Weigh In Wednesday

How did you all do?

I'm on my way to Drew's house and don't have access to a scale but last time I weighed in which was Tuesday I weighed the same. I am in maintenance phase so all is good although I am still frustrated because it is still the one pound I gained from the emotional melt down I had last week....


  • McleeleeTx
    McleeleeTx Posts: 6 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday I’m up 1.5 pounds since we started the group. I haven’t been logging my food , so today I started !! Using the bar scanner is reminding me how many calories are in all the snack food I have been eating !! Ugh
    Time to clean out the pantry … again lol
  • I understand the emotional eating. Been doing it for weeks now. That’s why I’m here. I had lost 15 pounds and now 7 is back. I’m not looking back. Your inspirational quotes on Patreon have been so helpful.
    Have a blast in Israel. My goal is for Keith and to go on the next tour with y’all. 💕
  • McleeleeTx
    McleeleeTx Posts: 6 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday I’m down 3.5 lbs since we started the group. The sun is out today in Texas and should be a warm day. I’m going to walk later. I’m encouraged!! 💙