Sunday Cup of Joe - 8/13/23

lowbar31 Posts: 6,555 Member
Pour yourself a mug of your favorite morning brew. Pull up a chair and join us for our morning roll call here on the BBB.

Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,671 Member
    Mornin' BBB.

    "Moonstar" . Yup, either parents were hippies, or fans of Frank Zappa, or both.
    Luv me sum TWC radar.
    So Steph, your appreciation of other people's pets would qualify you for a career in the veterinary field. I hear that most practices are hiring. Actually the best part of my job is getting to make friends with lots of cats and dogs on wellness check ups. Especially the puppies and kittens.
    LONG drive to Middlebury VT and back for dog training, but it was really worth it to see old friends and meet long time trialer/judge new to me. Drove 4 hrs, trained for 4 hrs, then drove home 4 hrs. Girls had fun too.
    Got to see a dog that I did emergency surgery on a while back. Had to remove his spleen and repair his bladder from an acute blunt force trauma incident involving a boat and a dock. He is doing great and will be a formidable opponent at trials.
    Did you find DS some snow to ski, Dave?

    BBB OP ;-)
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,632 Member
    Good Morning,
    Heading out to get churched in a few minutes.
    Continues HOT and HUMID, heat index expected to be over 115 this afternoon.
  • DocSkippy
    DocSkippy Posts: 6,998 Member
    Long drive back home this morning.

    Doc - sounds like a great productive day! We need some recent pics of the gals!!!

    Hoping for a relaxing afternoon poolside.

  • louisstone
    louisstone Posts: 2,546 Member
    Good morning.

    Sunday afternoon at the HOA pool with all the kids running around, Skip? Pass. The water in our pool is so hot you're essentially just cooking yourself. I haven't used the pool all Summer.

    Talked to Cecilia yesterday. So far, her mom is handling this round of chemo better than the first. Next Friday will be another "long day" treatment. Cecilia had no last-minute Costco requests, so I think I'm good to start packing today. Just measuring out enough contact lens fluid will be a test of endurance.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,923 Member
    Good morning BBB friends.

    Had a great time hiking with DS, yesterday. We climbed up through beautiful meadows, then boulder fields and finally reached a beautiful bluegreen tarn. I waited there, while David climbed up another 1,000 feet to ski a couple remaining snow fields. Mission accomplished. I was really slow on the climb - both up and down - but he was very patient. Great to spend time with him.

  • lowbar31
    lowbar31 Posts: 6,555 Member
    Good afternoon BBB Friends.
    • I've been churched and schooled, even ran the tv cameras.
    • So Dave, did your DS carry skis with him the entire hike? That's dedication if he did.
    • As Sam said, it is going to be hot here today.
    • When do you leave Lou and how long will you be gone?
    • I had to look up Northern Neck, VA. The Chesapeake Bay is a special place.
    • Lee, I imagine seeing a dog that you saved his life competing is very rewarding.
    • Coming in from church this morning I saw an area on the front door that Emma wore the paint off impatient for me to the door and let her in. I miss her.
  • steplinn398
    steplinn398 Posts: 2,890 Member
    This is Cooper. For being less than a year old he was a very good pup. However glad we are only there one night.

    I'm in Sioux Falls waiting for my aunt and grand m a to pick me up. The high temp here is less than the lows we have been getting in Arizona. Glad I'm wearing pants and brought a jacket. ,ostly because I usually freeze on airplanes.

    So happy to see grandma. She is 89 and while in pretty good shape has cancer she isn't treating. This will likely be our last in person hug since we don't plan to be back in the US until 2025, after the election year. Ron dispises BS and regardless of which side you are on that is the state of US politics.

    So glad you can still hike with DS.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 6,923 Member
    Dennis, here is my DS on the way up the trail.
  • mcee1
    mcee1 Posts: 3,585 Member
    Good night BBB