Fantastically Fit February



  • lrw327
    lrw327 Posts: 73 Member
    Age: 39
    SW: 133
    GW: 125

    Feb 1: 133
    Feb 7: 131.8
    Feb 14: 130.6

    Happy with this weeks loss. However, it’s because now that I’m focusing on protein intake, I CAN’T get all my calories in. I’m always full and feel like I’m forcing myself to eat.😫 For some this would be a great problem to have, but I’m trying to gain muscle mass and it unlikely to happen this way. This week I’m starting to focus a little more on my lifting and less on cardio.

    @k8richly Sorry you were under the weather! I know you’d have like to see a loss, but the fact that you didn’t gain while you were sick AND ate Superbowl goodies is a huge win in my book!

    @spl8 Good luck with your goals! I’m trying to up my strength training as well.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    I feel like ive been very absent on the thread. At work we have a new hire I am training .... how do I tell her that need my MFP daily log posting time .... hahahahaha

    my dad has been doing like crap. is in ICU now for a week. on dialysis and very dillusional...until late yesterday. I'm hoping we have turned a corner. My mom called him this noon. Sounds like my brother will call him today also. I may wait until tonight...6pm My cousin has been thru this with her parents and in laws and she said it would make him feel less isolated if I called as well, so I shall.

    ITs really made me feel unfocused at work.

    STill getting in my 6am workouts.
    Meals planned, and prepped for today.
    using my resistance muscle to stay on track.
    I haven't felt hungry so, For what its worth, at least that helps.
    NO weigh in yet. I'm too chicken. Over the weekend I think I ate 8billion calories....
  • mandycat_florida
    mandycat_florida Posts: 60 Member
    I've probably posted this long-winded "How to Eat a Ton of Veggies" recipe before. But getting our veggies down in the large amounts many of us try for can be tough. I made a giant batch of this creamless cream soup yesterday which is what reminded me.

    I simmer whatever vegetables I have on hand, fresh and/or frozen, in broth until soft. Then I put one-third to one-half in my high speed blender and reduce it to a puree. Set that aside and very briefly pulse the remaining soup before combining it with the puree, seasoning as needed. I freeze the batch in serving sized containers then thaw a serving out as desired and top it with some kind of protein.

    You'd be amazed at how quickly the vegetables in your fridge and/or freezer disappear. This soup makes for a very quick lunch or, if you're a weirdo like me, a satisfying cold weather breakfast.
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    Great soup @mandycat_florida ! Do you use chicken stock as a base for protein and flavour? I make bone broth but never think to add vegetables to it.

    @SherryRueter call your dad for sure, even if he's delusional. It is so hard to hear/see them in that state but I'm convinced they feel the support. My dad was similar towards the end and it is tough. And who cares about the weighing? Do it when it's right for you and you think it will be good news! I totally do the same thing. 😀
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,985 Member
    44, F, 5' 7"
    GW: 128-135(ish - TBD)
    SW 01-2023: 157.6

    2/1/23: 153.4
    2/8/23: 152.8
    2/15/23: 153.2
    Trip to Florida went well - other than I failed my 75 Hard challenge on the day we went down there - completely spaced finishing my reading before bed (1.5 pages was all that was left :s ) despite a couple things to "remind" myself still managed to space on it. So was back to Day 1 the next day.
    Oh well, trying to make this a lifestyle anyways, and my why doesn't have an end date in 75 days or even a year, so just more time to build habits and routines and make that mindset shift I so desperately need to make permanent.
    My sister did get a killer photo of me though when we got up for a sunrise photo shoot she wanted to do for her travel blog/IG stuff - I love the pic (even though I still have plenty of fat to lose and muscle to build, she got a fantastic shot).
  • spl8
    spl8 Posts: 101 Member
    @HoneyBadger302 - Great photo! You look strong, confident, and beautiful. And the sunrise lighting is spectacular.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    @honeybadger302 that is a fantastic photo! You are where most of women wish they were. I totally "get it" ... I'm there too... just a little more here, and there.... I think media is to blame, never satisfied with the reflection.

