
Richa5 Posts: 1 Member
Hi everyone, my name is Patricia.
I was recently told I have diabetes, not pleased about it...determined to manage it with diet and exercise. If I cannot keep my numbers under control, only then I will resort to taking medication.
I am learning each day, and enjoy cooking again. This journey will be long, I'm going to do my best with eating and mindful of what I put on my plate.
Still working on the exercise part, I do walk daily and take the stairs more often.
Change is good...keeping an open mind and positive attitude while learning more about myself.


  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,611 Member
    I have had success in managing my glucose with diet and exercise. The key for me was tracking BG to figure out just what I needed to do. I went on meds initially but am off them now.
  • JudyValentine3
    JudyValentine3 Posts: 66 Member
    How are you doing so far? My circumstances are a little different, so I will never be off meds.
    If you aren't able to control your numbers with exercise and diet, there is no shame in that. If you have to go on meds, please don't consider it a failure on your part. I did when I was first told that I had to start insulin, but after reading more about how the pancreas works(or not), and some great councilling, I'm okay with it. I do my best, take my meds, and do indeed eat a little differently than before.
    Good luck to you and keep us posted.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,611 Member
    Yes - the thing I have really learned in all this is that everyone is different and bodies don't respond the same way. There is a tendency for people to find what works for them and insist that all you have to do is go watch some Youtube video about intermittent fasting or something, and you will magically lose 50 lbs and your blood glucose will be normal. I try to encourage people to monitor BG numbers and see what works. There can be some diet that works well for one person, and another person would go crazy trying to eat that way.

    I agree with Judy too about the meds. Take them if you need them. Diabetes is typically a progressive disease, and your goal is to get the numbers under control and slow the progress if you can.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Medication for diabetes is good should you need it. I was on meds for about 15 years - then end of August and beginning of September my kidneys shut down - normal number is 60 and mine went to 5. Was able to get the number back up to 20, then it crashed again to 15 and now is back to 17 so am being monitored monthly and learning all about diaylsis.

    I mention this because when everything crashed they took me off all medication. I have now been off diabetic meds since then and the numbers are better off the meds then when on the meds - strange. But I am having to monitor daily every morning and each blood work they check the A1C = in November the A1C was 5.4 which is normal and without meds. So controling it with food and exercise.