50+ and Getting Fit

For the women who are over 50, and over bad diets, eating choices, not getting into the clothes they love, having the energy, one more looming medication, and worrying about what their life is going to be like, join me in being 50+ and fit! I will share my story and I want to hear yours.

After years of helping everyone else, being the best to everyone else, giving my best to everyone else, I made a decision to make me the priority. One day I was happily released from corporate and and 5 years later we were in a pandemic, my Godmother (my mother's best friend of 65 years) transitioned and my mother followed 3 months later. Can you say devasted? I was already successfully battling a 473 cholesterol level and then my life was shattered. I tried to stay active in my grief and then 2-1/2 years later my doctor gave me the warning and actually said the D word to me that I refused to accept. I have been up and down with my A1C but this time...he was giving me one last 90 days to get it together. So today I sit here with a FitBit and FitCloud tracker, have gotten my glucose down in a few days without tricks. But I have to be consistent or I am going to be blind, immobile, or dead.

And guess what? I ain't ready to go! So I want to create something for women like me who have been through some things (children or not) and want to live to see 100 (as long as it is in the upward/forward direction) and want to have fun and be in a safe and supportive environment doing it. Let's get moving and let's get living.

I want to lose 40 pounds and get off half my cholesterol medicine.

Introduce yourself, share your story and your goal!

This is not a dating or hook-up group so scammers, stay way.
Owner: ldenisejacksonLeaders: ldenisejacksonCreated on February 25, 202320 membersPrivacy: Public


Important stuff will go here one day.


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