    @K8Richly I decided to weigh this morning after my workout. I talked to myself in the mirror (a mel robbins thing...) and said stuff like, It really doesn't matter what that number is. I did amazing today, and yesterday and, I can lift really heavy crap! (also this sinus issue i have going o man). It was okay. I'm at 108. wanna be 104 (would be freaky to be 101 again....) but I really enjoy how easily I can mantain 106-108. ITs super simple and flexible. So....maybe...just maybe I'll start working on being strong. Lifting heavy sh***t and just being satisfied that my clothes fit no matter what. And they sell those in a larger size if needed.

    Thanks for the Dad advice also. I did call he wants me to visit ... did he forget thats a 13hour drive one way? I'm so tempted to get in the car friday and do it.
  • RobinAlex666
    RobinAlex666 Posts: 144 Member
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'8"
    SW: 160
    CW: 157.9
    End of month GW: 156

    2/2: 159.4
    2/9: 157.9
    2/16: 156.6
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 785 Member
    edited February 2023
    @HoneyBadger302 you look phenomenal! And your sister really caught a great photo with your pose and the scenery beyond, just beautiful.
    @mandycat_florida the soup sounds good and really easy to put together - I love recipes that are flexible so you can put in anything you happen to have around.
    @RobinAlex666 you're so close to your goal - keep up the great work.
    @SherryRueter a 13 hour ride is tough, especially if you're going solo. But, happy traveling if you decide to go!!
    My yoga instructor told us today that she's moving and next week will be her last week teaching the class :'( . I'm so bummed out, I really love this class, and I just set up a good weekly workout routine around those days. Now I'll have to rearrange everything if I want to take the Wed/Fri classes.
    On a happier note, I signed up for a writing workshop and the first class was yesterday. Seems like it's going to be a fun class, and there are only nine of us so we should have some good critique discussions.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,275 Member
    Hi All. Reached a milestone today at 125 lbs. Next one is 120 and will reassess from there.

    @HoneyBadger302 - you look so regal and confident in that photo! Wonderful pic!

    @SherryRueter - 13 hours! Ez Peasy! Just joking! My dad was a Greyhound bus driver and both parents hate to fly so long road trip for us are the norm. They one I’ll never forget is the one from NY to San Antonio! TORTURE!

    @SparkSpringtime69 Sorry to hear about your yoga class! That’s a bummer!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @HoneyBadger302: what a spectacular pic !! You look great !
    @SherryRueter : my thoughts are with you, the situation with your dad isn't easy.
    @RobinAlex666: you are doing great, girl !!

    It's Friday again, time flies so fast!

    The weather here will be bad this weekend with loads of rain and heavy winds, so not sure what we will do as activity. Our house could do with a deep clean :confused: . Not a real fan of cleaning though... we'll see. Maybe we'll still can find something else to do...

    You all have a fantastic weekend, ladies. Speak to you on Monday :kissing_heart:
  • mandycat_florida
    mandycat_florida Posts: 60 Member
    k8richly wrote: »
    Great soup @mandycat_florida ! Do you use chicken stock as a base for protein and flavour? I make bone broth but never think to add vegetables to it.

    I keep Costco's Kirkland Signature Organic Chicken Stock on hand at all times. It's a must as a soup base and I save some calories using a splash or two along with an avocado spray when making sauteed foods. I'm too lazy to make my own bone broth and I've read conflicting opinions about commercial bone broth. I keep jars of chicken-flavored and sauteed onion-flavored Better Than Bouillon around to amp up taste, in spite of the heavy dose of sodium and the slightly non-natural ingredients.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member

    @SparkSpringtime69 - How much yoga do you do each week? How long is each session. Moreover.... If I started doing 20ins a 2 days a week.... that would be good, right?

    Yup- were headed north. I hope the weather is good for the days we drive. Boss is on board with my plan. Completely not an easy trip. Hoping its just the reset I need for nutrition. I want to keep mindful of the choices I make and do the "eat if hungry" method. Reminds me of my younger self who did the "diet pop diet" where I could have all the diet soda I wanted....Pretty sure I kept food pretty low (below 1200). man, think how horrible that is to one's health!

