Saying good bye to group
I am cutting back on my comp time... so I will be leaving group Wishing Everyone all the best & Much Success ~ Deby
Saying good bye to group
I am cutting back on my comp time... so I will be leaving group Wishing Everyone all the best & Much Success ~ Deby
Basic Information on IF Group
. Someone else started the group... and one day she left... & She had put me in as leader ... There are a few of us active... thats why I chose to stay on as a part time leader... I try to post daily..... My main objective... NO STRESS... Just mainly Support one another through courtesy & Respect while we Share Our IF &…
SP Team for IF or any other kind of Fasting
I 'stole' the group pic and info from the Spark Intermittent Fasting team - if you know any SP'ers who used to be part of a fasting team or who do fasting of any sort, feel free to tell them about this group :) And feel free to create a challenge or a discussion topic that is of interest to you. I tend to forget about…
Intermittent Chat ~ Come on in and say HI
I can't guarantee I'll chat every day but I will chat intermittently :D
Hello fasters!
So glad to have found this group! I've dabbled with IF on and off for years but have just had to recently overhaul my diet and lifestyle for several health reasons and am all in this time. Anyone else using IF to reverse type 2 diabetes? My current regime is: 🥕 Start eating any time after 10am with a hard stop at 7pm, but…
trying an extended fast
I'm half way through a 5 day fast. First try at fasting, and like others have said, on the 2nd day I'm not hungry. It helps that my work is very sedentary, plus house chores and yardwork. I'm following guidelines to have at least 3 liters of water per day. I had some alcohol, and boy did that make me tired like never…
New To the group! I do alternate day fasting and just here to read and see what's working for others
Anyone doing IF 20:4?
I started IF again on Nov. 31, 2022. I've lost 17 pounds so far and I'm using the 20:4 protocol. I need to lose 100+ pounds. Mostly I have managed the 20 hour fasts (with a few fails ever now and then). I'm finding I need to feel satisfied after my 4 hour eating window or I might fail and break fast before its over. I do…
Group Active?
Struggling with 16:8 fasting. Every 3-4 weeks I go on food binges & it’s terrible! Need hacks.
New to IF
Hello, Im new to IF, I would love to hear success stories and tips please
Easy Oven-Baked Zucchini Chips For Our Chip Cravings
Easy Oven-Baked Zucchini Chips Thin, crispy, and irresistible! These zucchini chips are a great way to use up all that zucchini in your garden! 4.85 from 32 votes Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 2 hours Total Time: 2 hours 10 minutes Servings: 50 chips Author: Julie Chiou Save Rate Text Print INGREDIENTS ½ 1x 2x 3x ▢1…
For those of us who I.F.
At my last job I was the center of attention at lunch time, everyday, for the year and 5 months I was there. I began to think my name was "She won't eat." I really enjoyed my co-workers and it was very hurtful to me. First people make like comments about your weight, you try to change, and they get even worse. What an ego…
Hello Group
Just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a happy day. Thanks for letting me be a part of the group. I need the fellowship. I am not new to IF but stopped for quite a while and my health has suffered because of it. Out of necessity I started back on OMAD, except on weekend, when I do 16:8 or 12:12. I'm doing ok as far as…