Leslie Sansone August 2022 Walk & Workout Challenge



  • balbo13
    balbo13 Posts: 51 Member
    August 12, 5,053
    Cumulative: 156,893/310,000

    August 13, 14,456
    Cumulative: 171,349/310,000
  • balbo13
    balbo13 Posts: 51 Member
    August 14, 17,690
    Cumulative: 189,039/310,000
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited August 2022
    @Americanbabydoll Great idea to continue what you know is working for another month. Those miles & steps will/ are adding up quickly again! Pop in whenever you are able to 🌹 .

    @mypinkbikini That was a good idea to renew your annual subscription to the Leslie walk at home app to help keep you walking, especially when the seasons change. You are young (compared to me lol) and are determined, so I am certain that you will regain back your stamina and strength again. I've been there before with medical issues so I know It is not easy, but so worth it. You go girl!!

    @balbo13 Good to see you here for August! and what a nice goal you have! Look at those awesome numbers!!

    @Deeder522 I understand those heat waves. We were actually below 100 today, even though we completely missed the chance of rain 🧐. You will show Apple Watch that you are a force to be reckoned with again this month LOL!

    @lovelylittlegiggles Glad that you are here and back to walking again. Awesome that you also have that app and love it. That will definitely help you get more activity in. It is much harder when you have a desk job, but you seem determined!

    My goal this month is to again do intentional exercise as well as other activities such as yard/garden 🌷🐛, maybe a little outdoor walking, or extra household tasks, to purposefully increase my activity on most days, as tolerated.

    August 1: 55 minutes: Gazelle, rebounder & walking inside
    August 2: 60 minutes: walking inside and errands/ grocery shopping
    August 3: 30 minutes: lighter housework, walking inside
    August 4: 45 minutes: Gazelle, rebounder & walking inside
    August 5: 55 minutes: Gazelle, rebounder & walking inside
    August 6: some yard work and light housework

    August 7: Rest Day 🦋
    August 8: 55 minutes: Gazelle, rebounder & walking inside
    August 9: 60 minutes: Gazelle, rebounder & walking inside
    August 10: 75 minutes: walking inside and errands/ grocery shopping
    August 11: 45 minutes: walking inside & extra housework
    August 12: 45 minutes: Gazelle, rebounder & walking inside
    August 13: extra Rest Day 🦋

    August 14: Rest Day 🦋
    August 15: 45 minutes: walking inside & light housework

    texasgardnr 🤠🌺
  • lovelylittlegiggles
    lovelylittlegiggles Posts: 117 Member

    @texasgardnr Thank you for the encouragement. And you are so right, having a desk job is definitely not a way to get into shape. I am finding that I have to be very diligent and intentional with my goals and this group helps me stay on track.

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  • lovelylittlegiggles
    lovelylittlegiggles Posts: 117 Member
    This month has gone quite well. August 1 - August 15 I have walked over 6 miles with Leslie, with the exception of my rest day. I have one rest day a week.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    August Goals

    Mileage Tracked: 38 / 85 miles
    Apple Watch Challenge: Burn 7007 / 15,100 calories this month ( Average of 484/day).
  • lovelylittlegiggles
    lovelylittlegiggles Posts: 117 Member
    I walked 45 minutes last evening after dinner and quick cleanup. Trust me when I say, "I did not want to do it." I fell asleep shortly after I freshened up. I woke up to the television watching me :). Here's to today. Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday!
  • balbo13
    balbo13 Posts: 51 Member
    August 14, 17,690
    Cumulative: 189,039/310,000
  • balbo13
    balbo13 Posts: 51 Member
    Wishing you all a happy Thursday! I've had a chest cold for a few days and I've been stuck at home. Feeling a bit better today so going to go out for a bit. It's also raining, so I likely won't go far...

    Aug 15, 16, 17=17,122 (chest cold numbers…)
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    August Goal: 130,000 steps / 65 miles

    Totals: 82,715 steps / 41.25 miles
  • mypinkbikini
    mypinkbikini Posts: 341 Member
    I've been working up to just under an hour and close to the 3 miles at a time goal i set. I've found that my body can't keep up with that everyday though so some days i only walk 2 miles and occasionally i take a rest day. I'm trying to do the 3 miles/1 hour at a time at least 4 days a week right now. Sometimes I do it first thing in the morning and other times it's an evening walk.

    my husband has been very encouraging and gotten me out of the house in the evening several times. I think he can see the benefit for me on days when I walk. I know i do best when I start my day with at least a couple miles outside so I'm trying to move in the morning when I can to have a good day and sleep better at night.

    Unfortunately I've been having weight gain again this month and that feels disheartening when I'm walking so much and focusing on my high protein high fiber diet. It feels very unfair. But being back to work and still healing I've only got so much capacity for goals right now and I'm quite certain my everyday ice cream habit this month isn't helping...
  • mypinkbikini
    mypinkbikini Posts: 341 Member
    3.2 miles today. Achieved my goal in 47 minutes 😊
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 334 Member
    Hi everyone. Just starting out. Excited to join in. I was waiting for the Sept start, but think I'll see what I can get in for these remaining few days of August.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    August Goals

    Mileage Tracked: 59 / 85 miles
    Apple Watch Challenge: Burn 10,363/ 15,100 calories this month ( Average of 484/day).

    I've had a few low-energy days this month so I'm not hopeful about meeting the Apple Watch challenge and I'm fine with that. I'm still planning on making a push to get my mileage in.

    @TaraDanielle40 Today is always a good day to start. Happy to have you jump in.

    @mypinkbikini Ice cream has been the downfall of mine too. Weird? ;) No matter what you are still moving and that is the important part.
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    August Goal: 130,000 steps / 65 miles

    Totals: 106,095 steps / 52.95 miles
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    August Goal: 130,000 steps / 65 miles

    August Totals: 139,941 steps / 69.88 miles