posts: 104 Member

    Yesterday I was down 4lbs to 279 but up 7 lbs from that today at 286?! Pretty disappointed after being quite a bit under my calorie goal most days this week and logging everything properly. I can only hope it's a weird blip (I was quite salty yesterday? lol) and that next week will will be good :S [/quote]
    I really hate how weight fluctuates ugh
    We shouldn’t weigh ourselves more than once a week for that reason :( I know, I’m guilty of it myself lol

    Next week will be better for you!! You got this!
  • bbwkitten
    bbwkitten Posts: 104 Member
    Megan 47 5’6

    My Numbers:
    SW: 370(Feb 2009)
    SW: 349(Jan 2022)
    CW: 313
    LTGW: 167

    Weigh-ins: Fridays

    8/5/22 = 310.4
    8/12/22= 309.8

    Total WL/G for the month= -3.2
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member

    My Numbers:
    SW: 298
    CW: 265.8
    GW: 255
    LTGW: 145

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    8/5/22 = 259
    8/12/22 =254
    8/19/22 =
    Total WL/G for the month= -11.8

    The greatest thing about getting back on track is how quickly the pounds come off at first. I hope this keeps up till the end of the month at least. 🤞🏼
    I guess my new goal weight for August will be
  • Deni_R
    Deni_R Posts: 71 Member
    Name: Deni - 43 (5'2")

    My Numbers:
    Heightest Weight (01/01/2022): 299.2lb (135.7kg)
    June start weight: 250.5lb (113.6kg)
    Goal weight for July: 241.7lb (109.6kg)
    LTGW: 132.2lb (60kg)
    Weight Lost So Far: 48.7lb (22.1kg)

    Weigh-ins: Saturday
    8/06/22 = 250.5lb (113.6kg)
    8/13/22 =242.6lb (110kg)
    8/20/22 =

    Total Weight Loss for the Month = 7.9lb (3.6kg)

    Numbers are so out of whack. I put on a heap of weight after my holiday but as expected it's come off very quickly because it was majority retained water. Thank goodness. So 0.7kg away from my last weigh in before I went away. Hopefully I hit that next week then onwards and downwards!

    @Gnawcraft Bodies are weird. It's annoying that they don't follow our weigh in schedule lol. It's one of the reasons I weight daily so I can see the trend and am not relying on a single day to judge how I'm going. I always used to hang on that day and be so emotional about the result. Weighing daily I feel I get a more accurate idea of what's going on more long term. If that makes sense :smile:

    @StacieBugPrude Yeah those early weight loss gains are lovely. Well done! Good that you've reassessed your goal. Keep up the good work.

    @bbwkitten Well done on the weight loss so far this month! You're doing so well. Keep it up.
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 745 Member
    37 // 5'6"

    My Numbers:
    SW: 302 (highest 318)
    CW: 284
    LTGW: 154

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    8/5/22 = 283 (-1)
    8/12/22 = 286 (+3)
    8/19/22 = 285 (-1)
    Total WL/G for the month= Gained 1lbs

    I'd be mad but seeing as the scales went as high as 295 this week I guess it's fine? Weight has been flying all over the place within about 12 lbs difference at times :S No idea why. I had expected a really good week though lol. For 2 weeks now I've managed 3-4 days without booze (all of those days coming in way under the 1600 I'm allowed according to MFP). As someone that for 20 years has drank a minimum of about 1000 calories a day it's pretty crazy. Never thought I would go a day without so just happy with that for now.
  • bbwkitten
    bbwkitten Posts: 104 Member
    Megan 47 5’6

    My Numbers:
    SW: 370(Feb 2009)
    SW: 349(Jan 2022)
    CW: 313
    LTGW: 167

    Weigh-ins: Fridays

    8/5/22 = 310.4
    8/12/22= 309.8
    8/19/22= 309.4

    Total WL/G for the month= -3.6
  • StacieBugPrude
    StacieBugPrude Posts: 114 Member

    My Numbers:
    SW: 298
    CW: 265.8
    GW: 255
    LTGW: 145

    Weigh-ins: Fridays
    8/5/22 = 259
    8/12/22 =254
    8/19/22 =255
    Total WL/G for the month= -10.8

    Well I knew I would gain some of the weight back, just happy it was 1lb