
RunningMama32 Posts: 71 Member
Starting Ozempic this week, feeling a little nervous but frustrated with insulin resistance, so here i am. I'm working with a nutrionist and my NP and feeling optimisitc about the path i'm on. Would love to hear people's success stories!


  • buniphuphu
    buniphuphu Posts: 288 Member
    I'm still in my journey. I've lost 40 pounds since December 10. I'm hypothyroid, insulin resistant, have PCOS, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. I'm hoping to lose about 150-160 more.

    I still eat most foods, but I eat a lot less now, and the food noise has really shut down. I have learned that if I want to eat pizza, pepperoni is not my friend. LOL I choose something with less grease. Carbs don't bother me much unless I overeat, but greasy food always leaves me feeling miserable. I now enjoy my pizza with just pork sausage and mushrooms instead of adding pepperoni into the mix. I also only have 1-2 slices (usually 1.5) instead of 3-4 to satisfy my hunger.
  • sf_melis
    sf_melis Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, just wondering how it's going for you? I'm starting tomorrow morning.
  • RunningMama32
    RunningMama32 Posts: 71 Member
    Its been pretty good so far. The side effects can suck but i find they get better as the week goes on. Good Luck!
  • ucbycindy
    ucbycindy Posts: 23 Member
    I just took my 4th dose of .25, and weight loss has been minimal the first 3 weeks (5lbs), I am hoping . 5 will help more. I must say I am not used to have the hungry feeling lol

    I’d love to know more of everyone else’s experiences.
  • lwhelan2018
    lwhelan2018 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi all, I have been on it since mid-January and am really happy with the results. I have lost 32 lbs so far. There have been some side effects but nothing horrible. It has helped me say no to bad eating habits and I like how it makes me turn my nose up at foods (like French fries) that I love.

    I have been able to eat most foods, just less.
    Reducing carbs helps accelerate the weight loss. I try to get at least 30 min of walking or other exercise 5 days a week. Some weeksI lose more than others, but overall happy with the results.

    It's not a magic shot, you still have to do your part, but it really makes doing my part so much easier. At least for me it does.

    Happy to discuss more with anyone and feel free to PM me !
