Ozempic - Week 1

kimtang78 Posts: 2 Member
I just started on Ozempic on April 19th, 0.25 dose. So far so good, I seem to have less sugar cravings (my weakness!) but I still am having the urge to eat out of boredom and/or habit. Even so, with the Ozempic it feels easier to not give in, and I haven't! I have had minimal side effects so far, which I am very thankful for.
My plan is to stick to calorie counting and exercising, and use Ozempic to help curb cravings and hunger. I plan on doing a weekly check in just to keep myself accountable, and looking for others on the same journey.

Here's my starting stats:

Female - 5' 4"
SW - 226
GW - Under 200 for vacation in July, 140 long-term goal

Looking forward to meeting others on this journey!



  • JCFan3
    JCFan3 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Kim,
    Nice to meet you. I have very similar stats:
    Starting weight with ozempic; 210
    Current weight:200
    Anniversary goal weight( end of June) 185
    Overall goal weight:140
    I am getting ready to do my 7th injection. .5 has given me a lot of nausea and gi issues. Hoping it will get better soon. Have made some progress as far as healthier choices but still have a ways to go.
    Best wishes on your journey!
  • RunningMama32
    RunningMama32 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm on .5 too and i agree, way more side effects.