Labor Day Monday Cuppa Joe 9.5.22

DocSkippy Posts: 7,037 Member
Pour yourself a mug of your favorite morning brew. Pull up a chair and join us for our morning roll call here on the BBB.

“.. he tried to be a good person! Though he failed. After all, he was only human. He wasn’t a dog..” Charles M. Schultz (Snoopy)


  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,037 Member

    Up early for Labor Day car show Dragging DF to join. Hopeful for a good outcome

    Had a decent FF draft. Went bold. Shall see.

    Hope SGM and brood are enjoying the cruise.

  • Authenticity3
    Authenticity3 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Happy Labor Day! My day today will be pretty typical for a Monday ... nothing out of the ordinary, at least that I have planned at this point. I've been a bit busy this weekend, so today will also be food prep day (I usually do that on Sundays). Exciting, right? :D

  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Happy Labor Day BBB Friends.
    • It's Monday so breakfast with the ROMEOs. Our normal family run cafe is closed so we went to Chick-Fila.
    • Neighborhood BBQ this afternoon.
    • Not much else planned.
  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Morning BBB

    We rode a gravel route yesterday…I’m a little rusty and didn’t get Un clipped fast enough for a deep sand section and have a scrapped up knee and elbow. Little stiff this am but not terrible.

    Not much planned today. Watching the Vuelta ( bike ride in Spain) and setting up a VPN are on the list.

    Happy holiday.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    Mornin' BBB.

    Yahoo gave me a B on my draft. As usual, I was dead last in the draft order, but that means I get picks 10 and then 11, where the lead off guy makes a pick and then has to wait 19 picks before his next pick. It evens out, somehow. I did a couple of mock drafts at the 10 spot just to get a feel for the players that would become available to me.
    Breakfast with the ROMEOs never takes a holiday.
    DF will have a blast, Skip. Is he talking about getting a kitten?
    You are one tough gal, Steph. Glad you all you got was scraped up.
    Did you enjoy the game, Lou?

    BBB OP ;-)

  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,664 Member
    Good Moring,
    Busy weekend, Saturday morning DS and DDIL came by then later that morning younger brother invited self, girlfriend, older brother and his wife to our house for supper; he brought some pork ribs and salmon for me to cook, and we provided baked beans, potato salad bread and pound cake. They left Sunday after breakfast then DD and DGS shows up spent night and left this morning before breakfast. Too much company equates too much labor and little rest on holiday weekend.
    This afternoon needs to look at several homes that need repairs.
    Another wet day here
    Our men's group cancelled breakfast this morning because of holiday, one of few mornings that I could join them.
  • raineray
    raineray Posts: 2,196 Member
    Tom, Larry and I haven appointment for Bioresonance (or Biofeedback) and Rife therapy - should be interesting. Then grilling corn, seasoned potatoes and bacon to make BLTs with fresh tomatoes - yum.
    The RV facility we are staying at is crowded but most will leave today - yippee!!
    Just under 2 more weeks in IL working then hit the road ❤️
    Do good out there everyone.

    Yesterday Larry got to hang out with his mama and fave human kid - good times all around.
  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Nothing like spending a little time with Mom!
  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 7,037 Member
    Up early for Labor Day car show Dragging DF to join. Hopeful for a good outcome

    Had a decent FF draft. Went bold. Shall see. We got a B- for our efforts.

    Hope SGM and brood are enjoying the cruise.

    Nice TROPHY today! Best in Show! Over 300+ cars!


  • Authenticity3
    Authenticity3 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Congrats, Skip!
  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,908 Member
    Congrats Skip