WaistAways Team Chat - JUNE 2023



  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 141 Member
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    CW: 221.6

    can I be made inactive for the month of July?
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,085 Member
    Hi Ashley @ashleycarole86 - am I OK to send in my step and exercise stats from last week?

    If I am, here they are (I forgot to send them in with my weigh-in on Sunday):

    Sunday 18th June - 5300
    Monday 19th - 6245 / 40 mins Caroline Girvan Fuel Program Day 1 - Giant Leg Day
    Tuesday 20th - 3860 / 39 mins CG Fuel Day 2 - Upper Body Circuits & Cluster Sets
    Wednesday 21st - 11925 / 40 mins Walking
    Thursday 22nd - 5341 / 47 mins CG Fuel Day 3 - Glutes & Hamstrings Supersets
    Friday 23rd - 4857 / 40 mins CG Fuel Day 4 - Full Body PHA Training
    Saturday 23rd - 4534 / 39 mins CG Fuel Day 5 - Cardio Dumbbell Workout

  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    @jugar I will weigh in tomorrow - didn't have time before work
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 625 Member
    Hello Waistaways! I messaged Liselyn earlier this month asking if I could re-join for July and here I am!

    @jugar starting stats for me:
    Weigh in day: Friday
    SW & CW: 286.0

    [technically my initial goal weight is 160, so 126 lbs]

    I think the last time I was in the group was late 2021? maybe some sporadic posting in early 2022. I originally joined up in August 2020 and I got myself to my lowest weight in almost a decade in Jan/Feb 2021, but it has alllll come back on + an additional 50 lbs. No fun, so I definitely need some more motivation, structure, and support.

    I'll do a full intro in the july chat but briefly; I'm Kay, 28, living in Boston. Struggling with emotional/stress/tired eating, binges, and not motivating to move regularly + an ongoing foot injury that prevents me from walking what used to be some hefty daily step numbers and the occasional long form HIIT workout. Major bummers! But I see lots of familiar faces in the chat this month [I've been lurking] and happy to be back and to hear about your journeys.
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    PW 242.2
    CW 245.8

    Definitely up and it has been all week. I started tracking on Monday but not until the end of the day. I'm generally hitting maintenance calories but some days I'm way over. These have been due to fun activities like a surprise trip to McDonald's with the kids to at 9 at night after fishing. We also went to friends for dinner and stuff like that. We went to crumbl cookie for the first time. There fine but luckily I could pass on those. I have a lot of room for improvement in the food area.

    I used my body scan scale and I am up a pound in muscle and up 1.5 pounds in body fat. I have lost 1 inch in my waist, 1 inch in my chest and. 5 inch in each arm. I'm really sore from starting weight lifting and probably have some extra fluid I'm holding onto. I weigh more but I'm getting smaller.

    Working out is going well. I'm doing 2 weight lifting sessions a week. There full body and take 1.5 hours to complete. Feels like forever. Then I walk the other days. I'm not going to far yet. My plantar fasciitis is in a good place right now and don't want to undue that.

    My next goal is to log as I go and make a better effort to hit my calorie range. Today my daughter and I are going to a tea cottage for afternoon tea. Then my husband and I have evening massages and date night. Probably not the best combo for hitting my calories today.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    CW: 221.6

    can I be made inactive for the month of July?

    Certainly! Just come in during the final week and put in your August starting weight. Have a great month!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,185 Member
    Brad and I are off until Tuesday at the lake and my travel scale batteries are dead. I should be able to weigh in Saturday as we have to go into town tomorrow. I'll post as soon as I can!

    Back later to catch up!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,287 Member
    I’m reading posts. Thanks for the cat advice. Much appreciated. Welcome to new and returning members. Great to have you.

    Weigh in tomorrow is 😬. My weight has been wildly all over the place this week. Not used to such big fluctuations. Will report back.

    My garden (or lack thereof )is sending me signs. Yesterday I was looking at all the weeds and noticed 6 volunteer tomato plants and one squash and a strawberry 🍓 plant. Time to start weeding.

    Talk to you later.
  • EvMakesChanges
    EvMakesChanges Posts: 553 Member

    Thank you for the welcome. My birthday is this weekend, it is a holiday, and we have family in town - all of whom drink. It is definitely going to be tough this week, but I'm confident I can stay the course.

    Two drinks/week is hard, summer or not. Great work though! Keep it up!

    I hear you on that issue. I retired from drinking alcohol 11 1/2 years ago and haven't looked back. It's well worth the effort to prevent the slippery slope from taking us all the way down to full addiction and alcoholism. So many of us in the world have the family make up for it that it makes a lot of sense to nip it in the bud whenever we can. Well done!

    I've been missing reading everyone's posts and plan to get online more often in July. It's also a time I'll stop eating wheat in all forms and increase veggie consumption to keep fiber up so I can shift some of these pounds that creep up and sometimes down...mostly up! It's a tiresome dance for sure.

    Have a good night/day. I'll be back tomorrow.

