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  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member
    @k8richly glad to have ya!

    @CeeBeeSlim - Oh yeah, it's not a perpetual thing. That said, the day or so after a particularly nasty leg session, I'll see a good bump up in scale weight. I'm pretty comfortable with scale fluctuations in general - a couple/few pounds up/down won't send me into a tizzy (I've seen up to ~7lbs/day in maintenance, so it takes a lot to rattle me. Now if I were in a cut...ehhh THAT drastic of a jump might make me a little queasy LOL).
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,274 Member
    Thanks J/K! Very helpful. Wish I could say I’m there about scale weight but tizzy here I come if the scale goes up. I’m workin on that and trying to find NSV!

    @JBanx256 - Can you see my profile and diary entries? @krichly - I had my techy niece reset everything!

    Do you think a 1k -1.1k calorie daily goal is too low (health wise) if only a few weeks/couple of months?
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim I personally think that's a pretty low calorie intake. We are the same height and weight and MFP has me at 1,400 for a .5lb/wk loss. Even at 1400 I often eat over on busy cardio or strength days. I used to be at 1,200 but I was fooling myself and not really hitting it because I simply needed more room so that I could eat a variety of things in a day. If you are workout / lifting you will be burning and therefore hungry. And its ok to fuel your work!

    More protein will add to your daily calories but it's worth it! Increasing your protein, IMO will be the number one thing to leave you feeling fuller and stronger. That having been said, if I'm hungry, I check my macros - if I'm low on fats, then I eat something like 1/2 an avocado. If I'm low on carbs, I eat toast. Low on protein, eat some chicken. It's amazing how tracking my macros lets me deal with cravings in an effective low-cal way.

    Anyway, if it's a super short term cut then maybe 1k calorie goal is OK but for an active person like you, Id just worry that it wouldn't be sustainable or even advisable. Your muscles and brain need fuel!
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member

    TBH I don't like the idea...because what is going to happen when you increase your cals back up from poverty levels (and to be clear - "poverty macros" isn't supposed to be disparaging; it's a fairly common phrase in the BB/physique world. Absolutely not intended to be offensive, but apologies to anyone who found it so)?

    100 g protein = 400 cal
    40 g fat* = 360 cal
    So that right there alone puts you at a bare minimum of 760, and that's with literally ZERO carbs. Where you're gonna be at there is going to be severely lacking in micronutrients, energy, etc. Is it "do-able" in the short term? Well, yeah. But I can also punch myself in the face; just because I CAN, doesn't mean it's a good idea, right? I mean you are gonna be MISERABLE. I have actually been down ~1100 calories when in contest prep, toward the veeeeeeeeeery end when bodyfat levels were well below essential levels. Lemme tell ya - you wake up hungry in the morning, you go to bed hungry at night, sleep disturbances, etc. I was never satisfied, not even close, after a meal - I'd be slightly LESS hungry, but still ravenous. Constant bad mood (my husband can verify). 0/10 would not recommend. IT SUCKED. And of course, the inevitable - when I was able to eat what I wanted again, BIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGE.

    So, yeah, you CAN do it, but PLEASE don't do it beyond VERY short-term, and even then, make sure you have a plan of when/how to come out of it - don't be surprised if you rebound.

    My $0.02 would be go into a maintenance phase, even if only briefly (maybe up to 4 weeks? If you have regular periods, this would also let you get a good graphing of weight fluctuations at that time), to kinda feel out the macros and maybe juggle your fats & carbs a bit to see what is most satiating etc for you. This will also give you some time to increase your activity level without feeling the punishment of calorie restriction at the same time? And THEN, after all that has stabilized and you've got a good base, start trimming some cals? But once again, just my $0.02 - your body to do with as you wish & will support you however I can whichever route you choose!

    *using the 0.3gr/lb BW bare minimum for fats, yes I rounded your weight up to 130 and the gr up to 40 from 39 just to use round numbers
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim - forgot to ask - do you use an app that shows weight trend? That may support your sanity in regards to fluctuations. Lets you separate the signal from the noise.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,274 Member
    @JBanx256 - I defriended you because you rounded my weight up to 130! I’m 129.467!!!!!!! 🥹🤣🤣.

    I hear you both. Not gonna do it. I will find a way to increase my activity. I’ve done the big calorie decrease, lose the weight, get cocky, start eating normally and gain.

    Last year April I was 112 - doing just that. Became skinny mushy fat but tiny.

    Now I’m doing this progressive overload ST program and just need to get my head out of scale weight - I figured I could be 112 and firm but nope I’m 129 and look pretty good and feel great and strong - just with a tad more lower belly pudge than

    I’d like. And just flustered that the scale is literally staying at 128.6-129.8 for MONTHS. I use happy scale
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member
    CeeBeeSlim wrote: »

    Now I’m doing this progressive overload ST program


  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim can you share this ST program with me? I'd love to see how you're going about it. Sounds like it's really working for you! How many weeks are you in? As soon as I'm home and back to a routine (and my gym!) I'm gettin down to business.

    And I still can't see your profile or pic (in fact it bugs up MFP for in weird ways if i try to open your page) but I saw your diary today. Nice one!
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,274 Member
    Of course @k8richly. Caveats - I can’t stand the name of the book (Strong Curves). In fact I covered the book front with another photo - the woman on the cover has a “come hither” ish look. Lol. There are four 12 week programs in the book based on your ability and goals, and I’m doing the “gluteal goddess” program. See - hateful!

    Other have reasons for not liking him but I like his programs - I see results and I don’t get bored. You may want to add some more upper body work (biceps, triceps).

    This is among the programs in that list on the main site, and there used to be a MFP group (now defunct).