    I am thinking of bringing my insta pot along so I could potentially cook a meal a day also. Not as much eating out that way. And hey, a roast would taste good as well as be really easy. and its below 30 degrees there so left overs could freeze in the car LOL.....

  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Thank you for all the kind words - still have work to do, but one day at a time and trust the process, right?
    Week is chugging along, but I'm glad it's Friday. Need some extra sleep - haven't been able to catch up and still dragging from earlier this week, so will try to get to bed at a decent time again tonight since I can sleep in a little bit tomorrow.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    CeeBeeSlim wrote: »
    Hi All. Reached a milestone today at 125 lbs. Next one is 120 and will reassess from there.

    Congrats! I'm super envious of your victory!

    I hope to be able to report a loss far nothing because I have NOT been compliant.

    They say that overcoming the struggle during the hard times is when a champion is made. When REAL habits make the difference. When real discipline and strength is found. I hope to find that the next 7 days.

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,275 Member
    @SherryReuter Thank you and have a safe trip.

    I hope these habits stick! IF seems easy to me and the high cholesterol scare is making me cook at home.

    Next week we will be in the high 70s - looking forward to it!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @SherryRueter : have a safe trip, keep your eyes on the road!

    Monday morning, time for some stats:

    * 72.000 steps. There still is a gap towards my final goal, but we will spend the weekend with friends in the Ardennes and we will do some long walks. Looking forward to it !!
    * continue to read Becks daily and do the exercises : check !
    * 2 fitness sessions and 1 PT: only one fitness session as my boss has kept me working late on Wednesday.
    * Lost 0.4 kg: I'm losing very slowly and that's ok.
    * One dive on Thursday with a friend: check.
    * 95k on the bike; despite the harsh wind I went out on Saturday (the alternative being cleaning the house) and then on Sunday I followed hubby during his long training.

  • spl8
    spl8 Posts: 101 Member
    59 yo, 5'7"
    SW: 160 (12/2022)

    1/30 153.4
    2/6 154.6
    2/13 152.6
    2/20 151.6

    Although progress has been slower this month than last, I am happy with the trend.

    Non-scale victory: Yesterday someone (who didn't know I was dieting) told me I looked like I had lost weight. Yay!

    To move my strength training goal forward, I signed up for a pilates mat class at my local library with a person who is known locally as a great personal trainer. It starts in two weeks. Never done pilates mat, so I'm looking forward to trying something new.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,985 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend and is rocking on their Monday! Weather was great this weekend, so Saturday was my riding lesson, and Sunday headed to the mountains for some moto-time. Had a nicely spirited ride with a solid little group of older-bolder riders (aka, generally less likely to be dumb), although the "squidbillies" are making an appearance already...
    SQUID in the moto world has a couple meanings, but the most common is Stupidly Quick, Underdressed, Imminently Dead (or dumb). Basically, it's riders who waaay over estimate their abilities, are trying to keep up with their buddies/that faster rider, and do not have the skill, experience, or judgement to safely do so. While any rider can be prone to it, or have moments where we fall into that trap, generally the younger male population on sport bikes, or cruiser riders trying to show off for the camera are the most prone to succumb to being a "squid."
    Got up this morning and so far doing okay despite a late night last night - will need to make an effort to get to bed at a decent time, but dinner will be easy, so that will help.
    Buddy got a couple candid shots yesterday:
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,906 Member
    I arrived safely.

    My dad is in ICU (I know some of you have/not heard). he is not able to move at this point (walk, sit). he is mumbly and not really able to talk, but he answers yes/no well. We think he is well aware but, just not able to communicate. ITs frustrating for us, as I am sure it is for him. Today we meet with the social worker. he has stage 5 kidney failure and an infection. he is on dialysis (a 20 hour cycle one).

    Yesterday dad got out the words that he wanted to not be on any of these machines and die and see jesus. Lets just say, the day didn't go well. And, he would have to actually tell his wishes to a doctor or someone like that.