Hello Group

jphillips0276 Posts: 9 Member
edited February 2023 in Social Groups
Just wanted to say hello and wish everyone a happy day. Thanks for letting me be a part of the group. I need the fellowship.

I am not new to IF but stopped for quite a while and my health has suffered because of it. Out of necessity I started back on OMAD, except on weekend, when I do 16:8 or 12:12.

I'm doing ok as far as weight but still don't seem to be gaining any strength.

As usual with us IF'er's, I'm the odd guy in social settings and could just use the company of like-minded people.

I do pretty good checking every day as long as I keep my focus so, I look forward to getting to know you all and hope you will feel free to send me a friend's request.

Have a great day my IF ppl and let's go out and spread our awesome auras around the planet today.

