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CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,324 Member
Hey Fellow Not-So-Heavies!

No excuses! Warmer weather in the way! Ready to reach my June goal - just five pounds! What are you hoping to achieve this month?!


  • mandycat_florida
    mandycat_florida Posts: 60 Member
    I just joined the newly opened fitness center at a nearby state park. It's teensey compared to, say, a Gold's Gym. But it has all the equipment I'll ever need; it's only $10 a month with no contract; they offer a nice selection of group fitness classes for FREE!!! I decided to be a madcap spendthrift and pay up front for two months to see how it fits in with what I already do and the home fitness equipment I've already invested in. Actually, $10 a month to get me out of the house is probably worth it alone; I'm slowly slipping into hermit mode. The classes I've joined are on weekday mornings so hopefully I'll meet some nice people my own age.
  • ltm757
    ltm757 Posts: 2 Member
    I recently joined a 30 day challenge to workout 20x from now until July 4th. So far so good. I'm looking to build muscle and am trying to learn how to do it.
  • dmsl977
    dmsl977 Posts: 232 Member
    Now that my gym is on it's summer schedule (i.e. cutting a couple of my usual classes), I would like to add in couch to 5K this month, 3 days a week.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    I was still posting in the May chat... :hushed: I'll put it down to some brainfog...
    Anyweez... here goes:

    My stats from last week:

    * Still low on steps, but a bit better... 63k for the week. I think I have to acknowledge that I'm stepping less during summertime.
    * continue to read Becks flashcards: check.
    * 2 fitness sessions / week: I let it slide again last week and while my weight went down, I'm also a bit afraid I've lost some muscle mass.
    * Lose a bit: 71,8 moving average, which is a good loss from last week. But with the thought that it might be muscle. Anyway, it is a good pound from maintenance, I'm really getting there !
    * Biking and diving: 2 dives last week, some daily biking to the bakery and pub. I might start to add those little trips to my total. The plan was also to bike to work today, but the weather will be too hot this afternoon, so I went by car instead.

    My goal for June is to get between 70 and 71 and start the gym again.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    And thank you @CeeBeeSlim to start the June thread ! :kiss:
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,324 Member
    You’re welcome, Antiopelle! Scale slowly moving down - I’ll take it. Started week 4 of Caroline Girvan Iron series. Love it so far. She focuses on form and slow movements - which I need so my ego re: heavy lifting and speed doesn’t get in the way!!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Pfffrrr... just a little vent here.

    Yesterday, our tomcat Max, my second best buddy, my little man... has been hit by a car and despite the best care he went into shock and passed. He's been with us for more than 16 years and he had a perfect little life, but boy that hurts...
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,324 Member
    Oh no, Antiopelle. I am so so sorry to hear this. 16 years! What a loss and a testament to the love and care you gave him. I can’t even imagine. Sending you a virtual hug!😢
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Thank you @CeeBeeSlim :heart:


    He might have been 16 and technically very elderly, but he was still a kitten to me. Ever since the lockdowns he was my companion in the home office and as our company has promoted homework ever since, we were together almost 24/7. He leaves a very big hole in the house and in my heart.
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    49yrs / 5'3
    CW 132
    GW 125

    Hello friends, long time no chat! But first, @Antiopelle I'm so sorry for your 🐈 loss. 😞 that is very hard!

    I've mentioned that I coach my daughter's soccer, but this year I went up a volunteering notch and did myself in. This year I am the coordinator for our local youth recreational soccer league which means many hundreds of kids between 12 and 18yrs old being assessed and sorted onto dozens of teams, uniforms ordered and distributed, coaches found and trained, schedules planned and posted online, and fields booked and more. Oh, and I'm still coaching as well. Basically I've been at the soccer fields every evening and worked more on soccer than i do my real job (which was also really busy!) for the past 2 -3 weeks. Very rewarding now that things are rolling and kids / parents are happy but it's been very very stressful to keep all the shi*t together. Please everyone kiss your local volunteer for all their hard work!

