Pre-Challenge Activity #1: INFORMATION and YOUR INPUT! ℹ️🔠



  • marg750me
    marg750me Posts: 3,322 Member
    My grandson is leaving for the Summer July 2 returning August 26. I will have no excuse for not doing what should be done while he is gone. I like the challenge because it keeps me accountable. I’m hoping mon, wed, fri mornings Shirley walks with me before it gets too hot. find a plan for silver sneakers
  • bbonet3
    bbonet3 Posts: 2,750 Member
    I sure hope to be better from my back/leg problems so I can get back to walking at least. I have not been able to go to the gym and I really miss it.
    I don't even have the energy this week, due to the pain meds, to even be on the computer so praying it gets better soon!
  • hicim705
    hicim705 Posts: 5,666 Member
    I was hoping to find my 'Spark' but never did for various reasons for the 5% Spring Challenge. BUT I absolutely hope to be able to 'find it' for the 2023 Summer 5% Challenge. I may even try 'Metabolic Renewal' or 'Noom' or 'Weight Watchers' to help get me back on track. Does anyone have any stories about any one of these?

    I would love to be able to say that I will commit to losing my first 5%, but at this point, I'm actually happy with **any** progress I can make in the 'right direction' relative to weight loss. I need to 'focus' and 'get my head in the game' ...

    As an Overall Leader, I should lead by example ... quite frankly, you all inspire me to keep trying.
  • actualbearsss
    actualbearsss Posts: 13 Member
    I'm finally in a place where adding small steps slowly is sticking, and this summer I want to start incorporating exercise. I tried going for daily walks at the beginning of the year and could barely make it ten minutes without getting winded. I'd like to start getting in shape so my walks can be longer and maybe even evolve into hikes and runs over time.

    By the end of the summer challenge, I'd like to be able to walk a full mile without breaks. I'd also like to start going outside and getting sun more often. Our patio is north-facing, so I have to actually leave my house to get any direct sunlight, which has been hard to do with work and school every week.
  • bbonet3
    bbonet3 Posts: 2,750 Member
    I was short on my goal for the spring and hope to be able to reach my 5% in the summer. I know it will be harder since I have been restricted to no exercise due to back problems but I will work hard to get better.

    Challenges keep me accountable and I am also following WW which I find help with tracking your food intake.
  • Kristen525c
    Kristen525c Posts: 387 Member
    I’m here because I have PCOS and losing just 5% of my body weight can help me get pregnant with my second child. I have really struggled with my mental health the last few years and have used that as an excuse for my poor choices related to my physical health. It’s a vicious cycle. I need to form better habits to break that cycle. By the end of the 8 weeks, I hope to be more mindful about nutrition, more intentional about exercise, and more responsible about rest. If I’ve lost 5% and end up pregnant, that will just be a bonus! It’s been a little over 3 years since my first and time has flown. That’s over 156 weeks. 8 weeks is a drop in the bucket compared to that.
  • melissaaridgeway
    melissaaridgeway Posts: 278 Member
    So my plan for this summer is to incorporate some form of routine fitness. Like strength workouts and circuits. In lieu of a gym (and overcoming childcare challenges), I can start by doing sets of squats/lunges/planks/pushups/situps every day and then adding cardio on a bi-weekly basis. I feel like first I need to research some premade plans or just make up one of my own. This summer 5% challenge will be my first fitness focused challenge. I've conquered the 5% weightloss, now it's time to kick it up a notch.
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,529 Member
    Thanks for posting the history of the challenge, and the link to the SparkTeams blog article. Interesting reading!

    (I also signed up at one if the other challenges mentioned, that sjso migrated from SparkPeople 😎)

    Stopping at that point for now. I'll be back for the actual Pre-Challenge Activity #1 👏

    - mk :) (Maine 🌧️☔)
  • Marileighea
    Marileighea Posts: 1,626 Member
    edited June 2023
    I agree with Pam…thank you leaders for getting this program up and going…💐