  • trisha33r
    trisha33r Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2023
    Hello, everyone. Joining in for the July challenge. I have been stuck in this high weight due to terrible eating habits.n back pain. mostly eating late at night. Etc. I’m focus on just recording every bite this week so I can see the real bigger picture of what I’m doing… and it’s not great lol. And trying to figure out this app. I’m a mother of 3 my oldest is non verbal and a beautiful autistic young lady. I say this in case I’m late in responding. Plz be patient with me I’m still trying to figure out how to add time for myself. Which is why I’m here for accountability and learning. Thank you for time n help have an awesome rest of the week.. starting weight is 206.4lb and I’m 5’3” tall and 44 yrs old I think lol
  • strong_fit_ells
    strong_fit_ells Posts: 101 Member
    I am so sorry for the late weigh in again 🤦

    CW 228.8lbs 😊

    Hopefully it will be a loss from now on 😊
  • lauren_989
    lauren_989 Posts: 610 Member
    PW: 214.2
    CW: 221.4

    So as I mentioned, my parents were visiting for the week and I binged...bad. but I also got a new scale that I am using. So I decided to weigh in this week anyway so the definite increase from food can also be with the difference in scales. My old scale died, so I don't the difference in pounds between them.

    Anyway, today was perfect day #1. I have my day planned for tomorrow as well. Back to tracking and not eating out daily/eating sweets!

    I have a trip planned at the end of July to visit RI. I need to come up with a plan so I don't gain another 7 pounds (in food/fluid)!
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    Thurs weigh in 173.5.
    I don't know where the last two weeks went, it's been non-stop, think I even missed my weigh in last week. Computer currently shut down due to potential virus, will try to catch up via phone.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Here we are coming up to another Friday! I hope everyone has been having a good week.

    I have had a very quiet time since yesterday afternoon - dear Jasper stomped on my foot in a moment of panic over a flapping plastic bag hanging on a hook outdoors - somehow he thought he could just jump onto the place where I was standing. Obviously, I was not afraid, so it must have been a good spot to be, right? Silly big thing. Anyhow, I had a foot x-ray this morning to be sure it is nothing worse than temporary bruising and swelling, and I have been keeping it iced and well rested. I did not hear back yet, so I assume that means everything is OK (or they are terribly understaffed and running behind...). I'll do a bit of exercise bike tonight anyhow - I feel so sluggish after so much sitting! Tomorrow, I'm sure it will be doing better.

    What seasonal foods are you all enjoying? I'm going strawberry picking on the weekend - that is always our first big fruit crop. Red currants are coming and my fave black currants soon too. Suddenly my breakfasts get so much more interesting! I always have fruit and plain yogurt with a few nuts or hemp seeds - variety in the fruits this time of year is welcome :smiley:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Time for the Fabulous Friday Folks! Send in those numbers :smiley:


    New and returning Friday people - if you'd like to update your starting weight:

    Some catching up:
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    CW: 95.9

    Garmin doesn't seem to have last weeks weight recorded for some reason. I think it's a small increase anyway, but considering what I've eaten and the lack of exercise, I'm glad it's so small!
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Friday weigh-in
    PW 93.3k
    CW 92.2k
    Very pleased. Didn't do much excersize but logged all my food. I've booked myself in for an open water swim on Monday in a pond not too far from me. I used to go regularly but not since COVID so a long hiatus. We'll see how that goes...
    Have a great weekend :smiley:
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,584 Member
    edited June 2023
    PW: 193.6
    CW: 194.8

    My husband and I went out for pizza on Wednesday night, so I could imagine this morning is still feeling the sodium from that. I also did not sleep that well last night either.

    I’m curious to see how Saturday looks, so I may weigh myself then too just to see. I’m debating on weighing more frequently because this month the scale has gone slightly up.

    Today, I have a super early work meeting so I have to push my workout to after work. I have already laid out my workout clothes for when I get home, so there should be no excuses. I am also signed up for a strength class on Saturday morning.

    @jugar - strawberry season is just ending for us now. I still have some from a local farm, so I am definitely going to enjoy some this weekend. July is usually when we have fresh melons, blueberries, and raspberries, so I am looking forward to that.

    I’m really hoping to lose at least 1lb a week in July, or about 4-5 lbs in total.
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    CW 193.6
    Haven't made it to the new decade like I had hoped, but my digestion is still sluggish. I will try to be more aware on my fibre choices.

    Welcome back @Kali225 and I can't want to get to know all the new members more.

    I'm deep diving into a lot of personal growth topics through podcasts and therapy and I'm hoping I'll come out the other side with better abilities to emotionally regulate and be more self aware and this will carry through into my health choices and contribute to weightloss and overall fitness. I love this group for the additional thoughtful discussions and sharing of experiences.

    New members, never be afraid to share because chances are, someone here can relate.

    Here's a photo of us from my step-daughter's Prom. I survived in heels higher than I've ever worn (I'm so tall!) and I'm proudest of the hairstyle I managed to do all by myself from a YouTube tutorial!

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    @PlaneMonkey You are so gorgeous! And you survived the heels - that is certainly a strong indication of your athletic prowess :grin: Hats off to you for getting into the deep water of personal development. It is going to take you all kinds of places. Hard, but so worth it. Hugs to you - big huge ones :heart:

    @dd265 You had a small loss! Good job - all those episodes of Grey's Anatomy must have kept you thinking healthy :lol:

    @wishfuljune You are all set up for losing 1 pound a week in July. I feel your resolve. Wishing in June, doing in July!

    @pearl4686 Great week! You and @micki48 are just about to climb (sink?) into Onederland. Buddy up in July? Give it a real go? I think you would make terrific partners.

    Off to strawberry picking land. My foot is still really swollen, but it will not keep me from berries. At least I won't be lunging and riding Jasper, which I'd really love to do today. I doubt I can get my riding boot on, though... Soon, we'll be back at it.
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