Weight No More Team Chat - AUGUST 2023

jugar Posts: 10,250 Member
edited September 2023 in Social Groups
Here is your Team chat room for August 2023. This is where you weigh in, post your goals and progress, discuss any issues or topics of interest, share ideas, support your teammates, receive help when you need it, and dream big. Try to post often, and help each other succeed! Bookmark this thread to make it easy to land there any time.

Fat2Fit has five great teams. The group and team leaders are as follows:

Our Moderators:
Liselyn - @jugar
Megan - @Megan_smartiepants1970
Ashley - @minstrelofsarcasm
Jessica - @jessicakrall8

Our Team Captains:
Downsizers - @lindamtuck2018 and @Megan_smartiepants1970
Mission Slimpossible - @broncobuddee and @trooworld
Weight No More - @minstrelofsarcasm and @melaniedscott
WaistAways - @jugar and @ashleycarole86
Shape Shifters - @jessicakrall8 and @Pupowl

Our Team Motivators:
Downsizers - @Slimmersixties & @JaysFan82
Mission Slimpossibles - @katmary71
Weight No More - @rachelrjh
WaistAways - @conleywoods & @cleaneater80
Shape Shifters - @Sbus12 and @Cyncia85

HOW IT ALL WORKS: The August challenge runs for 5 weeks, from July 30 - September 2. F2F months always start on a Sunday and end on a Saturday, so adjust your calendars!

Everyone weighs in weekly on their chosen day right here in the team chat. At the end of each week, the tallies are done to determine the team and individuals with the most weight lost. The best losers are announced with full fanfare every Sunday. The team competition is all in good spirits - may the most losing win!

We also celebrate those small, steady losses. If you lose, however small an amount, you are in the green! At the end of the month, we celebrate everyone who lost at least a bit every week. You are heading steadily towards your goal even if you aren't at the top of the weight loss leaderboard.

To make your weigh-in easy to find for your team Captains, please put it right at the top of a message, and use this format:
Weigh In Day:
PW (Previous Weight):
CW (Current Weight):

If you miss two weigh-ins in a row without asking for a break, you will be dropped from the team, so be sure to inform your team captain if you are traveling, sick, or just need some time off. If you want a break, you can be excused for a week or two, or are moved to the Support Team for as long as you need to. You still participate in the discussions, you can weigh in if you want to, but it will not count in the weekly tally. Don't worry! You can always come back even if you get dropped.

Once you reach your goal weight, you join the Goal Zone. You continue to weigh in every week. If you have 2 weeks above your self-defined goal zone, you go back to the regular team to lose that amount before it builds up. You will have a chance to hone those maintenance skills and stick with your team.

In addition to your own team, there are weekly F2F Full Group CHALLENGES. You can do all or none - it's up to you. Participating adds a lot to your success, so we hope to see you there often! These can involve anything fitness, health, or nutrition - and they’ll get you moving, thinking, and learning about this journey. Check the Announcements section for full group challenges.

Let’s show our fellow challengers some F2F love! Introduce yourselves right away, and let the new month begin!!


  • alexhomeandcoffee
    alexhomeandcoffee Posts: 33 Member
    Hello, I’m @alexhomeandcoffee

    My weigh-in days will be Fridays

    PW: 207.6
    CW: 205.6
    Goal by end of August: 198

    I’m improving from the last challenge and I’ve lowered my calories and am consuming more protein.

    Working out 5 days
    Getting at least 80 oz of water

    I’m just now tracking my steps, I’m at a 4k step average and definitely need to improve on that

    Welcome to everyone in this month challenge
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,379 Member
    The August Week 1 Group Challenge is open and ready to begin on Sunday, Jul 30th. Join us this week as we go "Back In The Day"! It's going to be a fun, memorable and active week! Here's your link:


    Hope to see you in the chat room!
  • cedarfoxy
    cedarfoxy Posts: 72 Member
    Hello! I'm Emery and back after a long break. Honestly, I'm back because I miss both the community and the challenge. I like holding myself accountable to a group and I like winning!

    My biggest habits to work on this month are tracking my food and drinking water.

    Weigh In Day: Saturday
    PW (Previous Weight): -
    CW (Current Weight): 186.6

  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,404 Member
    Saturday weighin (July, late)
    PW: 235
    CW: 235

    Sun: 1000
    Mon: 3236
    Tues: 3043
    Wed: 2624
    Thurs: 3630
    Fri: 5577
    Sat: 1000

    Sorry had car issues yesterday that threw me off (oil change turned into the dealership doing serious damage to my car, then they didn't want to tell me, which now they have to fix it). Anyway. Not great stepping but not bad.

  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,458 Member


    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,458 Member


    Team Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Individual Results
    By Percentage

    By Pounds

    Team Winners
  • Emm_165
    Emm_165 Posts: 33 Member

    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    PW (Previous Weight): 263.2
    CW (Current Weight): 258.5

    Hi All! August already? Skipped weigh in last week, but glad to be back for another month. Summer vacay is over in 10 days and back to reality. Its been a good summer of travel, learning things about my body and about foods that keep me healthy (and not healthy). One day at a time!
  • Marcy2890
    Marcy2890 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi all! Last month I didn’t really introduce myself, I’m terrible at personal intros. My name is Marcy, I’m 33 and a mom of one boy and 2 dogs. My weight has always been all over the place, just before the pandemic I found orange theory and fell in love with hiit classes, I was able to lose 45lbs but slowly it all came back when everything shut down.