    I had a hysterectomy with a sacrocopolexy in April, and was prescribed estrogen, which has several side effects. Being cranky is probably the most annoying. Or is it always being hungry. Maybe it’s . . . . My goal for this summer is to adapt to these nuisances, because that is all they are: nuisances. 😎
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 4,745 Member
    Looking to continue on my weight loss journey and trying some challenges to keep me motivated. Found this one and thought it sounded interesting; can't wait to get started.
  • Buckeye5
    Buckeye5 Posts: 219 Member
    My goal is the get in a better mindset to get healthier. I would love to also lose 5%, but losing weight is secondary to being healthier. I injured my feet last year and have lost muscle strength and tone. My second goal is to get exercising regularly again. I am a teacher, so the summer is giving me time to transition. I start August 1, so I want to get some basics settled by then. I am using the intent AP for meal planning. I like it. I am tracking food on Lifesum. I am watching macros focusing on real foods and veggies most. I am hoping that I can join this community to walk this journey with some fun likeminded likegoaled new friends. Thank you!
  • sophiesdnthl
    sophiesdnthl Posts: 6 Member
    I exercise and walk daily, however I have started working out in the late afternoon and I find myself less motivated and having less time to finish my workouts when it is late. I would like to start working out in the mornings again and eating a little healthier.
  • p21usa
    p21usa Posts: 553 Member
    I am new here and so excited to have found this challenge! My big goals are to incorporate strength training into my daily exercise (even if it's just squats in the living room!) and more fresh fruits and veggies as snacks.
  • shirleyd155
    shirleyd155 Posts: 9 Member
    My sister and I are working together to lose weight this summer. So far I have lost 2 pounds. She found an old book she had with a very specific menu plan for lower sodium, lower cholesterol. It is helping. I will need accountability on getting exercise and water in.
  • ForeverFitNHealthy
    ForeverFitNHealthy Posts: 1,299 Member
    For quite sometime now I've lost my Spark. I think before even Sparkpeople closed, which I miss terribly, by the way. The good thing is that despite my lost spark, I've still been here in the challenges not to lose connection because I know that one day I'll get my Spark back! I'm really hoping that time is now. I'm going to do my best getting myself and my mind fully engaged in the challenges and my daily goals. I think actually doing these 5% activities is a step in the right direction!

    My plan is really to help with my diabetes so I can reverse and be medication free. So I need to walk, spin bike, and resistance train daily for blood glucose control, especially before and after eating. Doing both steady state and HIIT cardio, and strength training different muscle groups.
  • 1AncientSage
    1AncientSage Posts: 2,148 Member
    I feel like I failed miserably in the Spring challenge. I need to get more sleep so that I have more energy.
    I also need to put myself first, getting my workout comes before the housework. I also plan to start building muscle. Basically eat less and move more
  • katiecondy1
    katiecondy1 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Having had a total knee replacement in April is my motivation to keep moving..keep exercising and get in as good a condition as I can. No way I am going to go thru that surgery and then not do what I need to do for a successful rehab and recovery. I want to enjoy life for as long as I have life!!
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,529 Member
    mkksemail wrote: »
    Thanks for posting the history of the challenge, and the link to the SparkTeams blog article. Interesting reading!

    (I also signed up at one if the other challenges mentioned, that sjso migrated from SparkPeople 😎)

    Stopping at that point for now. I'll be back for the actual Pre-Challenge Activity #1 👏

    - mk :) (Maine 🌧️☔)

    I am back to finish.

    (I really did enjoy reading that history, ty for posting it!)

    I have been in an 18-mos 10k/day steps goal since Dec 4, 2021 thanks to a really great bunch of people I was lucky enough to stumble upon at Fitbit. We had a daily goal day challenge every day until the day Fitbit killed their challenges and open groups in March 2023 😩😡.

    I am here at MFP for the food logging tools (which are vastly better than Fitbit's, btw!). I joined some challenges hoping to reinforce that, bc I need it. While I did manage to lose 30 lbs over about 18 mos at Fitbit (started 6 mos before steps goal streak started), I regained it all plus 5+ lbs more this fall and winter 😬.

    My goals and hopes for the challenge are:

    1.) To maintain/reinforce food logging habit that I restarted on Apr 30 (May 1?) of this year

    2.) To add strength training and or stretching/yoga to my daily exercise. I really need to do more than walking.

    - mk :)
  • 15Katharina06
    15Katharina06 Posts: 139 Member
    I am planning to keep my routine and focus on what I eat the frst two weeks . Then i will start with a running routine while I am on a vaction , because in september I have a competion. Back home i want to do my swimming and running routine .
    I want to loose weight and change my habbits, I hope this challenge and the site gives me a focus on what I want. I always need people tha inspire me around.
  • jengoncalves74
    jengoncalves74 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new to this group and so glad I found it. Yesterday, I was talking to my coach (professional development but we also talk life in general) and she asked me what were my intentions for wellness in this summer season? I told her I was going to make better use of my MFP Premium and use the warm summer weather to have more movement outside. We belong to a pool and I aim to be a better swimmer by improving my breathing and strokes by doing some lap swimming. I started an H20 walking class this week that goes until August. I also plan to do some yoga, pilates and/or walking for at least 15 minutes daily and build it up from there. I've been carrying the "baby weight" since my son was born 8 years ago, so I am ready to focus on me! This 5% challenge is perfect for a former gym rat who has been very inactive for years and on the tail end of recovering from a partial knee replacement. 5% is not daunting and breaks up my large goal of losing 40 pounds into a small, doable chunk. I look forward to supporting everyone and being accountable to this amazing group. Thank you!!!