    I’m not social media savvy at all, but if you go on Reddit, there’s a group - not sure if that’s what it’s called - where folks have listed actual spreadsheets detailing the moves with pics and videos.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,274 Member
    Did I dream someone sent me a message about triscuits? I saw it - walked away - came back - and it was gone?! 🤣
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    @CeeBeeSlim I responded to your Diary with a comment about triscuits!! Your diary is all i can see of you. MFP is really with both of us - I still can't see anything and if I try to access your profile is shuts down my app! So weird and dumb
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,274 Member
    This is just too weird! I had a number of friends who left MFP because they hated using it.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,904 Member
    @JBanx256 reading thru your chat with Ceebee - and loving the chit chat. Let me catch up on all the chatter and see if I have questions for you.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,904 Member
    @K8richly - love this method! I've never thought to look at my "why am I hungry?" and figure out a reasonable solution.
    If I'm hungry, I check my macros - if I'm low on fats, then I eat something like 1/2 an avocado. If I'm low on carbs, I eat toast. Low on protein, eat some chicken. It's amazing how tracking my macros lets me deal with cravings in an effective low-cal way.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,904 Member
    okay - so I'm 107lbs. about 20%BF
    BW: 107 * .2 = LB# 21.4
    LBM: 107-21.4 = LB 85.6

    Protien: 100g / day
    Fat: .3 * 85.6 = 25g / day

    Do I use carbs to fill in the rest?
    I typically try to eat around 1700-1800 calories. I walk alot (15,00-20,000 steps) Strength train 4-5X/wk

    Carbs= 267g (1700- (400 (cals from Protein) - 231 (cals from Fat)) = 1069cals / 4grams = 267grams

    Second question. DO you take rest days? or Yoga days ? or ??? not
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,904 Member
    @JBanx256 - sent you a friend request. Hoping you have a sec to answer my question above.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member
    okay - so I'm 107lbs. about 20%BF
    BW: 107 * .2 = LB# 21.4
    LBM: 107-21.4 = LB 85.6

    Protien: 100g / day
    Fat: .3 * 85.6 = 25g / day

    Do I use carbs to fill in the rest?
    I typically try to eat around 1700-1800 calories. I walk alot (15,00-20,000 steps) Strength train 4-5X/wk

    Carbs= 267g (1700- (400 (cals from Protein) - 231 (cals from Fat)) = 1069cals / 4grams = 267grams

    Second question. DO you take rest days? or Yoga days ? or ??? not

    Friend request received & approved! :smiley:

    Whether you "fill in the rest" with carbs or fats is entirely up to you - personal preference. If you want to take all the remaining calories as carbs, or if you want to divide them and go half and half, or any combination thereof - carbs are going to better fuel training sessions (and let's face it, they are *kitten* tasty/enjoyable too). Once your bases are covered, specific macro breakdowns and timing are largely unnecessary unless there are very specific goals eg training for endurance vs strength/power etc.

    In response to your second question - I legitimately TRIED yoga. I mean I tried group classes as well as at home with Netflix etc. I just couldn't get into it or enjoy it at all. Some of the stretches felt good of course, but overall it was absolutely not for me. I generally lift 5-6x per week (depending on my work rotation) and unless it's absolutely pouring rain, el Doggo has to get his walkie or there shall be no peace under our roof. If the yard needs to be mowed or something like that, I'll try to do that on a day off from lifting, just getting some general movement in my day but definitely not strenuous.
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member

    Do I use carbs to fill in the rest?

    This is kind of a BASE guideline for carb intake. It's not the gospel or anything, but it's a decent guideline (obviously if someone is doing keto, this is out the window, but for "my way" (which I know way more about than keto anyway), this is what I'd consider a starting point, and then being able to adjust from there):

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,274 Member
    @JBanx256 - Hi! World Cup game stressing me so I’m distracting myself! 😬. Need your expertise. Because I was inconsistent with my food tracking and more than likely eating more - I think I unintentionally bulked during my 12 week ST program which I just finished yesterday.

    How would you go about a cut (10lbs) and deload week?

  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member

    CeeBeeSlim wrote: »
    @JBanx256 - Hi! World Cup game stressing me so I’m distracting myself! 😬. Need your expertise. Because I was inconsistent with my food tracking and more than likely eating more - I think I unintentionally bulked during my 12 week ST program which I just finished yesterday.

    How would you go about a cut (10lbs) and deload week?


    World Cup is a worthy distraction!

    Just to clarify - are you saying you gained 10 lbs in the 12 weeks? Or looking to lose 10 lbs, which includes a bit you may have added in the past 12 weeks?

    Besides eating more (sheer quantity of food), did what you eat change at all? More carbs, more sodium etc? I'm thinking a lot of the snacky stuff most people munch on during games, not to mention if you venture into a sports bar, are going to cause you to retain some extra water. It may be worth waiting a couple days, while drinking plenty of water, and back "on plan," to see if some of that newfound weight doesn't take care of itself? And then you'll have a more accurate picture of how much you actually put on (I've literally "gained" 7+ pounds overnight thanks to going balls-out and stuffing myself on a bunch of super carby, salty foods).

    As far as deloads go:
    -Cutting, I go up to roughly maintenance calories. Give your body (and mind) a break. A lot of people, myself included, will often end up with a LOWER scale weight during the deload, due to cortisol dropping etc.
    -Bulking, generally go to maintenance as well, since you're simply not going to be producing as much stimulus etc, the likliehood of any surplus ending up as fat is higher. Don't get me wrong, if you're in a gaining phase, you're gonna add some fat regardless (usually 1:1 is about as good as it's gonna get, unless of course you're a total newb and gettin' those newbie gains).
    -I'm currently in maintenance, so when I deload I reduce calories just a bit, nothing crazy, so that I'm closer to...well, maintenance, in the sense of accounting for the fact that I'm not training as long/hard.