Happy ChristaHanaKwanzaKa

_dadgad Posts: 23 Member
Been doing mostly 16:8, with some 18:6, for about two months. Haven't lost a ton of weight, but I noticed the other day that my shirts are fitting better around the middle. Something must be happening!


  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,768 Member
    Happy ChristaHanaKwanzaKa !!! (I love it...)

    Well done... Staying persistent with any type
    of healthy Diet / exercise takes a lot of Strength IMO
    especially since we do Not see a lot of result in the weight

    I have felt much healthier since doing the 16-8

    Now back to getting my carbs under control... LOL...

    Holiday season has truly become Tis the Season for CARBS...

    I am back on Track today... ~Happy New Year~
  • jphillips0276
    jphillips0276 Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2023
    Keep up the great work. It takes time. With me, when I finally start losing, it comes off quick. We just have to stick with it and trust the process. Most ppl give up just before it starts to happen. Best wishes.