    I’m getting married in September and a huge wake up call was when I tried on my dress (that was originally too big) wouldn’t zip up, so I’ve been working on getting back on track and making better habits and try and stay consistent rather than my usual all or nothing mindset.

    Can’t wait to see everyone’s successes this month and so glad to be part of the group 😊
  • 9Harvey
    9Harvey Posts: 105 Member
    edited July 2023
    July 30th

    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    Previous Weight: July 23rd - 205.9
    Current Weight: July 30th - 206.0

    Sunday - 6552
    Monday - 5708
    Tuesday - 6485
    Wednesday - 5291
    Thursday - 5811
    Friday - 5877
    Saturday - 5440

    Total - 41,164 steps
    7000 k daily goal
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 42,752 Member
    Hi WNM.... You have one more new member joining your team ... Please welcome @FitBee9 :)
  • FitBee9
    FitBee9 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all,

    My name is Barb and I most recently hail from western North Carolina, by way of Ohio. We moved to NC about 4 years ago, but I'm still a midwestern gal at heart. I'm 61 and married, retired from the Air Force. Currently work a couple days a week for a non-profit animal sanctuary (think lots of mucking stalls). Welp, like my bio says, "It's summer and my clothes don't fit." I'm a stress-eater and lately everything's been setting me off, lol. I'm looking forward to the challenge because I feel it'll be a positive "stress" for me.

    Thanks for the invite and good luck to everyone!
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,458 Member
    Welcome aboard, @FitBee9 ! Glad to have you here with us!

    Let me know if there's any questions or concerns you may have - I am here to help.
  • EDTake2
    EDTake2 Posts: 165 Member

    Weigh In Day: Mondays
    PW (Previous Weight): 190.4lbs
    CW (Current Weight): 188.1lbs
  • 2BFitgranny
    2BFitgranny Posts: 61 Member
    Username: 2bfitgranny
    Weigh-In Day: Monday (July 31)
    PW: 212.1
    CW: 210.1
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,607 Member
    Welcome to all the new and returning members 👋😀

    I'm from Glasgow, Scotland, but now live in Prague, Czech Republic. I teach English and, although shelved at the moment, also do art, design and craftwork (graphic, stained glass, jewellery, illustration).

    I'm getting myself into a better frame of mind and body shape after the lockdowns and the overindulgence that ensued. No more excuses, no more laziness, no more weakness! I told myself I wouldn't become this version of me but, here I am, overweight, still using excuses and still not making the necessary changes. July was better, I recorded everything I consumed, I stayed in caloric deficit most days and I increased my activity levels. I intend to improve all of that and get stronger in August.
  • GarysGirl78
    GarysGirl78 Posts: 107 Member
    Thank you @minstrelofsarcasm <3 That's an unexpected and very nice surprise to start August with, especially in this stressful time at work :#

    Again welcome new and returning members, hope August will be as good as July :) Allow me to (re)introduce myself first:

    I’m 44 years old, ~ 5'6" (1.67m), work full time, in a LDR so living alone with my dog in the Netherlands. I used to be a competitive (not pro) mountain biker until my mid to late 30s. Over the last 2-3 years I gained about 15 kg (~33 lbs), which is why I joined MFP late February and started tracking my food and first joined this awesome team in May.

    I've since then lost those 15kg but would like to go all the way back to my ideal weight of 58.5-59 kg. I aimed slightly lower, as in my athlete days I'd go all the way down to 54-55 kg.

    In addition to aiming to live a healthier life, be more active and eat healthy I also have a 1/4 marathon (run) planned on 8-Oct-2023, so it would be great to lose that last bit over the summer and get into shape for that race B)

    @podperson1 Here you go... His favourite thing to do when I'm working from home (or working later in the evening when I've been in the office o:) )... Dropping a toy next to me and "patiently" staring at me clearly not expecting me to play with him lol
  • GarysGirl78
    GarysGirl78 Posts: 107 Member

    Weigh-in day: Monday (Late post, I did actually weigh in yesterday)
    SW/HW: 78.83 kg / 173.8 lbs
    PW: 60.1 kg / 132.5 lbs
    CW: 60.3 / 132.9 lbs

    Apologies for the late post! Been a crazy day yesterday...

    Not a great start of the month, but not surprised with the slight gain either considering the stress that I'm under and the (bad) food choices I made (not an excuse but lack of time definitely didn't help). Also haven't been able to do my runs due to a hamstring strain and definitely didn't have the time to get any bike rides in. So yeah.. Not a good week.

    With all the running around at work I did manage to get my steps in...

    Sunday - 10780
    Monday - 10381
    Tuesday - 10061
    Wednesday - 10935
    Thursday - 9757
    Friday - 10691
    Saturday - 11931

    Total steps - 74536
    Daily step goal - 9000
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