    Meanwhile, I barely kept up with logging and I haven't made it to a single one of my own soccer games yet but the good news is that I mostly kept up my strength workouts and I haven't really gained a pound. Running up and down reffing kids soccer games will burn 🔥 calories, I tell you!

    In other news, I am proud to report that I ran my 10km in 59:30 on June 4! Did it in under an hour despite hills, heat and not training for it! I was VERY sore after and worried I had pulled something in my hip but all is well now. I also ended up running it solo but that's OK. A bit of alone time is a lovely thing these days.

    Glad to be back ladies. Happy June to us all! (Hint hints, June 22 is coming and it's gonna be a big day!!! Woot woot!!)

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @k8richly: thank you! And you are doing great !!! Maitaining without logging means you've found a good balance in your habits, which is stellar! Also stellar is your 10k, under an hour in harsh conditions. You are rocking it! And only 10 days to go :wink:
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited June 2023
    My stats from last week:

    * Still low on steps, after all the torrential rains we've had, we are now in the middle of an official heatwave! :sunglasses: Yesterday we were sweating just from watering our garden... go figure.
    * continue to read Becks flashcards: check.
    * 2 fitness sessions / week: I let it slide again last week now with the excuse that it is too hot. Also the passing of Max had me more sedentary than usual.
    * Lose a bit: 71,4 moving average. I'm afraid to say that this loss is due to mourning. I know stress eating, been there before, but somehow grief is restricting my throat and stomach and I have physical difficulty swallowing. I guess this is where the saying "having a lump in my throat" comes from.
    * Biking and diving: 2 dives last week, some daily biking to the bakery and pub. I might start to add those little trips to my total. I won't be able to bike to work this week neither as the heatwave will continue at least until this weekend.

    My goal for June is to get between 70 and 71 and start the gym again.
  • mandycat_florida
    mandycat_florida Posts: 60 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Pfffrrr... just a little vent here.

    Yesterday, our tomcat Max, my second best buddy, my little man... has been hit by a car and despite the best care he went into shock and passed. He's been with us for more than 16 years and he had a perfect little life, but boy that hurts...

    I've lost many beloved four-legged friends over the decades and it doesn't get easier. Not saying that you should look for another fur baby right away but I'm convinced there's a celestial human/pet matchmaker in the sky. When the human is ready, the animal will appear. Why do I currently have two cats after swearing I'd had my heart broken for absolutely THE last time?
  • mandycat_florida
    mandycat_florida Posts: 60 Member
    Today was my first day outside for anything remotely strenuous in days. (I'm actually "Mandycat_Virginia now after moving from Florida in 2022.) Richmond's air quality was nothing remotely as bad as farther north but "vulnerable groups" were still advised to play it safe. By the time you're 77, you're vulnerable to a lot of things: bad air quality, heat and humidity, severe cold, butterflies ..... So I decided to use my rowing machine and rebounder to keep moving.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Pfffrrr... just a little vent here.

    Yesterday, our tomcat Max, my second best buddy, my little man... has been hit by a car and despite the best care he went into shock and passed. He's been with us for more than 16 years and he had a perfect little life, but boy that hurts...

    I've lost many beloved four-legged friends over the decades and it doesn't get easier. Not saying that you should look for another fur baby right away but I'm convinced there's a celestial human/pet matchmaker in the sky. When the human is ready, the animal will appear. Why do I currently have two cats after swearing I'd had my heart broken for absolutely THE last time?

    I still have his sister, Mandy. She is a grand old lady (the black one on the right), a bit grumpy at best and now completely lost.
    If she passes, I swear I will have no others, no more.
    His brother (the one on the left) got sick two years ago during the lockdowns. He (the middle one) was the spunky one, the adventurer...


    I'm sorry I'm hijacking the thread, I'll stop now.

