Rough week

SunnyCin Posts: 9 Member
I’ve been struggling since last Thursday. My primary care doctor and I think that one of the reasons I’ve been struggling to lose weight over the past year had to do with the anti-anxiety meds that I was taking. We decided that I should try weaning off and starting a new med, I’m officially off of Paxil as of last Thursday after a month of decreasing the dosage, the side effects really kicked in last weekend.

Of course I was out of town for the first time in forever for a girls trip. I gained 2 1/2 pounds when I weighed in on Monday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and today have been pretty brutal for me. Insomnia, irritability, stomach issues, and seasonal allergies have made me a joy to be around. I guess I just wanted to check in and vent a little.

Has anyone else dealt with weight gain due to a medication? The new medication that the doctor wants me to transfer to also causes weight gain, so I’m thinking of alternatives for my anxiety and depression such as yoga. I’m already working out with a trainer for 30 minutes a three times a week.

I am envious of those of you who have kept the same weight as the last time when you used MFP. I gained over 20 pounds so my profile doesn’t show weight loss even though I have lost weight in the past month.

Thank you for reading. I really appreciate this group and the support my heart goes out to all of you who have knee issues.


  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 115 Member
    Yikes, that is tough for sure. One thing is to remember to give yourself grace. You had a great girls weekend, probably doesn't happen every weekend. So get back to your program and don't beat yourself up.

    I have not had a medication that caused weight gain, so I unfortunately cannot personally speak to that. Several of my closest friends have and they decided, after beating themselves up about it, that their new norm would be about ten pounds over the old norm.

    Keep moving and doing as you planned. One day at a time is all any of us can do. You've got this!!
  • tj3084
    tj3084 Posts: 12 Member
    Ah Sunnycin: That sounds tough! Things that are already hard get even harder when we feel like it’s beyond our control. I feel ya girl. This week my digestive issues have protested my new fruit and veggie regimen big time! Stick with it though…we have to know that we are worth the effort. I have book suggestions for you, either in place of or in conjunction with meds: Bo Forbes “Yoga For Emotional Balance.” (PHENOMENAL for anxiety/depression, and, includes practices w/pics). Sarahjoy Marsh: “Hunger, Hope, & Healing - A Yogic Approach to Reclaiming Your Relationship to Your Body and Food. I’m still working on that one but so far, so good.
  • SunnyCin
    SunnyCin Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you megd44 and tj3084! I so need and appreciate the encouragement. I have a terrible sinus infection/upper respiratory infection that probably started during my weekend Orlando. I am on more meds for that and I’m finishing steroids tomorrow. I think the steroids make me hungry.

    I am going to buy that book!

    I can deal with 10 extra pounds. The problem is I’m at 40 extra pounds on top of the weight that I needed to lose to begin with. I am just uncomfortably heavy.

    So grateful for this community. I was in bed for the past four days so it’s nice to be able to check in and see some responses from you.❤️❤️

    I’m getting back on track today after my comfort
    food diet while being sick. 🙄

    Hoping to get back to my mobility training tomorrow morning. Following my nutrition plan today. Happy Wednesday!!
  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 115 Member
    When you are sick, rest and comfort food are the best. You will get back to it as you start to feel better. If I have learned only one thing over the last three years, it is to remember to give myself some grace. What would you tell your best friend if she/he just told you what you wrote? Now, go look in the mirror and tell yourself the same. You have this, slow and steady!