Family related anxiety and food binges

CAMOLOVELADY Posts: 34 Member
Hi everyone, I chose this group because it seemed like one of the best places for me to go. I have serious anxiety issues. Most of the issues stem from when I was a little girl. My father left when I was about 5 years old. At the time he was getting my brother and I about every other weekend or so. In my opinion he should have been put in jail for what he did to me at that age but they said there wasn't enough evidence. So he got off scott free. AFter that the visits became few and far between and then they just all of a sudden stopped. I am now 37 and have not seen my father in like 32 years. This is where a lot of my anxiety comes from. At one point it was so bad that I couldn't go into a store without flipping out. That has since calmed down and I can now spend more than 5 minutes in a store. However, anytime my anxiety does kick in I have been noticing that is when I want to eat alot. I have been trying really hard not to do that but it almost seems impossible. I am looking for a great support group and someone who is willing to walk this new journey with me.


  • NYLineDancer7944
    NYLineDancer7944 Posts: 12 Member
    Wow! I wish my daughter (18) had a relationship like this with my ex-husband of 16 years. He’s a narcissist and toxic to her mental health (she has anxiety as well) as well as mine. I have cut him off as much as humanly possible which since she’s turned 18 is turning out to be near impossible with her, “I’ll do and say what I want and you can’t stop me” attitude. She’s sneaky and has left the house (in the daytime only) several times without telling me where she’s going and has a real attitude towards everyone in her life including her (awesome as heck) grandparents who are getting sick of her attitude - can’t say I blame them. It’s awful for me to even think, but I can’t wait until she moves out and she’d best take her annoying cat with her if the cat’s still around. Our cat is 17. *Hugs*. Anxiety sucks!