  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    49yrs / 5'3
    GW 125

    June 1: 132
    June 18: 131

    Hello all! IMO cat and dog stories and pics are always welcome. I hope you're doing well @Antiopelle.

    I work too much and therefore I sit too much during the day. I try to do morning workouts because evenings are busy with baseball, soccer, ball hockey (kids or mine). In all the busy-ness, I've been pretty good about how much I eat recently. I've increased my protein and it's really helped. And I'm still running once or twice a week.🔥

    I've definitely gained muscle and lost fluff over the past month or two. I have to say, my legs are looking strong! 💥 My glutes need work and always will (my sister calls it our hereditary pancake-butt 😆). My upper body and core are getting nice and strong but my shoulders especially still need definition. But I see progress! My strength circuit class is stopping for the summer - eek - so I need a replacement plan. I ❤️ the teacher. He comes over and loads up my weights, tweaks stuff and knows how to challenge me. He sees my strength potential and knows I'm no wimp. 💪

    I'm not sure the online stuff does it for me anymore. It was OK over the pandemic but I can't get motivated to do it online anymore, even though I heard about Caroline Girvans new series. @CeeBeeSlim, you doing her new one? What's your secret to just getting it done!? Even if I start a video, I get distracted and bored after 20 mins.

    I'm on leave for the next 2 weeks. I have 5 blissful days off at home, cleaning, organizing etc while the kids are in final exams and end-of-school-year potlucks etc. Then we fly out to the Rocky Mountains for a real vacation of hiking, biking, white water rafting and hot tubs! My kind of active vacation in nature. All to celebrate my 50th birthday on June 22! 🥳(Plus kinda a belated for my husband who turned 50 during covid). 😀

    It goes without saying that I don't FEEL 50. In fact, I'm in better shape now than I was at 40yo when I was chasing 3 toddlers and had no time for myself. Other than laughlines, a few grey hairs, saggy boobs and the crepe-y skin over my abs from 3 pregnancies (that I don't think I will ever get rid of, no matter how fit I am), i dont THINK i look 50 😉. Anyone got the secret to aging gracefully...and getting rid of loose skin? 🤣
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Great to hear from you @k8richly! It seems you are doing great and that you have superb plans to look forward to. And the Big 5-0 coming up. All I can say (53 here) is that a part of aging gracefully is to accept the crepey skin here and there :wink: And for the rest, move move and move that body. You are doing it right! And I join you in the feeling of NOT feeling like being 50+. I have some great examples around me of 60+ people who are still superactive. I want to be and feel like them. I honestly think it is a bit of luck, a bit of good genetics and a whole lot of mindset. And good care for your body and mind.

    My stats from last week:

    * Still low on steps, 46k last week.
    * continue to read Becks flashcards: check-ish. I didn't read them these last two days and I feel I'm slipping a bit. I need to be mindful of that slippery slope. A misstep cannot become a slide.
    * 2 fitness sessions / week: I let it slide again last week now with no excuses, except that I have been diving and biking a lot.
    * Lose a bit: 71,8 moving average. Yes, 0.4 gain, I need to get a grip again!!
    * Biking and diving. 3 dives last week, one with my friend on Thursday and two strenuous North Sea dives with hubby on Saturday.

    Thank you for all your support ladies and have a great week !
  • nightheronz
    nightheronz Posts: 9 Member
    edited June 2023
    31 yo/5'5"
    HW (2012): 148.3
    June 12: 117.4
    CW: 115.7
    BF (navy): 19.6%
    Goal: 17%

    Current measurements
    Waist (narrowest): 25
    Around navel: 27
    Hip (widest): 36

    After more than a decade of trying and often failing to lose weight and feeling embarrassed by my body, I finally have less than 5lb left that I want to lose now (really just vanity weight), and I feel great but it's also been quite challenging. I've been maintaining about 116-120 since September, which is the longest I've ever been able to maintain weight loss in my life (though I was actually trying to lose still, but I feel good about the maintenance). I find it hard to be patient. I get into short phases where I'm really motivated to focus on my eating and my body and other phases where I'm so busy with work deadlines and am so stressed (though also I love my work) that I just don't have the energy or care and often turn to food in response to stress.

