Sharing Experiences



  • kmacdonald74
    kmacdonald74 Posts: 2 Member
    What dose did your doctor start you on?
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    What dose did your doctor start you on?
    I was started on .25mg. No major problems. Was pretty nauseous with first shot , but did third one tonight, feeling good down 10 lbs

  • brownmara
    brownmara Posts: 175 Member
    I started ozempic .25mg dose Friday night for weightloss. I felt full most of the day. No side effects. I currently weigh 313.5 pounds. I will keep you post on my progress.
  • curryandmango
    curryandmango Posts: 4 Member
    brownmara wrote: »
    I started ozempic .25mg dose Friday night for weightloss. I felt full most of the day. No side effects. I currently weigh 313.5 pounds. I will keep you post on my progress.

    We have the same start day. Friday, May 13, 2022 at night. It’s now Sunday afternoon, not too many side effects for me, but noticed appetite is less crazy than it has been this last month (I got off prednisone the month before). I still have an appetite though, and can eat normal portions. I was wondering if I injected properly but some slight morning heartburn let me know I did.

    I’m currently weighing in at 195 (I was 187 before prednisone). I recently got gifted a Fitbit and have been doing YouTube walking workouts (Grow with Jo) this past week. I would like to be healthy BMI for my height by Christmas - so that would be 145lbs. If I stick to 1-5-2lbs loss per week, I may be able to reach that goal. I haven’t been that weight in 15 years.
  • TheCurvyJ
    TheCurvyJ Posts: 43 Member
    What dose did your doctor start you on?

    I started on .25 on April 27th. I didn't feel 'much' except that my appetite was immediately reduced. I had gastric sleeve surgery in 2012, so I rarely felt hungry, but I felt 'empty' and in recent years have felt very snacky with cravings off the chart, especially at night. The weight gain has remained constant since I had a hysterectomy in 2019. My doc said, "well eat less and exercise more. Try fasting!" GUH.

    I ramped up to .5 on week 2 and felt a HUGE difference. Cravings are nonexistent and I can control my eating. I'm full much earlier and am not foraging for food an hour later. Like the OP, I'm able to just *not* snack at night and I don't need something in my stomach to sleep. Very little nausea, but I do, occasionally, feel some. I'm working on drinking much more water and keeping my protein up. I feel like I am back in my freshly sleeved days- eating because I need to eat and not out of emotion or chomping down salt and sugar because of cravings. My bloodwork won't show it but I have PCOS- I have just about every symptom- and I believe Ozempic is really helping. I am down to 184 from 188.

    I will take dose 4 on Wednesday. 4 lbs in just a few weeks is better than a sharp stick in the eye. I'd like to drop about 40 lbs and get back to feeling like I have the energy to exercise.
  • MzMujera
    MzMujera Posts: 6 Member
    I just started Ozempic 3 days ago. I joined a FB Group and got some tips before my first .25 injection. Super glad I did. Started on a Friday night as I have weekends off. Was ready in case I had any side effects. They recommended Tums, anti nausea meds, anti diarrhea meds, thankfully I had no side effects so far. Who knows what the jump in dosage will bring. I've been drinking tons of water and staying on schedule with eating, even though I haven't been hungry at all. I'm down 7 lbs but I am confident most, if not all is water weight. I did cut out salt and alcohol. We will see where this journey takes me.
  • MzMujera
    MzMujera Posts: 6 Member
    4 weeks in and I'm down 16 lbs. Not really exercised yet but I have increased my walks. Helps to have an energetic dog. No side effects or anything really outrageous. Some insomnia and some body aches. Tonight will be my first .5 injection. A little nervous but still excited.
  • TheCurvyJ
    TheCurvyJ Posts: 43 Member
    Update: Almost 20lbs down since my first dose in early May. Loss is slow, mostly bc I don't exercise so I can't complain too much. I want to lose about 20ish more lbs to get back to where I feel comfortable. I don't have any side effects except for feeling tired a lot- which is why I don't work out. I want to ramp up to 2mg per week but am concerned about the shortage I keep hearing about.
  • rhopar33
    rhopar33 Posts: 29 Member
    edited October 2022
    I started on 10/20 with the .25 dose. No noticeable changes until about day 4 when I noticed I wasn't ravenously hungry during the day like I normally was. Took my second shot 10/27. Scales show a 3.4 lb loss for the first week. By second day of week 2, I had ZERO appetite. I'm amazed at how quickly this came about. I literally have to force myself to eat. I have knee joint pain and cannot do much in the way of exercise/cardio, etc., but I just ordered an under desk/elliptical that I can use sitting on my couch/chair. Excited about trying to incorporate such MUCH-NEEDED exercise and movement. SW 219; CW 215.6; GW 175.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    Hi there, glad to have found the group. I’m in Canada and started Ozempic on October 2. We did .25 for four weeks and then .5 for another four weeks and I just started at 1 mg in the last week. Up until this week. I haven’t lost any weight at all and was getting quite discouraged. I was having a few side effects but none that weren’t manageable, mainly bloating, constipation, and crazy sulphur burps. Since I started at the 1 mg everything seems to have calm down. I feel much better this week than I have in the last two months and I’ve lost a couple of pounds this week so far, fingers crossed. It finally starts working for me.

    A little about me I’m 56 years old, I have at least 100 pounds to lose. I’m at 265 and I would love to get to 150 but honestly I’d be happy with 170 at this point. I have a lot of issues with osteoarthritis in my knees, as well as degenerative disc disease, so losing weight is necessary which is why my doctor suggested I try this route. Here in Canada we don’t have wegovey yet. My doctor is not sure if he’s going to prescribe higher than 1 mg for me so I’m really hoping I can keep seeing some success at this level.
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    And I just realize this is a reply to @timpicks post 🙈. But that’s OK because I really enjoyed reading his posts and I hope he sees mine. It’s nice to see somebody making good progress.