Living The Lifestyle Thursday 01/26/2023

imastar2 Posts: 6,022 Member
This is a thread for everyone. If you're new to GoaD, or to weight loss, your questions and comments are always welcome. If you're maintaining, or a long-term loser, your thoughts on the topic may be just what someone else needs to hear. If you're reading this, join in the discussion!

Each weekday, a new topic is offered up for discussion.

Monday - crewahl (Charlie)
Tuesday – Flintwinch (Tim)
Wednesday - misterhub (Greg)
Thursday -imastar2 (Derrick)
Friday - Wildcard

Today's Topic: Health Issues and Weight
As we find ourselves growing older sometimes we find ourselves with health issues. Some more serious than others but none the less sometimes it comes with the territory. Do you find yourself in that position?

This can be a very private issue for some and it's understood if you wish not to expand on any health issue that may effect your weight journey or mental status dealing with a health issue which can also effect your weight journey. Share if you'd like.


  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 3,982 Member
    My joints are creakier, my eyesight is weaker, and my prostate is enlarged. These are all (to me) part of male aging. I don’t have any conditions at this point that impact quality or duration of life, and the rest are just the price I pay for living so long. It is, as they say, the best alternative I’ve got.

    What I CAN do is make sure that my weight and fitness level are appropriate for the life I want to lead.
  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,022 Member
    We've touched on this topic now and again but I wanted to bring it back to the table since I have been dealing with some fairly severe heart medical issues which includes fluid retention thus an increase in my Lasix prescription. Dr said yesterday I probably had 30 lbs of fluid just in my left leg and that it was all in over and in the tissues. When you start throwing around those kinds of numbers and your a daily weigher you can only imagine how this works on your physic mind. I've ben dealing with congestive heart failure since January 2020 and as bad as that description sounds I have been feeling pretty good up until this fluid retention hit me.

    I have had very little success losing a lb or any weight though December and now January. So just after I started the Lasix yesterday afternoon and through the night I lost 8 lbs of fluid. I knew it was pretty bad but with a weak heart I knew my body wasn't metabolizing very well. So my prayer is to work with this issue with the Dr's help and get to where I can start to function as normal as possible.

    I will say however it sure works on your head, so I not only have one but two battles to deal with simultaneously. People deal with a lot of health issues out in the world and I wouldn't trade mine for anyone elses.

    Onward and Downward.
  • ClayandRocks
    ClayandRocks Posts: 69 Member
    A few not-yet-serious issues. My blood pressure and blood sugar have now edged up to the high end of borderline, and these are the primary motivators to get at least 30 lbs off. I know there are no guarantees that this will work, but at least I will have done myself some good.

    When I was last down below 180 my GERD also was much improved. I would like to wean myself off of Omeprazole (which doctor has suggested), so this would be another benefit.

    And my knees and ankles might like to be doing less work, too.
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 3,010 Member
    Derrick, I'm sorry to hear about your cardiac issues. I can attest that edema/fluid-retention can cause huge weight-shifts in very short periods of time (I used to see it in my patients pretty frequently, back when I saw patients).
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 3,010 Member
    I have been lucky. I have had a variety of medical issues pop up over the years, thankfully, they have not generally been hard to manage. I've had ulcerative colitis, and the steroids' required to treat that at the beginning were the reason my weight finally ballooned up into the obese category (but I didn't end up taking all of that excess weight off until I joined WW). That was the most challenging of my medical problems, but somehow, it just seemed to burn out over time. I haven't had a flare-up in years (at least more than 10 years!).

    I've had a couple of skin cancers treated with excision/MOHS only. I've had gout a couple of times. Stress fractures from running. GERD that at one point went-away with weight loss, only to return in recent years. Iron-deficiency anemia (probably related to poor iron uptake related to the omeprazole I take for GERD). There's probably a couple of other things I'm blanking on right now.

    Thankfully, it's all been pretty minor.
  • misterhub
    misterhub Posts: 6,301 Member
    My physical issues are caused by my weight. I can feel it. Reversing my weight problems will reverse 95% of my health issues, and that is not hyperbole.

    For the other 5%, I have some pre-cancerous skin issues, which I see a dermatologist for on a regular basis. In fact, I saw him yesterday. We had to remove one growth and send it for a biopsy to be on the safe side because it didn't respond to liquid nitrogen. The last time this occurred, it returned benign. Hopefully, it will be the same this time.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,490 Member
    In 2012, about 6 years after making WW Lifetime and still maintaining, I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. One of my first thoughts was
    “All this effort to get and keep a heathy weight and this is what I get.” About my next thought was “Thank God I’m not 40 or more lbs heavier.” My cancer was treated with 18 BCG treatments. Fairly nasty business but it worked. Haven’t had a recurrence. Knock on wood. Kept my weight loss/maintenance program going through the whole thing.

    I’m blessed. Been blessed every day since 12/24/94 the day I prayed for help. I weighed 285 lbs, had HBP, sleep apnea complete with CPAP, debilitate back pain and a seemingly permanent cough. I was a stroke waiting to happen. Yesterday I worked out with a trainer for and hour and later went for a 3 mile walk. I had always had the mistaken idea that if I changed my old ways I was going to have to give up a lot of good stuff. Exactly backwards that was. What I got was liberation.

  • imastar2
    imastar2 Posts: 6,022 Member
    Continuing my story with the 40 mg of Lasix twice daily along with potassium down 14 lbs last 48 hours. Pretty much all fluid as I'm measuring the out flow and in flow.
  • cakeman21k
    cakeman21k Posts: 5,999 Member
    Had my share of health issues as well, Heart Attack in 2006, Pre Diabetes, Tendonitis in my hips, Heart Arythmia in 2020, Sleep Apnea, creaky joints, (does male pattern baldness count?). All of it could be affected by my weight, diet and exercise, but that is not always enough to motivate me unfortunatly
  • crewahl
    crewahl Posts: 3,982 Member
    cakeman21k wrote: »
    does male pattern baldness count?

    For some reason, this reminded me of Lee Ann Womack's line about “inside her head may lay all the answers for curin' diseases from baldness to cancer . . . “