    For food, I've been tracking cals and macros (though i'm not great at hitting my macros--not enough protein and too much carbs). And I've been doing Intermittent Fasting, which is one of the biggest things that helps me eat less--that and not drinking alcohol. I've been eating 1200-2000 cals a day (averaging around 1600), and my calorie deficit has been anywhere from 250-700 depending on the day.

    For exercise, I've been going on long bike rides and/or walks every day to take advantage of this gorgeous summer weather and am trying to focus on building the habit of strength training because I eventually want to build some muscle and be able to do a pull-up. I'm hoping I can stay consistent enough to reach my goal of 17% body fat in July.

    My strength training routine right now is this. I do 3-5 sets of everything (5 on a good day, 3 on a lazy day). For the hardest ones, I start with my max number and drop it down by one each set. For the ones I can do 15 of, I need a heavier weight but don't have one. And then I usually end up taking 1-2 days off per week.

    Every other day (push)
    Pushups (on fists): 8-7-6-5-5
    Bodyweight tricep extensions: 3-5 x 8
    Shoulder press: 3-5 x 15
    Lat raises: 3-5 x 10
    Bicep curls: 3-5 x 15
    Squats: 3-5 x 15
    Glute raises: 3-5 x 15
    Crunches (90 deg): 3-5 x 15
    Leg raises: 3-5 x 15

    Every other day (pull)
    Pullups (band-assisted): 8-7-6-5-5
    Hanging leg raises (knees bent): 8-7-6-5-5
    Inverse rows: 3-5 x 5
    Hanging scapular pulls: 3-5 x 10
    Crunches (90 deg): 3-5 x 15
    Leg raises: 3-5 x 15

  • mandycat_florida
    mandycat_florida Posts: 60 Member
    I posted earlier this month a description of the fitness center offerings at a nearby state park. I learned two things at last Friday's strength and cardio class. First, that's the only class I need. In some mysterious fashion, the instructor managed to squeeze in everything we did in the other two classes I tried out, without seeming to rush and in the same 45 minutes. Some sort of time-travel magic apparently. The other thing I found out is that you don't have to be a dues paying member to take advantage of the free classes, just be a resident of this county. Since I'm not all that interested in the fitness center workout equipment, I can take the saved $10 a month and, I dunno, buy more protein shakes.
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,324 Member
    @mandycat_florida That’s great that you found the one class that fit the bill for you!

    @k8richly I feel I found my best workout routine with the Iron series of Caroline. Maybe it’s psychological but I can get motivated and disciplined for 30 minutes. It’s the perfect amount of time before my eldercare duties get interrupted and it’s all lifting and slow so I can concentrate on my form much more. My 59 bday was yesterday and like you I feel like I’m 30ish. No kids but gots the crepey skin too - 🙁🙁.

    @nightheronz - our numbers are pretty similar. I want to maintain 115-119. I lost a few inches and 4 pounds after finishing up the study I was in (exercise effects on caregivers of dementia patients). I’m now at 25.5 inch waist. And 36 inch hips. Still a bit ab-fleshy for my take. And as my niece put it when she was younger - would like to get rid of the “pancake batter” on my upper thighs. 😩

    @Antiopelle I agree about the slide! Fathers Day and my birthday and traveling took a little bit of a toll with weight. I gained two pounds (water weight I’m sure - salty food and rum raisin ice cream) but it was my birfday!!!! 😝

    Post birthday I feel like I’can really get a grip, get serious, and focus on these last 5 vanity pounds! I finished my home gym and got everything I need at low low cost so no excuses! 💪💪